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Z?�E���E�-�B֏���4¾�� Z?�E���E�-�B֏���5�_�x6������H鰰ϯ+Eb?�/C�[DT��*�xQEH�n[��� endstream endobj 7 0 obj <>stream 0 J q 538.5 0 0 61.5 28.35 14.2 cm /img0 Do Q 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 94.5 w 22.95 766.4 m 561.53 766.4 l S 0.001 w q 170.25 0 0 54.75 28.35 750.9 cm /img1 Do Q /F1 28 Tf 0 0 0 rg BT 1 0 0 1 147.05 643.14 Tm (.H\\LQVSHFWLRQUHSRUW)Tj ET 20.58 w 27.33 599.07 m 557.15 599.07 l S 0.001 w /F2 24 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35 551.37 Tm (Care homes for older people)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F1 6 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 540.33 Tm ()Tj ET /F1 6 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 533.09 Tm ()Tj ET 0.95294 0.95294 0.95294 RG 20.58 w 31.2 519.31 m 160.38 519.31 l S 0.001 w 1 1 1 RG 20.58 w 162.63 519.31 m 563.65 519.31 l S 0.001 w 0.95294 0.95294 0.95294 RG 73.32 w 31.2 470.11 m 160.38 470.11 l S 0.001 w 1 1 1 RG 73.32 w 162.63 470.11 m 563.65 470.11 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d 2.25 w 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 28.99 507.9 m 565.85 507.9 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 530.73 m 565.85 530.73 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 507.9 m 565.85 507.9 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 432.33 m 565.85 432.33 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 30.07 531.8 m 30.07 431.25 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 161.5 531.8 m 161.5 431.25 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 564.78 531.8 m 564.78 431.25 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d /F2 12 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 34.05 514.54 Tm (Name:)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 165.48 514.54 Tm (Stanshawes)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 34.05 491.71 Tm (Address:)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 165.48 491.71 Tm (11 Stanshawes Drive)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 165.48 474.13 Tm (Yate)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 165.48 456.55 Tm (South Glos)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 165.48 438.97 Tm (BS37 4ET)Tj ET /F3 10 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 420.07 Tm ()Tj ET /F3 10 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 403.07 Tm ()Tj ET 0.95294 0.95294 0.95294 RG 20.58 w 31.2 383.54 m 358.95 383.54 l S 0.001 w 1 1 1 RG 20.58 w 361.2 383.54 m 565.9 383.54 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d 2.25 w 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 28.99 394.95 m 568.1 394.95 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 372.12 m 568.1 372.12 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 30.07 396.03 m 30.07 371.05 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 360.07 396.03 m 360.07 371.05 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 567.02 396.03 m 567.02 371.05 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d /F2 12 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 34.05 378.77 Tm (The quality rating for this )Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 12 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 191.92 378.77 Tm (care home)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 12 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 255.59 378.77 Tm ( is:)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 400.14 378.77 Tm (two star good service)Tj ET /F3 10 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 359.87 Tm ()Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 340.81 Tm (A quality rating is our assessment of how well a care home)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 389.13 340.81 Tm (is meeting the needs of the )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 323.81 Tm (people who use it.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 138.93 323.81 Tm (� )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 147.37 323.81 Tm (We give a quality rating following a full review of the service.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 517.67 323.81 Tm (� )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 526.12 323.81 Tm (We )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 306.81 Tm (call this full review a �key� inspection.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 289.81 Tm (�)Tj ET 0.95294 0.95294 0.95294 RG 20.58 w 31.2 272.33 m 315.25 272.33 l S 0.001 w 20.58 w 317.5 272.33 m 565.9 272.33 l S 0.001 w 1 1 1 RG 20.58 w 317.5 249.5 m 346.55 249.5 l S 0.001 w 20.58 w 348.8 249.5 m 377.9 249.5 l S 0.001 w 20.58 w 380.15 249.5 m 409.2 249.5 l S 0.001 w 20.58 w 411.45 249.5 m 440.55 249.5 l S 0.001 w 20.58 w 442.8 249.5 m 471.9 249.5 l S 0.001 w 20.58 w 474.15 249.5 m 503.2 249.5 l S 0.001 w 20.58 w 505.45 249.5 m 534.55 249.5 l S 0.001 w 20.58 w 536.8 249.5 m 565.9 249.5 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d 2.25 w 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 28.99 260.92 m 568.1 260.92 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 283.75 m 568.1 283.75 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 260.92 m 568.1 260.92 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 238.09 m 568.1 238.09 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 30.07 284.82 m 30.07 237.01 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 316.37 284.82 m 316.37 237.01 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 347.67 261.99 m 347.67 237.01 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 379.02 261.99 m 379.02 237.01 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 410.32 261.99 m 410.32 237.01 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 441.67 261.99 m 441.67 237.01 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 473.02 261.99 m 473.02 237.01 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 504.32 261.99 m 504.32 237.01 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 535.67 261.99 m 535.67 237.01 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 567.02 284.82 m 567.02 237.01 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d /F2 12 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 34.05 267.56 Tm (Lead inspector:)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 12 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 320.35 267.56 Tm (Date:)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 244.73 Tm (Grace Agu)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 329.63 244.73 Tm (2)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 360.95 244.73 Tm (5)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 392.28 244.73 Tm (0)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 423.61 244.73 Tm (6)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 454.95 244.73 Tm (2)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 486.28 244.73 Tm (0)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 517.6 244.73 Tm (0)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 548.96 244.73 Tm (9)Tj ET /F3 10 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 225.83 Tm ()Tj ET /F3 10 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 208.83 Tm ()Tj ET /F1 10 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 297.64 191.83 Tm ()Tj ET /F1 10 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 297.64 179.76 Tm ()Tj ET /F1 10 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 297.64 167.7 Tm ()Tj ET endstream endobj 6 0 obj<>/ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI]/XObject<>>>/MediaBox[0 0 595 842]>> endobj 10 0 obj <>stream 0 J 0.8 0.8 0.8 RG 20.58 w 28.35 35.56 m 566.93 35.56 l S 0.001 w /F2 12 Tf 0 0 0 rg BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 30.79 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj ET 0.8 0.8 0.8 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 11 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 485.42 30.79 Tm (Page)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 515.95 30.79 Tm (2)Tj ET 0.8 0.8 0.8 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 11 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 523.58 30.79 Tm ( of )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 541.88 30.79 Tm (31)Tj ET 0.8 0.8 0.8 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F1 10 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 297.64 803.65 Tm ()Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 787.03 Tm (This is a review of quality of outcomes that people experience in this )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 448.39 787.03 Tm (care home. We )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 769.53 Tm (believe high quality care should)Tj ET /F4 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 85.05 749.53 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 100.35 749.53 Tm (Be safe)Tj ET /F4 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 85.05 733.53 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 100.35 733.53 Tm (Have the right outcomes, including clinical outcomes)Tj ET /F4 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 85.05 717.53 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 100.35 717.53 Tm (Be a good experience for the people that use it)Tj ET /F4 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 85.05 701.53 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 100.35 701.53 Tm (Help prevent illness, and promote healthy, independent living)Tj ET /F4 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 85.05 685.53 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 100.35 685.53 Tm (Be available to those who need it when they need it.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 651.03 Tm (The first part of the review gives the overall quality rating for the )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 427.6 651.03 Tm (care home:)Tj ET /F4 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 85.05 631.04 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 100.35 631.04 Tm (3 stars - excellent)Tj ET /F4 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 85.05 615.04 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 100.35 615.04 Tm (2 stars - good)Tj ET /F4 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 85.05 599.04 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 100.35 599.04 Tm (1 star - adequate)Tj ET /F4 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 85.05 583.04 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 100.35 583.04 Tm (0 star - poor)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 551.04 Tm (There is also a bar chart that gives a quick way of seeing the quality of care that the )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 534.04 Tm (home provides under key areas that matter to people.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 500.04 Tm (There is a summary of what we think this service does well, what they have improved )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 483.04 Tm (on and, where it applies, what they need to do better.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 364.74 483.04 Tm (We use the national minimum )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 466.04 Tm (standards to describe the outcomes that people should experience.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 443.2 466.04 Tm (National minimum )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 449.04 Tm (standards are written by the Department of Health for each type of care service.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 409.54 Tm (After the summary there is more detail about our findings. The following table explains )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 392.05 Tm (what you will see under each outcome area.)Tj ET [] 0 d 0.5 w 0 0 0 RG 22.69 383.86 m 572.15 383.86 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 0.5 w 22.69 50.22 m 572.15 50.22 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 0.5 w 22.7 383.86 m 22.7 50.22 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 0.5 w 572.15 383.86 m 572.15 50.22 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d /F2 10 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 370.56 Tm (Outcome area \(for example )Tj ET 0 0 0 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 10 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 173.59 370.56 Tm (Choice of home\))Tj ET 0 0 0 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 10 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 340.26 Tm (These are the outcomes that people )Tj ET 0 0 0 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 10 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 216.34 340.26 Tm (staying in care homes should experience.)Tj ET 0 0 0 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 10 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 435.79 340.26 Tm (They reflect the things )Tj ET 0 0 0 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 10 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 328.11 Tm (that people have said are important to them:)Tj ET 0 0 0 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr 1 0.9451 0.76078 RG 82.23 w 30.6 263.37 m 562.45 263.37 l S 0.001 w 0.95294 0.95294 0.95294 RG 39.99 w 29.47 285.61 m 563.57 285.61 l S 0.001 w 1 1 1 RG 39.99 w 29.47 243.37 m 563.57 243.37 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d 2.25 w 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 27.27 264.49 m 565.77 264.49 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 27.27 306.73 m 565.77 306.73 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 27.27 264.49 m 565.77 264.49 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 27.27 222.25 m 565.77 222.25 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.35 307.81 m 28.35 221.17 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 564.7 307.81 m 564.7 221.17 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.87 291.05 Tm (This box tells you the outcomes that we will always inspect against when we do a key )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.87 273.55 Tm (inspection)Tj ET /F2 10 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 95.78 273.55 Tm (.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.87 248.81 Tm (This box tells you any additional outcomes that we may inspect against when we do a )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.87 231.31 Tm (key inspection.)Tj ET /F2 10 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 191.8 Tm (This is what people )Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 10 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 131.32 191.8 Tm (staying in this care home experience:)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 154.64 Tm (Judgement:)Tj ET 1 0.9451 0.76078 RG 39.99 w 30.6 123.34 m 562.45 123.34 l S 0.001 w 1 1 1 RG 39.99 w 29.47 124.46 m 563.57 124.46 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d 2.25 w 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 27.27 145.58 m 565.77 145.58 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 27.27 103.34 m 565.77 103.34 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.35 146.66 m 28.35 102.26 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 564.7 146.66 m 564.7 102.26 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.87 129.9 Tm (This box tells you our opinion of what we have looked at in this outcome area.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 517.79 129.9 Tm (We )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.87 112.4 Tm (will say whether it is excellent, good, adequate or poor.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 86.53 Tm (Evidence:)Tj ET 1 0.9451 0.76078 RG 22.5 w 30.6 63.97 m 562.45 63.97 l S 0.001 w 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 29.47 65.1 m 563.57 65.1 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d 2.25 w 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 27.27 77.47 m 565.77 77.47 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 27.27 52.72 m 565.77 52.72 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.35 78.55 m 28.35 51.65 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 564.7 78.55 m 564.7 51.65 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.87 61.78 Tm (This box describes the information we used to come to our judgement.)Tj ET endstream endobj 11 0 obj<>/ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI]>>/MediaBox[0 0 595 842]>> endobj 12 0 obj<>>> endobj 13 0 obj <>stream 0 J 0.8 0.8 0.8 RG 20.58 w 28.35 35.56 m 566.93 35.56 l S 0.001 w /F2 12 Tf 0 0 0 rg BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 30.79 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj ET 0.8 0.8 0.8 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 11 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 485.42 30.79 Tm (Page)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 515.95 30.79 Tm (3)Tj ET 0.8 0.8 0.8 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 11 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 523.58 30.79 Tm ( of )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 541.88 30.79 Tm (31)Tj ET 0.8 0.8 0.8 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 779.1 Tm (We review the quality of the service against outcomes from the National Minimum )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 762.1 Tm (Standards \(NMS\).)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 144.87 762.1 Tm (Those standards are written by the Department of Health for each )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 745.1 Tm (type of care service.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 705.6 Tm (Copies of the)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 111.71 705.6 Tm (National Minimum Standards )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 290.49 705.6 Tm (� )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 302.34 705.6 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 477.18 705.6 Tm ( can be found )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 688.11 Tm (at www.dh.gov.uk or bought from The Stationery Office \(TSO\) PO Box 29, St Crispins, )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 670.61 Tm (Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1GN. Tel: 0870 600 5522. Online ordering from the )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 653.11 Tm (Stationery Office is also available: )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf 0 0 1 rg BT 1 0 0 1 238.73 653.11 Tm (www.tso.co.uk/bookshop)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf 0 0 0 rg BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 613.12 Tm (The mission of the Care Quality Commission is to make care better for people by:)Tj ET /F4 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 85.05 596.12 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 100.35 596.12 Tm (Regulating health and adult social care services to ensure quality and safety )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 99.25 580.12 Tm (standards, drive improvement and stamp out bad practice)Tj ET /F4 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 85.05 564.12 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 100.35 564.12 Tm (Protecting the rights of people who use services, particularly the most )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 99.25 548.12 Tm (vulnerable and those detained under the Mental Health Act 1983)Tj ET /F4 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 85.05 532.12 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 100.35 532.12 Tm (Providing accessible, trustworthy information on the quality of care and )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 99.25 516.12 Tm (services so people can make better decisions about their care and so that )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 99.25 500.12 Tm (commissioners and providers of services can improve services.)Tj ET /F4 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 85.05 484.12 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 100.35 484.12 Tm (Providing independent public accountability on how commissioners and )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 99.25 468.12 Tm (providers of services are improving the quality of care and providing value )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 99.25 452.12 Tm (for money.)Tj ET /F1 14 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 390.28 Tm (5HDGHU,QIRUPDWLRQ)Tj ET 0.95294 0.95294 0.95294 RG 20.58 w 28.35 368.85 m 224.05 368.85 l S 0.001 w 1 1 1 RG 20.58 w 226.3 368.85 m 567 368.85 l S 0.001 w 0.95294 0.95294 0.95294 RG 20.58 w 28.35 346.02 m 224.05 346.02 l S 0.001 w 1 1 1 RG 20.58 w 226.3 346.02 m 567 346.02 l S 0.001 w 0.95294 0.95294 0.95294 RG 20.58 w 28.35 323.19 m 224.05 323.19 l S 0.001 w 1 1 1 RG 20.58 w 226.3 323.19 m 567 323.19 l S 0.001 w 0.95294 0.95294 0.95294 RG 20.58 w 28.35 300.36 m 224.05 300.36 l S 0.001 w 1 1 1 RG 20.58 w 226.3 300.36 m 567 300.36 l S 0.001 w 0.95294 0.95294 0.95294 RG 137.22 w 28.35 219.21 m 224.05 219.21 l S 0.001 w 1 1 1 RG 137.22 w 226.3 219.21 m 567 219.21 l S 0.001 w 0.95294 0.95294 0.95294 RG 38.16 w 28.35 129.27 m 224.05 129.27 l S 0.001 w 1 1 1 RG 38.16 w 226.3 129.27 m 567 129.27 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d 2.25 w 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 26.14 357.43 m 569.2 357.43 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 26.14 334.6 m 569.2 334.6 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 26.14 311.77 m 569.2 311.77 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 26.14 288.94 m 569.2 288.94 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 26.14 149.47 m 569.2 149.47 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 26.14 380.26 m 569.2 380.26 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 26.14 357.43 m 569.2 357.43 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 26.14 334.6 m 569.2 334.6 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 26.14 311.77 m 569.2 311.77 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 26.14 288.94 m 569.2 288.94 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 26.14 149.47 m 569.2 149.47 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 26.14 109.06 m 569.2 109.06 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 27.22 381.34 m 27.22 107.99 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 225.17 381.34 m 225.17 107.99 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 568.12 381.34 m 568.12 107.99 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 31.2 364.08 Tm (Document Purpose)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 229.15 364.08 Tm (Inspection report)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 31.2 341.25 Tm (Author)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 229.15 341.25 Tm (Care Quality Commission)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 31.2 318.42 Tm (Audience)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 229.15 318.42 Tm (General public)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 31.2 295.59 Tm (Further copies from)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 229.15 295.59 Tm (0870 240 7535 \(telephone order line\))Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 31.2 272.76 Tm (Copyright)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 229.15 272.76 Tm (Copyright � \(2009\) Care Quality Commission \(CQC\). )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 229.15 258.18 Tm (This publication may be reproduced in whole or in part, )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 229.15 243.6 Tm (free of charge, in any format or medium provided that )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 229.15 229.02 Tm (it is not used for commercial gain. This consent is )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 229.15 214.44 Tm (subject to the material being reproduced accurately )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 229.15 199.86 Tm (and on proviso that it is not used in a derogatory )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 229.15 185.28 Tm (manner or misleading context. The material should be )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 229.15 170.7 Tm (acknowledged as CQC copyright, with the title and date )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 229.15 156.12 Tm (of publication of the document specified.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 31.2 133.29 Tm (Internet address)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf 1 0 0 rg BT 1 0 0 1 229.15 133.29 Tm (www.cqc.org.uk)Tj ET endstream endobj 14 0 obj<>/ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI]>>/MediaBox[0 0 595 842]>> endobj 15 0 obj <>stream 0 J 0.8 0.8 0.8 RG 20.58 w 28.35 35.56 m 566.93 35.56 l S 0.001 w /F2 12 Tf 0 0 0 rg BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 30.79 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj ET 0.8 0.8 0.8 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 11 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 485.42 30.79 Tm (Page)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 515.95 30.79 Tm (4)Tj ET 0.8 0.8 0.8 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 11 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 523.58 30.79 Tm ( of )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 541.88 30.79 Tm (31)Tj ET 0.8 0.8 0.8 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F1 14 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 795.65 Tm (,QIRUPDWLRQDERXWWKHFDUHKRPH)Tj ET 0.95294 0.95294 0.95294 RG 20.58 w 31.2 774.22 m 267.95 774.22 l S 0.001 w 1 1 1 RG 20.58 w 270.2 774.22 m 565.65 774.22 l S 0.001 w 0.95294 0.95294 0.95294 RG 73.32 w 31.2 725.02 m 267.95 725.02 l S 0.001 w 1 1 1 RG 73.32 w 270.2 725.02 m 565.65 725.02 l S 0.001 w 0.95294 0.95294 0.95294 RG 20.58 w 31.2 675.82 m 267.95 675.82 l S 0.001 w 1 1 1 RG 20.58 w 270.2 675.82 m 565.65 675.82 l S 0.001 w 0.95294 0.95294 0.95294 RG 20.58 w 31.2 652.99 m 267.95 652.99 l S 0.001 w 1 1 1 RG 20.58 w 270.2 652.99 m 565.65 652.99 l S 0.001 w 0.95294 0.95294 0.95294 RG 20.58 w 31.2 630.16 m 267.95 630.16 l S 0.001 w 1 1 1 RG 20.58 w 270.2 630.16 m 565.65 630.16 l S 0.001 w 0.95294 0.95294 0.95294 RG 20.58 w 31.2 607.33 m 267.95 607.33 l S 0.001 w 1 1 1 RG 20.58 w 270.2 607.33 m 565.65 607.33 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d 2.25 w 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 28.99 762.8 m 567.85 762.8 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 687.23 m 567.85 687.23 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 664.4 m 567.85 664.4 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 641.57 m 567.85 641.57 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 618.74 m 567.85 618.74 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 785.63 m 567.85 785.63 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 762.8 m 567.85 762.8 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 687.23 m 567.85 687.23 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 664.4 m 567.85 664.4 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 641.57 m 567.85 641.57 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 618.74 m 567.85 618.74 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 595.91 m 567.85 595.91 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 30.07 786.71 m 30.07 594.84 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 269.07 786.71 m 269.07 594.84 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 566.77 786.71 m 566.77 594.84 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 769.45 Tm (Name of care home:)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 273.05 769.45 Tm (Stanshawes)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 746.62 Tm (Address:)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 273.05 746.62 Tm (11 Stanshawes Drive)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 273.05 729.04 Tm (Yate)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 273.05 711.46 Tm (South Glos)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 273.05 693.88 Tm (BS37 4ET)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 671.05 Tm (Telephone number:)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 273.05 671.05 Tm (01454850005)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 648.22 Tm (Fax number:)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 273.05 648.22 Tm (01454850006)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 625.39 Tm (Email address:)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 273.05 625.39 Tm (stanshawes@fshc.co.uk)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 602.56 Tm (Provider web address:)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 273.05 602.56 Tm (www.fshc.co.uk)Tj ET /F2 10 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 583.61 Tm (�)Tj ET 0.95294 0.95294 0.95294 RG 95.4 w 32.32 525.59 m 564.77 525.59 l S 0.001 w 1 1 1 RG 49.74 w 355.5 549.54 m 565.9 549.54 l S 0.001 w 0.95294 0.95294 0.95294 RG 20.58 w 31.2 512.13 m 353.25 512.13 l S 0.001 w 1 1 1 RG 20.58 w 355.5 512.13 m 565.9 512.13 l S 0.001 w 0.95294 0.95294 0.95294 RG 20.58 w 31.2 489.3 m 353.25 489.3 l S 0.001 w 1 1 1 RG 20.58 w 355.5 489.3 m 565.9 489.3 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d 2.25 w 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 28.99 523.55 m 568.1 523.55 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 500.72 m 568.1 500.72 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 575.54 m 568.1 575.54 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 523.55 m 568.1 523.55 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 500.72 m 568.1 500.72 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 477.89 m 568.1 477.89 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 30.07 576.61 m 30.07 476.81 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 354.37 576.61 m 354.37 476.81 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 567.02 576.61 m 567.02 476.81 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 559.35 Tm (Name of registered provider\(s\):)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 355.5 559.35 Tm (Laudcare Ltd \(a wholly owned )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 355.5 544.77 Tm (subsidiary of Four Seasons Health )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 355.5 530.19 Tm (Care Ltd\))Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 507.36 Tm (Type of registration:)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 358.35 507.36 Tm (care home)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 484.53 Tm (Number of places registered:)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 358.35 484.53 Tm (48)Tj ET /F2 10 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 465.59 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 10 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 448.59 Tm (�)Tj ET 0.95294 0.95294 0.95294 RG 63.99 w 32.32 406.27 m 564.47 406.27 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d 2.25 w 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 28.99 417.68 m 567.8 417.68 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 440.51 m 567.8 440.51 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 417.68 m 567.8 417.68 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 374.27 m 567.8 374.27 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 30.07 441.59 m 30.07 373.2 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 298.32 418.76 m 298.32 373.2 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 566.72 441.59 m 566.72 373.2 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 424.33 Tm (Conditions of registration:)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 401.5 Tm (Category\(ies\) :)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 302.3 401.5 Tm (Number of places \(if applicable\):)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 302.3 380.92 Tm (Under 65)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 435.37 380.92 Tm (Over 65)Tj ET 1 1 1 RG 35.16 w 31.2 352.19 m 297.3 352.19 l S 0.001 w 35.16 w 299.55 352.19 m 431.45 352.19 l S 0.001 w 35.16 w 433.7 352.19 m 565.6 352.19 l S 0.001 w 0.95294 0.95294 0.95294 RG 20.58 w 31.2 322.07 m 565.6 322.07 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d 2.25 w 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 28.99 333.49 m 567.8 333.49 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 310.66 m 567.8 310.66 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 287.83 m 568.1 287.83 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 250.42 m 568.1 250.42 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 370.9 m 567.8 370.9 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 333.49 m 567.8 333.49 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 310.66 m 568.1 310.66 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 287.83 m 568.1 287.83 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 250.42 m 568.1 250.42 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 227.59 m 568.1 227.59 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 30.07 371.97 m 30.07 226.51 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 298.42 371.97 m 298.42 332.41 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 432.57 371.97 m 432.57 332.41 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 566.72 371.97 m 566.72 226.51 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 354.71 Tm (old age, not falling within any other )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 340.13 Tm (category)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 302.4 354.71 Tm (0)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 436.55 354.71 Tm (48)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 317.3 Tm (Additional conditions: )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 294.47 Tm (Manager must be a RN on parts 1 or 12 of the NMC register)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 271.64 Tm (May accommodate up to 48 persons aged 50 years and over who are receiving nursing )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 257.06 Tm (care.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 234.23 Tm (Staffing Notice dated 04/06/1999 applies)Tj ET 0.95294 0.95294 0.95294 RG 20.58 w 31.2 212.8 m 315.25 212.8 l S 0.001 w 1 1 1 RG 20.58 w 317.5 212.8 m 346.55 212.8 l S 0.001 w 20.58 w 348.8 212.8 m 377.9 212.8 l S 0.001 w 20.58 w 380.15 212.8 m 409.2 212.8 l S 0.001 w 20.58 w 411.45 212.8 m 440.55 212.8 l S 0.001 w 20.58 w 442.8 212.8 m 471.9 212.8 l S 0.001 w 20.58 w 474.15 212.8 m 503.2 212.8 l S 0.001 w 20.58 w 505.45 212.8 m 534.55 212.8 l S 0.001 w 20.58 w 536.8 212.8 m 565.9 212.8 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d 2.25 w 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 28.99 224.21 m 568.1 224.21 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 201.38 m 568.1 201.38 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 30.07 225.29 m 30.07 200.3 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 316.37 225.29 m 316.37 200.3 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 347.67 225.29 m 347.67 200.3 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 379.02 225.29 m 379.02 200.3 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 410.32 225.29 m 410.32 200.3 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 441.67 225.29 m 441.67 200.3 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 473.02 225.29 m 473.02 200.3 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 504.32 225.29 m 504.32 200.3 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 535.67 225.29 m 535.67 200.3 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 567.02 225.29 m 567.02 200.3 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 208.03 Tm (Date of last inspection)Tj ET 0.95294 0.95294 0.95294 RG 17 w 31.2 189.51 m 565.9 189.51 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d 2.25 w 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 28.99 179.88 m 568.1 179.88 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 30.07 180.96 m 30.07 39.15 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 567.02 180.96 m 567.02 39.15 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 199.13 m 568.1 199.13 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 179.88 m 568.1 179.88 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 40.22 m 568.1 40.22 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 30.07 200.21 m 30.07 178.8 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 567.02 200.21 m 567.02 178.8 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.5 185.95 Tm (Brief description of the )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 177.31 185.95 Tm (care home)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.5 166.7 Tm (Stanshawes is a Company owned Home, situated on the outskirts of Yate, in a )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.5 149.7 Tm (residential location close to local shops, amenities and social venues. It is a purpose )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.5 132.7 Tm (built Home designed to accommodate a maximum of forty-eight residents requiring )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.5 115.7 Tm (nursing care over the age of 50 years. The Home provides accommodation over two )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.5 98.7 Tm (floors. There are 36 single and 6 double bedrooms. Whilst none of the rooms have )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.5 81.7 Tm (separate en-suite facilities, all rooms have a wash hand basin. There is a lounge and )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.5 64.7 Tm (dining room on each floor. All areas of the Home are accessible via a lift. The Home is )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.5 47.7 Tm (set in its own grounds. Car parking is available for several cars. Visitors are welcome )Tj ET endstream endobj 16 0 obj<>/ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI]>>/MediaBox[0 0 595 842]>> endobj 17 0 obj <>stream 0 J 0.8 0.8 0.8 RG 20.58 w 28.35 35.56 m 566.93 35.56 l S 0.001 w /F2 12 Tf 0 0 0 rg BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 30.79 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj ET 0.8 0.8 0.8 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 11 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 485.42 30.79 Tm (Page)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 515.95 30.79 Tm (5)Tj ET 0.8 0.8 0.8 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 11 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 523.58 30.79 Tm ( of )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 541.88 30.79 Tm (31)Tj ET 0.8 0.8 0.8 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr 0.95294 0.95294 0.95294 RG 17 w 31.2 804.03 m 565.9 804.03 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d 2.25 w 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 28.99 794.4 m 568.1 794.4 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 30.07 795.48 m 30.07 757.08 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 567.02 795.48 m 567.02 757.08 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 813.65 m 568.1 813.65 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 794.4 m 568.1 794.4 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 758.15 m 568.1 758.15 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 30.07 814.73 m 30.07 793.33 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 567.02 814.73 m 567.02 793.33 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.5 800.47 Tm (Brief description of the )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 177.31 800.47 Tm (care home)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 33.25 783.47 Tm (to the Home at any time. In house activities and entertainments are provided. Fees )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 33.25 766.47 Tm (range between GBP534 - GBP604.)Tj ET endstream endobj 18 0 obj<>/ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI]>>/MediaBox[0 0 595 842]>> endobj 19 0 obj <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI]>>/Length 531/Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0]>>stream x���Mo�0���>�e���G�J%NrC�n��RV���g��J�X*�"�;k��י��~�&�l�#�j�WF��C���� ����+�e2!�c2� Xf��t=|愒%�4����j2��R�)n��!U�����պ�E+I<�Z׃s{������e�fBkvkjO/��l|%Y���4 ��P4s�iEj"��aw���&�W�Hc�b��+��K0�3�w����l�3�HƓ� MP����vP���A�T�A�T�G��)7���^�M�l�y��YyF�ۧe��]+ EʮV��2#lH6t��]첋=�I�l�g��wt5�K�f�jB��k���;jMֺf/�+�zq��Yi�ӹH�6t9vk��b�qx󞾸#]4нs1��ax�s:M�ۻ����x?\������psQ�l�ʹ�/6=� ٥:�m\Xcg������0[��8�|[p�� ��Y��O�~ߜ����Y�]p�B��L��;����p�/����m�oN[j�]��3�sh�Wn�y�~�v�Yڄ� endstream endobj 20 0 obj<> endobj 21 0 obj <>stream 0 J 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 20.58 w 28.35 35.56 m 566.93 35.56 l S 0.001 w /F2 12 Tf 0 0 0 rg BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 30.79 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 11 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 477.68 31.8 Tm (Page)Tj ET /F2 11 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 508.21 31.8 Tm (6)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 11 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 515.2 31.8 Tm ( of )Tj ET /F2 11 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 533.49 31.8 Tm (31)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F1 14 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 795.65 Tm (6XPPDU\\)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 774.7 Tm (This is an overview of what we found during the inspection.)Tj ET 0.95294 0.95294 0.95294 RG 20.58 w 31.2 754.22 m 381.05 754.22 l S 0.001 w 1 1 1 RG 20.58 w 383.3 754.22 m 566.2 754.22 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d 2.25 w 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 28.99 765.64 m 568.4 765.64 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 742.81 m 568.4 742.81 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 30.07 766.71 m 30.07 741.73 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 382.17 766.71 m 382.17 741.73 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 567.32 766.71 m 567.32 741.73 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 749.45 Tm (The quality rating for this )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 191.92 749.45 Tm (care home)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 255.59 749.45 Tm ( is:)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 411.34 749.45 Tm (two star good service)Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 717.31 Tm (2XUMXGJHPHQWIRUHDFKRXWFRPH)Tj ET /F2 10 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 212.29 641.27 Tm (Choice of home)Tj ET /F2 10 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 164.41 601.02 Tm (Health and personal care)Tj ET /F2 10 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 145.18 560.77 Tm (Daily life and social activities)Tj ET /F2 10 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 157.95 520.52 Tm (Complaints and protection)Tj ET /F2 10 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 226.36 480.27 Tm (Environment)Tj ET /F2 10 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 251.17 440.02 Tm (Staffing)Tj ET /F2 10 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 127.47 399.77 Tm (Management and administration)Tj ET q 0.75227 0 0 0.75161 305.05 334.32 cm /Xf1 Do Q 1 1 1 RG 20.58 w 31.2 283.08 m 567.85 283.08 l S 0.001 w 108.06 w 32.32 216.51 m 566.72 216.51 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d 2.25 w 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 31.2 271.66 m 567.85 271.66 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 30.12 271.66 m 568.92 271.66 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 30.12 161.35 m 568.92 161.35 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 31.2 272.74 m 31.2 160.27 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 567.85 272.74 m 567.85 160.27 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d /F2 12 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 34.05 278.3 Tm (How we did our inspection:)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.17 255.48 Tm (This was an unannounced site visit as part of a key inspection that was undertaken )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.17 240.9 Tm (over nine hours to review the requirements made at the last inspection and also to )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.17 226.32 Tm (review the care practice to ensure that it is in line with the legislation and that best )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.17 211.74 Tm (practice is followed at the home.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.17 197.15 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.17 182.57 Tm (A tour of the building was undertaken and a number of records were viewed.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.17 167.99 Tm (Six residents, two staff members and one relative was spoken with on the day.)Tj ET endstream endobj 22 0 obj<>/ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI]/XObject<>>>/MediaBox[0 0 595 842]>> endobj 23 0 obj <>stream 0 J 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 20.58 w 28.35 35.56 m 566.93 35.56 l S 0.001 w /F2 12 Tf 0 0 0 rg BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 30.79 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 11 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 477.68 31.8 Tm (Page)Tj ET /F2 11 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 508.21 31.8 Tm (7)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 11 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 515.2 31.8 Tm ( of )Tj ET /F2 11 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 533.49 31.8 Tm (31)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr 1 1 1 RG 20.58 w 31.2 786.36 m 567.85 786.36 l S 0.001 w 180.96 w 32.32 683.34 m 566.72 683.34 l S 0.001 w 20.58 w 32.7 580.32 m 569.35 580.32 l S 0.001 w 283.02 w 33.82 426.27 m 568.22 426.27 l S 0.001 w 20.58 w 33.45 272.22 m 570.1 272.22 l S 0.001 w 195.66 w 34.57 161.85 m 568.97 161.85 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d 2.25 w 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 31.2 774.95 m 567.85 774.95 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 30.12 774.95 m 568.92 774.95 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 30.12 591.74 m 568.92 591.74 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 31.2 776.03 m 31.2 590.66 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 31.2 591.74 m 569.35 591.74 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 32.7 568.91 m 569.35 568.91 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 31.62 568.91 m 570.42 568.91 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 31.62 283.64 m 570.42 283.64 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 33.45 260.81 m 570.1 260.81 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 33.45 283.64 m 570.1 283.64 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 32.37 260.81 m 571.17 260.81 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 32.37 62.9 m 571.17 62.9 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 32.7 569.99 m 32.7 282.56 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 33.45 261.89 m 33.45 61.82 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 567.85 776.03 m 567.85 590.66 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 569.35 569.99 m 569.35 282.56 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 570.1 261.89 m 570.1 61.82 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d /F2 12 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 781.59 Tm (What the )Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 12 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 90.52 781.59 Tm (care home)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 12 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 154.2 781.59 Tm ( does well:)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 10 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 567.85 784.25 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.17 758.76 Tm (Generally the home was found clean, tidy and warm and free from unpleasant odour. )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.17 744.18 Tm (Staff were working as a team and interacting with residents. The residents seen looked )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.17 729.6 Tm (well cared for at the home.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.17 715.02 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.17 700.44 Tm (The home stated in the Annual Quality Assurance Assessment that the Service User )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.17 685.86 Tm (Guide is avaliable for every resident \(can be provided in different languages if required\) )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.17 671.28 Tm (to ensure that every prospective resident receives information about the home before )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.17 656.7 Tm (choosing to come and live in the home.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.17 642.12 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.17 627.54 Tm (All new residents receive a comprehensive needs assessment prior to admission and if )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.17 612.96 Tm (possible care plans are obtained from the social worker prior to admisssion if they are )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.17 598.38 Tm (funded by Social Services.)Tj ET /F2 10 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 568.97 681.79 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 10 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 31.2 578.21 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 32.7 575.55 Tm (What has improved since the last inspection?)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 10 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 569.35 578.77 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 10 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 31.2 424.72 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.67 552.72 Tm (The manager stated that involving the residents more in the community to maintain )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.67 538.14 Tm (outside links was her focus since she started work at the home and that she achieved )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.67 523.56 Tm (this through the cooperation of the residents, their families and activity organisers.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.67 508.98 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.67 494.4 Tm (Through this initiative the home now has links with many social groups such as the )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.67 479.82 Tm (Women's Institute, the Quilting club, the British legion and the Salvation Army. These )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.67 465.24 Tm (links are extremely important to the residents - many of which were members of these )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.67 450.66 Tm (groups prior to admission to the nursing home.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.67 436.08 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.67 421.5 Tm (The manager told us that following her appointment as the home manager there have )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.67 406.92 Tm (been significant improvements in staff induction, supervision, monitoring and training. )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.67 392.34 Tm (This has greatly improved staff retention and the home has only had 4 staff leave in )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.67 377.76 Tm (the last 6 months all of which have reported at exit interview that they are sad to leave )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.67 363.18 Tm (and have sited very genuine reasons for their resignation.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.67 348.6 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.67 334.02 Tm (The manager has also developed better relationships with the residents and the )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.67 319.44 Tm (relatives to ensure that they are more involved with how the home runs and involved )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.67 304.86 Tm (with any changes that are made for example, choosing the colours of the soft )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.67 290.28 Tm (furnishing for the bedrooms.)Tj ET /F2 10 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 570.47 424.72 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 10 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 31.2 270.67 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 33.45 267.45 Tm (What they could do better:)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 10 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 31.2 160.3 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 37.42 244.62 Tm (At this inspection we noted that the kitchen and dry food store had not been cleaned )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 37.42 230.04 Tm (for quite some time. After discussion with the agency cook we were led to believe that )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 37.42 215.46 Tm (there was lack of clarity as to whose responsibility it was to keep the kitchen clean. We )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 37.42 200.88 Tm (noted that the home had a cleaning schedule but this was not being followed. The )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 37.42 186.3 Tm (home must ensure that these areas are clean at all times to prevent the risk of food )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 37.42 171.72 Tm (contamination.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 37.42 157.14 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 37.42 142.56 Tm (Ensuring that prescribe medical devices are applied as prescribed to an individual )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 37.42 127.98 Tm (would ensure that person's needs are adequately met.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 37.42 113.4 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 37.42 98.82 Tm (Ensuring that all medicines administered are signed for on the Medication )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 37.42 84.24 Tm (Administration Record sheet would prevent errors and protect the residents.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 37.42 69.66 Tm (�)Tj ET endstream endobj 24 0 obj<>/ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI]>>/MediaBox[0 0 595 842]>> endobj 25 0 obj <>stream 0 J 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 20.58 w 28.35 35.56 m 566.93 35.56 l S 0.001 w /F2 12 Tf 0 0 0 rg BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 30.79 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 11 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 477.68 31.8 Tm (Page)Tj ET /F2 11 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 508.21 31.8 Tm (8)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 11 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 515.2 31.8 Tm ( of )Tj ET /F2 11 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 533.49 31.8 Tm (31)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr 1 1 1 RG 177.96 w 34.57 723.55 m 568.97 723.55 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d 2.25 w 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 32.37 813.65 m 571.17 813.65 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 32.37 633.44 m 571.17 633.44 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 33.45 814.73 m 33.45 632.37 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 570.1 814.73 m 570.1 632.37 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.17 802.72 Tm (Furthermore it could be better if medications are not left in the blister packs without )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.17 788.14 Tm (explanation to why they were not administered. This relates to one individual.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.17 773.56 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.17 758.98 Tm (We recommend that the temperature of the fridge should be recorded daily in order to )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.17 744.4 Tm (identify any problem that may affect the potency of the medicine stored it)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.17 729.82 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.17 715.24 Tm (We recommend completing the documents put in place for monitoring care given to )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.17 700.66 Tm (residents in order to verify that care had been given as stated in the care plans.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.17 686.08 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.17 671.5 Tm (We also recommend that the home liaise with the dispensing pharmacy to have clear )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.17 656.92 Tm (direction on the labels and on the MARS in relation to how the medication is to be )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.17 642.34 Tm (administered. This related to "As directed" medications.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 618.88 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 598.89 Tm (If you want to know what action the person responsible for this )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 416.37 598.89 Tm (care home)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 480.04 598.89 Tm ( is taking )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 581.39 Tm (following this report, you can contact them using the details on page 4.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 561.4 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 541.4 Tm (The report of this inspection is available from our website )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 380.85 541.4 Tm (www.cqc.org.uk.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 521.4 Tm (You can get printed copies from )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 225.22 521.4 Tm (enquiries@cqc.org.uk or by telephoning our)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 501.41 Tm (order line 0870 240 7535.)Tj ET endstream endobj 26 0 obj<>/ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI]>>/MediaBox[0 0 595 842]>> endobj 27 0 obj <>stream 0 J 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 20.58 w 28.35 35.56 m 566.93 35.56 l S 0.001 w /F2 12 Tf 0 0 0 rg BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 30.79 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 11 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 477.68 31.8 Tm (Page)Tj ET /F2 11 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 508.21 31.8 Tm (9)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 11 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 515.2 31.8 Tm ( of )Tj ET /F2 11 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 533.49 31.8 Tm (31)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 14 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35 777.09 Tm (Details of our findings)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr 26 w 31.2 744.15 m 565.9 744.15 l S 0.001 w /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 741.14 Tm (&RQWHQWV)Tj ET 1 1 1 RG 16 w 28.35 700.15 m 566.93 700.15 l S 0.001 w /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 696.09 Tm (Choice of home� \(standards 1 - 6\))Tj ET 16 w 28.35 678.15 m 566.93 678.15 l S 0.001 w /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 674.09 Tm (Health and personal care� \(standards 7 - 11\))Tj ET 16 w 28.35 656.15 m 566.93 656.15 l S 0.001 w /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 652.09 Tm (Daily life and social activities� \(standards 12 - 15\))Tj ET 16 w 28.35 634.15 m 566.93 634.15 l S 0.001 w /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 630.09 Tm (Complaints and protection� \(standards 16 - 18\))Tj ET 16 w 28.35 612.15 m 566.93 612.15 l S 0.001 w /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 608.09 Tm (Environment� \(standards 19 - 26\))Tj ET 16 w 28.35 590.15 m 566.93 590.15 l S 0.001 w /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 586.09 Tm (Staffing� \(standards 27 - 30\))Tj ET 16 w 28.35 568.15 m 566.93 568.15 l S 0.001 w /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 564.09 Tm (Management and administration� \(standards 31 - 38\))Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 544.09 Tm (Outstanding statutory requirements)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 522.22 Tm (Requirements and recommendations from this inspection)Tj ET endstream endobj 28 0 obj<>/ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI]>>/MediaBox[0 0 595 842]>> endobj 31 0 obj <>stream 0 J 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 20.58 w 28.35 56.81 m 566.93 56.81 l S 0.001 w /F2 11 Tf 0 0 0 rg BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 53.04 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 456.46 52.04 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 11 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 477.68 53.04 Tm (Page )Tj ET /F2 11 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 508.21 53.04 Tm (10)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 11 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 522.2 53.04 Tm ( of )Tj ET /F2 11 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 540.49 53.04 Tm (31)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F5 10 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 37.61 Tm (�)Tj ET 1 1 1 RG 13.6 w 29.55 794.85 m 566.93 794.85 l S 0.001 w /F2 16 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 29.55 785.57 Tm (Choice of home )Tj ET 1 1 1 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 10 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 29.55 766 Tm (�)Tj ET 1 1 1 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 12 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35 747.89 Tm (These are the outcomes that people )Tj ET 1 1 1 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 12 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 250.51 747.89 Tm (staying in care homes)Tj ET 1 1 1 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 12 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 383.43 747.89 Tm ( should experience. They )Tj ET 1 1 1 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 12 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35 730.4 Tm (reflect the things that people have said are important to them:)Tj ET 1 1 1 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F6 5 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 717.94 Tm (�)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76078 RG 206.25 w 32.32 610.38 m 562.53 610.38 l S 0.001 w 0.95294 0.95294 0.95294 RG 85 w 31.2 672.13 m 563.65 672.13 l S 0.001 w 1 1 1 RG 119 w 31.2 567.88 m 563.65 567.88 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d 2.25 w 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 28.99 628.5 m 565.85 628.5 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 715.75 m 565.85 715.75 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 628.5 m 565.85 628.5 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 507.25 m 565.85 507.25 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 30.07 716.83 m 30.07 506.17 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 564.78 716.83 m 564.78 506.17 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.5 702.57 Tm (People are confident that the care home can support them. This is because there is an )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.5 685.57 Tm (accurate assessment of their needs that they, or people close to them, have been )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.5 668.57 Tm (involved in. This tells the home all about them and the support they need. People who )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.5 651.57 Tm (stay at the home only for intermediate care, have a clear assessment that includes a )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.5 634.57 Tm (plan on what they hope for and want to achieve when they return home.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.5 615.32 Tm (People can decide whether the care home can meet their support and accommodation )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.5 598.32 Tm (needs. This is because they, or people close to them, have been able to visit the home )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.5 581.32 Tm (and have got full, clear, accurate and up to date information about the home. If they )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.5 564.32 Tm (decide to stay in the home they know about their rights and responsibilities because )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.5 547.32 Tm (there is an easy to understand contract or statement of terms and conditions between )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.5 530.32 Tm (them and the care home that includes how much they will pay and what the home )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.5 513.32 Tm (provides for the money.)Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 489 Tm ()Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 467 Tm (7KLVLVZKDWSHRSOHVWD\\LQJLQWKLVFDUHKRPHH[SHULHQFH)Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 369.04 467 Tm ()Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 444.94 Tm (�)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76078 RG 124.35 w 34.6 378 m 562.54 378 l S 0.001 w 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 32.35 431.17 m 564.79 431.17 l S 0.001 w 101.85 w 33.47 366.75 m 563.66 366.75 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d 2.25 w 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 31.27 418.8 m 565.87 418.8 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 32.35 419.88 m 32.35 313.62 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 564.79 419.88 m 564.79 313.62 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 32.35 418.8 m 564.79 418.8 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 31.27 314.7 m 565.87 314.7 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.5 427.86 Tm (Judgement:)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.62 403.12 Tm (People using this service experience )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 259.17 403.12 Tm (good)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 292.92 403.12 Tm (quality outcomes in this area. We have )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.62 385.62 Tm (made this judgement using a range of evidence, including a visit to this service.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.62 358.75 Tm (The policy and procedure for admission of a prospective service user is robust to )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.62 341.25 Tm (ensure that the individual\(s\) make a positive choice of moving to the home with )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.62 323.76 Tm (assurance that their needs will be met.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 299.01 Tm (�)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76078 RG 206.8 w 34.6 185.43 m 562.54 185.43 l S 0.001 w 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 32.35 279.83 m 564.79 279.83 l S 0.001 w 185.43 w 33.47 173.62 m 563.66 173.62 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d 2.25 w 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 31.27 267.45 m 565.87 267.45 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 32.35 268.53 m 32.35 78.7 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 564.79 268.53 m 564.79 78.7 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 32.35 267.45 m 564.79 267.45 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 31.27 79.78 m 565.87 79.78 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.5 276.52 Tm (Evidence:)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.57 251.77 Tm (The Annual Quality Assurance Assessment stated that the Service User Guide is )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.57 234.27 Tm (avaliable for every resident \(can be provided in different languages if required\). We )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.57 216.78 Tm (noted from the care files we looked at that new residents receive a comprehensive )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.57 199.28 Tm (needs assessment prior to admission and that Care plans were obtained from the )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.57 181.79 Tm (Social Worker prior to admisssion.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.57 164.29 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.57 146.79 Tm (The manager told us that prospective residents are encouraged to come and visit the )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.57 129.3 Tm (home with their family before making a decision about placement.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.57 111.8 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.57 94.31 Tm (The family members of one resident we spoke with confirmed that they had recieved )Tj ET endstream endobj 32 0 obj<>/ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI]>>/MediaBox[0 0 595 842]>> endobj 33 0 obj <>stream 0 J 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 20.58 w 28.35 56.81 m 566.93 56.81 l S 0.001 w /F2 11 Tf 0 0 0 rg BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 53.04 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 456.46 52.04 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 11 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 477.68 53.04 Tm (Page )Tj ET /F2 11 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 508.21 53.04 Tm (11)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 11 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 522.2 53.04 Tm ( of )Tj ET /F2 11 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 540.49 53.04 Tm (31)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F5 10 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 37.61 Tm (�)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76078 RG 126.35 w 34.6 748.23 m 562.54 748.23 l S 0.001 w 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 32.35 802.41 m 564.79 802.41 l S 0.001 w 104.98 w 33.47 736.42 m 563.66 736.42 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d 2.25 w 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 31.27 790.03 m 565.87 790.03 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 32.35 791.11 m 32.35 681.73 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 564.79 791.11 m 564.79 681.73 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 32.35 790.03 m 564.79 790.03 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 31.27 682.81 m 565.87 682.81 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.5 799.09 Tm (Evidence:)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 779.1 Tm (terms and conditions of their stay at the home.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 761.6 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 744.11 Tm (The manager told us in the AQAA that when a resident is admitted for respite care the )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 726.61 Tm (home ensures that all staff are aware that the person intends to return home to )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 709.11 Tm (ensure that they are assisted to maximise their independence to enable them to do )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 691.62 Tm (so.)Tj ET endstream endobj 35 0 obj<>/ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI]>>/MediaBox[0 0 595 842]>> endobj 36 0 obj <>stream 0 J 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 20.58 w 28.35 56.81 m 566.93 56.81 l S 0.001 w /F2 11 Tf 0 0 0 rg BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 53.04 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 456.46 52.04 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 11 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 477.68 53.04 Tm (Page )Tj ET /F2 11 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 508.21 53.04 Tm (12)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 11 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 522.2 53.04 Tm ( of )Tj ET /F2 11 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 540.49 53.04 Tm (31)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F5 10 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 37.61 Tm (�)Tj ET 1 1 1 RG 13.6 w 29.55 794.85 m 566.93 794.85 l S 0.001 w /F2 16 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 29.55 785.57 Tm (Health and personal care )Tj ET 1 1 1 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 10 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 29.55 766 Tm (�)Tj ET 1 1 1 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 12 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35 747.89 Tm (These are the outcomes that people )Tj ET 1 1 1 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 12 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 250.51 747.89 Tm (staying in care homes)Tj ET 1 1 1 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 12 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 383.43 747.89 Tm ( should experience. They )Tj ET 1 1 1 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 12 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35 730.4 Tm (reflect the things that people have said are important to them:)Tj ET 1 1 1 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F6 5 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 717.94 Tm (�)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76078 RG 172.25 w 32.32 627.38 m 562.53 627.38 l S 0.001 w 0.95294 0.95294 0.95294 RG 102 w 31.2 663.63 m 563.65 663.63 l S 0.001 w 1 1 1 RG 68 w 31.2 576.38 m 563.65 576.38 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d 2.25 w 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 28.99 611.5 m 565.85 611.5 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 715.75 m 565.85 715.75 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 611.5 m 565.85 611.5 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 541.25 m 565.85 541.25 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 30.07 716.83 m 30.07 540.17 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 564.78 716.83 m 564.78 540.17 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.5 702.57 Tm (People�s health, personal and social care needs are met. The home has a plan of care )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.5 685.57 Tm (that the person, or someone close to them, has been involved in making. If they take )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.5 668.57 Tm (medicine, they manage it themselves if they can. If they cannot manage their )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.5 651.57 Tm (medicine, the care home supports them with it, in a safe way. People�s right to privacy )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.5 634.57 Tm (is respected and the support they get from staff is given in a way that maintains their )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.5 617.57 Tm (dignity.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.5 598.32 Tm (If people are approaching the end of their life, the care home will respect their choices )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.5 581.32 Tm (and help them feel comfortable and secure. They, and people close to them, are )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.5 564.32 Tm (reassured that their death will be handled with sensitivity, dignity and respect, and )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.5 547.32 Tm (take account of their spiritual and cultural wishes. )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 523 Tm ()Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 501 Tm (7KLVLVZKDWSHRSOHVWD\\LQJLQWKLVFDUHKRPHH[SHULHQFH)Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 369.04 501 Tm ()Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 478.94 Tm (�)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76078 RG 141.85 w 34.6 403.25 m 562.54 403.25 l S 0.001 w 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 32.35 465.17 m 564.79 465.17 l S 0.001 w 119.35 w 33.47 392 m 563.66 392 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d 2.25 w 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 31.27 452.8 m 565.87 452.8 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 32.35 453.88 m 32.35 330.12 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 564.79 453.88 m 564.79 330.12 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 32.35 452.8 m 564.79 452.8 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 31.27 331.2 m 565.87 331.2 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.5 461.86 Tm (Judgement:)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.62 437.12 Tm (People using this service experience )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 259.17 437.12 Tm (good)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 292.92 437.12 Tm (quality outcomes in this area. We have )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.62 419.62 Tm (made this judgement using a range of evidence, including a visit to this service.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.62 392.75 Tm (Residents' needs are assessed and respected. Doctors and other health professionals )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.62 375.25 Tm (are involved in their care. However, the home has not complied with instructions in )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.62 357.76 Tm (relation to applying one resident's medical devices. Some drug administration )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.62 340.26 Tm (practices are not satisfactory.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 315.52 Tm (�)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76078 RG 223.3 w 34.6 193.68 m 562.54 193.68 l S 0.001 w 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 32.35 296.33 m 564.79 296.33 l S 0.001 w 201.93 w 33.47 181.87 m 563.66 181.87 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d 2.25 w 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 31.27 283.96 m 565.87 283.96 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 32.35 285.04 m 32.35 78.7 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 564.79 285.04 m 564.79 78.7 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 32.35 283.96 m 564.79 283.96 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 31.27 79.78 m 565.87 79.78 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.5 293.02 Tm (Evidence:)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.57 268.27 Tm (At this inspection four care files were reviewed. Each care file had evidence of )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 512.77 268.27 Tm (pre-)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.57 250.78 Tm (admission)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 96.89 250.78 Tm ( assessment before all the residents were admitted to enable the home to )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.57 233.28 Tm (determine its suitability to meet the residents' needs.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.57 215.79 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.57 198.29 Tm (Detailed care plans were noted in most of the care files reviewed followed by daily day )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.57 180.79 Tm (and night entries detailing how the assessed needs were being met. There was also )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.57 163.3 Tm (documentation in relation to risk assessments, manual handling assessments and )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.57 145.8 Tm (pressure sore prevention. All of the above were regularly reviewed and updated when )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.57 128.31 Tm (needs changed. There was evidence that where possible residents are consulted )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.57 110.81 Tm (before care plans are developed. Weekly key worker entries were noted in the care )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.57 93.31 Tm (files reviewed.)Tj ET endstream endobj 37 0 obj<>/ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI]>>/MediaBox[0 0 595 842]>> endobj 38 0 obj <>stream 0 J 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 20.58 w 28.35 56.81 m 566.93 56.81 l S 0.001 w /F2 11 Tf 0 0 0 rg BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 53.04 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 456.46 52.04 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 11 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 477.68 53.04 Tm (Page )Tj ET /F2 11 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 508.21 53.04 Tm (13)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 11 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 522.2 53.04 Tm ( of )Tj ET /F2 11 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 540.49 53.04 Tm (31)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F5 10 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 37.61 Tm (�)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76078 RG 728.25 w 34.6 447.28 m 562.54 447.28 l S 0.001 w 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 32.35 802.41 m 564.79 802.41 l S 0.001 w 706.88 w 33.47 435.47 m 563.66 435.47 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d 2.25 w 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 31.27 790.03 m 565.87 790.03 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 32.35 791.11 m 32.35 79.82 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 564.79 791.11 m 564.79 79.82 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 32.35 790.03 m 564.79 790.03 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 31.27 80.9 m 565.87 80.9 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.5 799.09 Tm (Evidence:)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 779.1 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 761.6 Tm (We noted that one resident with a medical condition had prescribed devices from the )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 744.11 Tm (Occupational Therapist. The manager told us that instructions on how and when to use )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 726.61 Tm (these devices were included in the mobility care plan to support staff in ensuring that )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 709.11 Tm (the devices were applied in order to minimise the effect of the condition. However, we )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 691.62 Tm (noted that the prescribed devices were not applied but were left in the room even )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 674.12 Tm (though the instructions were also clearly displayed in the person's room.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 656.63 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 639.13 Tm (The individual told us that the devices were not being applied. The person's relative )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 621.63 Tm (also told us that they have raised a concern with the deputy manager in relation to the )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 604.14 Tm (devices not being applied and that this is why the instruction was left in the room to )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 586.64 Tm (remind staff of the importance of applying the devices.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 569.15 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 551.65 Tm (Furthermore, some individuals were noted with long unclean fingernails which we )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 534.15 Tm (believe impact on their dignity in relation to their personal hygiene. These were )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 516.66 Tm (brought to the attention of the nursing staff and action was taken immediately to deal )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 499.16 Tm (with both situations. We also noted during the course of the inspection that a )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 481.67 Tm (volunteer was visiting the home and assisting with cutting and cleaning residents' )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 464.17 Tm (fingernails.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 446.67 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 429.18 Tm (The manager stated that care plans of those individuals would be reviewed and that )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 411.68 Tm (adequate monitoring would be put in place to ensure that they are clean and )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 394.19 Tm (comfortable at all times.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 376.69 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 359.19 Tm (We also noted that some care documentation \(Daily Personal Care Schedul\) kept in )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 341.7 Tm (the rooms to monitor care given to residents as part of the care plans were not )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 324.2 Tm (regularly completed even though this was noted in the staff meeting notes. We )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 306.71 Tm (recommend that this is regularly completed as we believe that as a working document )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 289.21 Tm (lack of completion could make it difficult for care given to be monitored. The manager )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 271.71 Tm (stated that she would ensure that action is taken to ensure that this is implemented.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 254.22 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 236.72 Tm (There was evidence of other health professional visits to include the GP, Chiropodists, )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 219.23 Tm (Opticians and Dentists.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 201.73 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 184.23 Tm (People living at the home told us in discussion that they were treated with respect and )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 166.74 Tm (were enabled to maintain their right to privacy. Staff were noted knocking on the )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 149.24 Tm (doors and waiting for a response before going in to attend to the resident.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 131.75 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 114.25 Tm (Procedures for medication administration, handling, records and storage were )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 96.75 Tm (assessed. The home had policy and guidelines on handling medication.)Tj ET endstream endobj 39 0 obj<>/ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI]>>/MediaBox[0 0 595 842]>> endobj 40 0 obj <>stream 0 J 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 20.58 w 28.35 56.81 m 566.93 56.81 l S 0.001 w /F2 11 Tf 0 0 0 rg BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 53.04 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 456.46 52.04 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 11 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 477.68 53.04 Tm (Page )Tj ET /F2 11 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 508.21 53.04 Tm (14)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 11 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 522.2 53.04 Tm ( of )Tj ET /F2 11 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 540.49 53.04 Tm (31)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F5 10 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 37.61 Tm (�)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76078 RG 728.25 w 34.6 447.28 m 562.54 447.28 l S 0.001 w 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 32.35 802.41 m 564.79 802.41 l S 0.001 w 706.88 w 33.47 435.47 m 563.66 435.47 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d 2.25 w 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 31.27 790.03 m 565.87 790.03 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 32.35 791.11 m 32.35 79.82 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 564.79 791.11 m 564.79 79.82 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 32.35 790.03 m 564.79 790.03 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 31.27 80.9 m 565.87 80.9 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.5 799.09 Tm (Evidence:)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 779.1 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 761.6 Tm (A local pharmacy provides medication using a monthly monitored dosage system. A )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 744.11 Tm (check of the blister packs indicated that most of the medication had been )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 726.61 Tm (administered as recorded. However one person's medication was left in the blister )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 709.11 Tm (packs without coded explanation in relation to non administration. The home must )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 691.62 Tm (ensure that all medication prescribed are given and signed for and are not left in the )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 674.12 Tm (blister packs without explanation. This is in relation to one individual's medication on )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 656.63 Tm (21/06/09.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 639.13 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 621.63 Tm (All medication seen were stored securely. Medicines trolleys are used to transport )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 604.14 Tm (medication around the home on each of the two floors.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 586.64 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 569.15 Tm (Controlled drugs were stored correctly and recorded in a register.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 551.65 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 534.15 Tm (A policy is available to enable residents to look after their own medicines. All )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 516.66 Tm (medication is ordered and received by staff.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 499.16 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 481.67 Tm (The pharmacy supplies printed medicines administration record sheets each month. )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 464.17 Tm (Records of administration of medicines were clear. Records are kept of medicines )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 446.67 Tm (received into the home.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 429.18 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 411.68 Tm (Waste medication is recorded and disposed of via the supplying pharmacy.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 394.19 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 376.69 Tm (The home sent us a notification in relation to a medication error. The home told us )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 359.19 Tm (that they were unable to explain how a non prescribed medicine patch was noted on )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 341.7 Tm (one individual. The home told us that the patch was removed as soon as it was )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 324.2 Tm (noticed and that there was no ill effect caused to the person.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 306.71 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 289.21 Tm (The manager told us on the day of the visit that investigation into the error is ongoing )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 271.71 Tm (however they have not been able to establish how it happened. The manager stated )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 254.22 Tm (that she had increased weekly checks of blister packs and boxes in order to prevent )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 236.72 Tm (further occurrence.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 219.23 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 201.73 Tm (Ensuring that all Medicines administered are signed for on the Medication )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 184.23 Tm (Administration Record Sheet \(MARS\) would prevent errors and protect the residents. )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 166.74 Tm (This relates to three persons' medication on 21/06/09, 23/06/09 and 25/06/09.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 149.24 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 131.75 Tm (Furthermore, it would be better if labels have clear direction on the medication and on )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 114.25 Tm (the MARS in relation to how the medication is to be administered. This related to "As )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 96.75 Tm (directed" medications. We recommendation that the home liaises with the dispensing )Tj ET endstream endobj 41 0 obj<>/ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI]>>/MediaBox[0 0 595 842]>> endobj 42 0 obj <>stream 0 J 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 20.58 w 28.35 56.81 m 566.93 56.81 l S 0.001 w /F2 11 Tf 0 0 0 rg BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 53.04 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 456.46 52.04 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 11 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 477.68 53.04 Tm (Page )Tj ET /F2 11 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 508.21 53.04 Tm (15)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 11 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 522.2 53.04 Tm ( of )Tj ET /F2 11 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 540.49 53.04 Tm (31)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F5 10 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 37.61 Tm (�)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76078 RG 248.82 w 34.6 686.99 m 562.54 686.99 l S 0.001 w 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 32.35 802.41 m 564.79 802.41 l S 0.001 w 227.45 w 33.47 675.18 m 563.66 675.18 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d 2.25 w 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 31.27 790.03 m 565.87 790.03 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 32.35 791.11 m 32.35 559.26 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 564.79 791.11 m 564.79 559.26 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 32.35 790.03 m 564.79 790.03 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 31.27 560.34 m 565.87 560.34 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.5 799.09 Tm (Evidence:)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 779.1 Tm (pharmacy to implement the above.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 761.6 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 744.11 Tm (We also noted that the temperature of the drug fridge was not recorded regularly the )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 726.61 Tm (last recording was on 12/06/09. This means that the potency of the medicines in the )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 709.11 Tm (fridge cannot be guaranteed and may loose their effectiveness.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 691.62 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 674.12 Tm (We discussed all the above with the manager and have issued requirements and made )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 656.63 Tm (recommendations where applicable to ensure that chances of drug errors are )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 639.13 Tm (minimised/prevented.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 621.63 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 604.14 Tm (Staff receive in-service training on death and dying to ensure that care and comfort is )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 586.64 Tm (given to residents in their final days and time of death. The home has a manager with )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 569.15 Tm (palliative care experience.)Tj ET endstream endobj 43 0 obj<>/ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI]>>/MediaBox[0 0 595 842]>> endobj 44 0 obj <>stream 0 J 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 20.58 w 28.35 56.81 m 566.93 56.81 l S 0.001 w /F2 11 Tf 0 0 0 rg BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 53.04 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 456.46 52.04 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 11 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 477.68 53.04 Tm (Page )Tj ET /F2 11 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 508.21 53.04 Tm (16)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 11 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 522.2 53.04 Tm ( of )Tj ET /F2 11 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 540.49 53.04 Tm (31)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F5 10 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 37.61 Tm (�)Tj ET 1 1 1 RG 13.6 w 29.55 794.85 m 566.93 794.85 l S 0.001 w /F2 16 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 29.55 785.57 Tm (Daily life and social activities )Tj ET 1 1 1 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 10 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 29.55 766 Tm (�)Tj ET 1 1 1 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 12 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35 747.89 Tm (These are the outcomes that people )Tj ET 1 1 1 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 12 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 250.51 747.89 Tm (staying in care homes)Tj ET 1 1 1 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 12 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 383.43 747.89 Tm ( should experience. They )Tj ET 1 1 1 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 12 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35 730.4 Tm (reflect the things that people have said are important to them:)Tj ET 1 1 1 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F6 5 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 717.94 Tm (�)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76078 RG 138.25 w 32.32 644.38 m 562.53 644.38 l S 0.001 w 0.95294 0.95294 0.95294 RG 119 w 31.2 655.13 m 563.65 655.13 l S 0.001 w 1 1 1 RG 17 w 31.2 584.88 m 563.65 584.88 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d 2.25 w 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 28.99 594.5 m 565.85 594.5 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 715.75 m 565.85 715.75 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 594.5 m 565.85 594.5 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 575.25 m 565.85 575.25 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 30.07 716.83 m 30.07 574.17 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 564.78 716.83 m 564.78 574.17 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.5 702.57 Tm (Each person is treated as an individual and the care home is responsive to his or her )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.5 685.57 Tm (race, culture, religion, age, disability, gender and sexual orientation. They are part of )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.5 668.57 Tm (their local community. The care home supports people to follow personal interests and )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.5 651.57 Tm (activities. People are able to keep in touch with family, friends and representatives. )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.5 634.57 Tm (They are as independent as they can be, lead their chosen lifestyle and have the )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.5 617.57 Tm (opportunity to make the most of their abilities. People have nutritious and attractive )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.5 600.57 Tm (meals and snacks, at a time and place to suit them.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.5 581.32 Tm (There are no additional outcomes.)Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 557 Tm ()Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 535 Tm (7KLVLVZKDWSHRSOHVWD\\LQJLQWKLVFDUHKRPHH[SHULHQFH)Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 369.04 535 Tm ()Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 512.94 Tm (�)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76078 RG 106.85 w 34.6 454.74 m 562.54 454.74 l S 0.001 w 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 32.35 499.17 m 564.79 499.17 l S 0.001 w 84.36 w 33.47 443.5 m 563.66 443.5 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d 2.25 w 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 31.27 486.8 m 565.87 486.8 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 32.35 487.88 m 32.35 399.12 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 564.79 487.88 m 564.79 399.12 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 32.35 486.8 m 564.79 486.8 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 31.27 400.19 m 565.87 400.19 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.5 495.86 Tm (Judgement:)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.62 471.12 Tm (People using this service experience )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 259.17 471.12 Tm (good)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 292.92 471.12 Tm (quality outcomes in this area. We have )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.62 453.62 Tm (made this judgement using a range of evidence, including a visit to this service.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.62 426.75 Tm (Residents are enabled to maintain links with their families and are also provided )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.62 409.25 Tm (meaningful activities. The food is nutritious with varied choices available.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 384.51 Tm (�)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76078 RG 292.3 w 34.6 228.17 m 562.54 228.17 l S 0.001 w 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 32.35 365.32 m 564.79 365.32 l S 0.001 w 270.93 w 33.47 216.36 m 563.66 216.36 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d 2.25 w 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 31.27 352.95 m 565.87 352.95 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 32.35 354.03 m 32.35 78.7 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 564.79 354.03 m 564.79 78.7 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 32.35 352.95 m 564.79 352.95 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 31.27 79.78 m 565.87 79.78 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.5 362.01 Tm (Evidence:)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.57 337.27 Tm (The home is mindful of the type of activities to provide for the residents based on their )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.57 319.77 Tm (capabilities. Each resident is assessed for the timing of provision of care as far as is )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.57 302.27 Tm (practicable, their wishes are considered and where it is not possible the relatives )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.57 284.78 Tm (and/or advocates are involved to ensure that individualised care is provided.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.57 267.28 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.57 249.79 Tm (The manager told us that the home has an Activity Coordinator who is also a licensed )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.57 232.29 Tm (Reflexologist. Activities organised for the residents include Skittles on Mondays, Art )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.57 214.79 Tm (and Craft on Tuesdays, Sing Along on Wednesdays, Bingo on Thursdays and )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.57 197.3 Tm (Reminiscence on Fridays. We noted an activity file where residents' participation is )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.57 179.8 Tm (recorded and monitored to ensure that those who are not able to participate are seen )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.57 162.31 Tm (on a one to one basis including residents who are bed bound and those who prefer to )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.57 144.81 Tm (stay in their rooms.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.57 127.31 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.57 109.82 Tm (The home told us in the Annual Quality Assurance Assessment \(AQAA\) that it has )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.57 92.32 Tm (developed links with the community and has plans for the Pet Tharapist to visit the )Tj ET endstream endobj 45 0 obj<>/ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI]>>/MediaBox[0 0 595 842]>> endobj 46 0 obj <>stream 0 J 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 20.58 w 28.35 56.81 m 566.93 56.81 l S 0.001 w /F2 11 Tf 0 0 0 rg BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 53.04 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 456.46 52.04 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 11 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 477.68 53.04 Tm (Page )Tj ET /F2 11 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 508.21 53.04 Tm (17)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 11 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 522.2 53.04 Tm ( of )Tj ET /F2 11 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 540.49 53.04 Tm (31)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F5 10 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 37.61 Tm (�)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76078 RG 581.24 w 34.6 520.78 m 562.54 520.78 l S 0.001 w 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 32.35 802.41 m 564.79 802.41 l S 0.001 w 559.87 w 33.47 508.97 m 563.66 508.97 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d 2.25 w 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 31.27 790.03 m 565.87 790.03 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 32.35 791.11 m 32.35 226.83 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 564.79 791.11 m 564.79 226.83 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 32.35 790.03 m 564.79 790.03 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 31.27 227.91 m 565.87 227.91 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.5 799.09 Tm (Evidence:)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 779.1 Tm (home, and for the Quilting Group and Women's Institute to hold a meeting at )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 761.6 Tm (Stanshawes. All these activities will provide the residents with better interaction with )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 744.11 Tm (the community.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 726.61 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 709.11 Tm (Other activities include a monthly coffee afternoon to be arranged for all the residents, )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 691.62 Tm (relatives, visitors, members of the outside community. This will ensure that the )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 674.12 Tm (residents can maintain contact with the local community even if they are unable to )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 656.63 Tm (leave the home.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 639.13 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 621.63 Tm (The manager told us that some of the planned activities include a garden party for )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 604.14 Tm (residents and relatives \(residents to choose theme\), Strawberries and Cream coffee )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 586.64 Tm (morning, Summer Fete and small trips out for example to Thornbury Village and Avon )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 569.15 Tm (Valley Railway.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 551.65 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 534.15 Tm (At the residents meeting trips were discussed and the residents decided that they )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 516.66 Tm (would like to go out in smaller groups so that the residents who were more able \(for )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 499.16 Tm (example, able to use toilet facilities when out\) can go further a field and the residents )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 481.67 Tm (who were more dependant on nursing care could visit places closer to the home.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 464.17 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 446.67 Tm (Staff were noted interacting with the residents in an informal and personalised )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 429.18 Tm (manner.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 411.68 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 394.19 Tm (The visitors' book showed that relatives and representatives regularly visit the )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 376.69 Tm (residents. Residents spoken with stated that they had regular visitors.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 359.19 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 341.7 Tm (One resident stated that their family lives locally and visit regularly. One relative met )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 324.2 Tm (on the day made positive comments about the home and confirmed that they were )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 306.71 Tm (always made welcome at the home.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 289.21 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 271.71 Tm (The lunch on the day looked nutritious and balanced and the residents spoken with )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 254.22 Tm (stated that they enjoyed their meal. The home plans for the menus to be displayed on )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 236.72 Tm (the tables so that the residents have easy access to them.)Tj ET endstream endobj 47 0 obj<>/ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI]>>/MediaBox[0 0 595 842]>> endobj 48 0 obj <>stream 0 J 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 20.58 w 28.35 56.81 m 566.93 56.81 l S 0.001 w /F2 11 Tf 0 0 0 rg BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 53.04 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 456.46 52.04 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 11 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 477.68 53.04 Tm (Page )Tj ET /F2 11 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 508.21 53.04 Tm (18)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 11 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 522.2 53.04 Tm ( of )Tj ET /F2 11 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 540.49 53.04 Tm (31)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F5 10 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 37.61 Tm (�)Tj ET 1 1 1 RG 13.6 w 29.55 794.85 m 566.93 794.85 l S 0.001 w /F2 16 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 29.55 785.57 Tm (Complaints and protection )Tj ET 1 1 1 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 10 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 29.55 766 Tm (�)Tj ET 1 1 1 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 12 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35 747.89 Tm (These are the outcomes that people )Tj ET 1 1 1 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 12 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 250.51 747.89 Tm (staying in care homes)Tj ET 1 1 1 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 12 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 383.43 747.89 Tm ( should experience. They )Tj ET 1 1 1 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 12 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35 730.4 Tm (reflect the things that people have said are important to them:)Tj ET 1 1 1 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F6 5 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 717.94 Tm (�)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76078 RG 87.25 w 32.32 669.88 m 562.53 669.88 l S 0.001 w 0.95294 0.95294 0.95294 RG 68 w 31.2 680.63 m 563.65 680.63 l S 0.001 w 1 1 1 RG 17 w 31.2 635.88 m 563.65 635.88 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d 2.25 w 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 28.99 645.5 m 565.85 645.5 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 715.75 m 565.85 715.75 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 645.5 m 565.85 645.5 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 626.25 m 565.85 626.25 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 30.07 716.83 m 30.07 625.17 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 564.78 716.83 m 564.78 625.17 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.5 702.57 Tm (If people have concerns with their care, they or people close to them know how to )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.5 685.57 Tm (complain. Any concern is looked into and action taken to put things right. The care )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.5 668.57 Tm (home safeguards people from abuse and neglect and takes action to follow up any )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.5 651.57 Tm (allegations.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.5 632.32 Tm (People�s legal rights are protected, including being able to vote in elections.)Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 608 Tm ()Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 586 Tm (7KLVLVZKDWSHRSOHVWD\\LQJLQWKLVFDUHKRPHH[SHULHQFH)Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 369.04 586 Tm ()Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 563.94 Tm (�)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76078 RG 124.35 w 34.6 497 m 562.54 497 l S 0.001 w 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 32.35 550.17 m 564.79 550.17 l S 0.001 w 101.85 w 33.47 485.75 m 563.66 485.75 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d 2.25 w 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 31.27 537.8 m 565.87 537.8 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 32.35 538.88 m 32.35 432.62 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 564.79 538.88 m 564.79 432.62 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 32.35 537.8 m 564.79 537.8 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 31.27 433.7 m 565.87 433.7 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.5 546.86 Tm (Judgement:)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.62 522.12 Tm (People using this service experience )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 259.17 522.12 Tm (good)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 292.92 522.12 Tm (quality outcomes in this area. We have )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.62 504.62 Tm (made this judgement using a range of evidence, including a visit to this service.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.62 477.75 Tm (Individuals living in the home are enabled to complain and are confident that their )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.62 460.25 Tm (complaint will be listened to. Practices at the Home ensure protection of service users )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.62 442.76 Tm (from harm and abuse.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 418.01 Tm (�)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76078 RG 325.8 w 34.6 244.93 m 562.54 244.93 l S 0.001 w 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 32.35 398.83 m 564.79 398.83 l S 0.001 w 304.43 w 33.47 233.12 m 563.66 233.12 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d 2.25 w 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 31.27 386.45 m 565.87 386.45 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 32.35 387.53 m 32.35 78.7 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 564.79 387.53 m 564.79 78.7 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 32.35 386.45 m 564.79 386.45 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 31.27 79.78 m 565.87 79.78 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.5 395.52 Tm (Evidence:)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.57 370.77 Tm (The Home has appropriate procedures in place for the management of complaints. The )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.57 353.27 Tm (complaints procedure was noted displayed at the entrance of the building This )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.57 335.78 Tm (document contains information about the Care Quality Commission to enable )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.57 318.28 Tm (individuals to contact the Commission if they were not satisfied with the outcome of )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.57 300.79 Tm (their complaint to the organisation.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.57 283.29 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.57 265.79 Tm (The information was updated, to include the Commission's new address. There were )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.57 248.3 Tm (six recorded complaints since the last inspection. Records show that these complaints )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.57 230.8 Tm (were responded to and the manager told us that the complainants were satisfied with )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.57 213.31 Tm (the outcome.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.57 195.81 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.57 178.31 Tm (In relation to Adult Protection procedures, records showed that all staff have been )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.57 160.82 Tm (trained in the Four Seasons policy and procedures, as this is included in the induction )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.57 143.32 Tm (training for all staff. The manager is experienced in the procedure for reporting )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.57 125.83 Tm (suspected abuse to appropriate authorities. For example a strategy meeting took place )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.57 108.33 Tm (in relation to a suspected maltreatment of a resident by a care worker. The manager )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.57 90.83 Tm (told us that the member of staff will not be returning to the home. The Commission )Tj ET endstream endobj 49 0 obj<>/ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI]>>/MediaBox[0 0 595 842]>> endobj 50 0 obj <>stream 0 J 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 20.58 w 28.35 56.81 m 566.93 56.81 l S 0.001 w /F2 11 Tf 0 0 0 rg BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 53.04 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 456.46 52.04 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 11 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 477.68 53.04 Tm (Page )Tj ET /F2 11 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 508.21 53.04 Tm (19)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 11 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 522.2 53.04 Tm ( of )Tj ET /F2 11 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 540.49 53.04 Tm (31)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F5 10 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 37.61 Tm (�)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76078 RG 476.27 w 34.6 573.27 m 562.54 573.27 l S 0.001 w 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 32.35 802.41 m 564.79 802.41 l S 0.001 w 454.9 w 33.47 561.46 m 563.66 561.46 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d 2.25 w 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 31.27 790.03 m 565.87 790.03 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 32.35 791.11 m 32.35 331.81 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 564.79 791.11 m 564.79 331.81 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 32.35 790.03 m 564.79 790.03 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 31.27 332.89 m 565.87 332.89 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.5 799.09 Tm (Evidence:)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 779.1 Tm (was satisfied with the action taken to protect residents following the incident.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 761.6 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 744.11 Tm (There is a copy of the South Gloucestershire Council policy on The Protection of )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 726.61 Tm (Vulnerable Adults from Abuse at the Home to ensure that staff are aware of the )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 709.11 Tm (protocol to be followed if incidents of abuse occur.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 691.62 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 674.12 Tm (Two new staff members' files reviewed evidenced that two satisfactory references and )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 656.63 Tm (Criminal Record Bureau Disclosures had been obtained before commencement of )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 639.13 Tm (employment to ensure that individuals living in the home are adequately protected.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 621.63 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 604.14 Tm (The home has a Whistle blowing policy to enable staff to report any bad practices )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 586.64 Tm (without fear of any reprisal and staff files showed evidence of training on Protection of )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 569.15 Tm (Vulnerable Adults.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 551.65 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 534.15 Tm (A relative told us at a discussion on the day of our visit that they are satisfied with the )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 516.66 Tm (services and care provided at the home.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 499.16 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 481.67 Tm (Records of residents' monies viewed tallied with the amount in the individual accounts )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 464.17 Tm (in the safe. People spoken with stated that they felt safe at the home.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 446.67 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 429.18 Tm (Staff we spoke with told us that they are aware of the whistle blowing policy and )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 411.68 Tm (would report bad practices regardless of whether the person is a friend.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 394.19 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 376.69 Tm (Registered nurses had their Personal Identification Numbers verified by the Nursing )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 359.19 Tm (and Midwifery Council before commencement of employment and periodically )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 341.7 Tm (thereafter.)Tj ET endstream endobj 51 0 obj<>/ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI]>>/MediaBox[0 0 595 842]>> endobj 52 0 obj <>stream 0 J 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 20.58 w 28.35 56.81 m 566.93 56.81 l S 0.001 w /F2 11 Tf 0 0 0 rg BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 53.04 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 456.46 52.04 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 11 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 477.68 53.04 Tm (Page )Tj ET /F2 11 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 508.21 53.04 Tm (20)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 11 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 522.2 53.04 Tm ( of )Tj ET /F2 11 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 540.49 53.04 Tm (31)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F5 10 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 37.61 Tm (�)Tj ET 1 1 1 RG 13.6 w 29.55 794.85 m 566.93 794.85 l S 0.001 w /F2 16 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 29.55 785.57 Tm (Environment )Tj ET 1 1 1 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 10 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 29.55 766 Tm (�)Tj ET 1 1 1 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 12 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35 747.89 Tm (These are the outcomes that people )Tj ET 1 1 1 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 12 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 250.51 747.89 Tm (staying in care homes)Tj ET 1 1 1 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 12 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 383.43 747.89 Tm ( should experience. They )Tj ET 1 1 1 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 12 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35 730.4 Tm (reflect the things that people have said are important to them:)Tj ET 1 1 1 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F6 5 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 717.94 Tm (�)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76078 RG 104.25 w 32.32 661.38 m 562.53 661.38 l S 0.001 w 0.95294 0.95294 0.95294 RG 34 w 31.2 697.63 m 563.65 697.63 l S 0.001 w 1 1 1 RG 68 w 31.2 644.38 m 563.65 644.38 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d 2.25 w 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 28.99 679.5 m 565.85 679.5 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 715.75 m 565.85 715.75 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 679.5 m 565.85 679.5 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 609.25 m 565.85 609.25 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 30.07 716.83 m 30.07 608.17 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 564.78 716.83 m 564.78 608.17 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.5 702.57 Tm (People stay in a safe and well-maintained home that is homely, clean, pleasant and )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.5 685.57 Tm (hygienic. )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.5 666.32 Tm (People stay in a home that has enough space and facilities for them to lead the life )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.5 649.32 Tm (they choose and to meet their needs. The home makes sure they have the right )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.5 632.32 Tm (specialist equipment that encourages and promotes their independence. Their room )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.5 615.32 Tm (feels like their own, it is comfortable and they feel safe when they use it.)Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 591 Tm ()Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 569 Tm (7KLVLVZKDWSHRSOHVWD\\LQJLQWKLVFDUHKRPHH[SHULHQFH)Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 369.04 569 Tm ()Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 546.94 Tm (�)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76078 RG 106.85 w 34.6 488.74 m 562.54 488.74 l S 0.001 w 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 32.35 533.17 m 564.79 533.17 l S 0.001 w 84.36 w 33.47 477.5 m 563.66 477.5 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d 2.25 w 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 31.27 520.8 m 565.87 520.8 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 32.35 521.88 m 32.35 433.12 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 564.79 521.88 m 564.79 433.12 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 32.35 520.8 m 564.79 520.8 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 31.27 434.19 m 565.87 434.19 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.5 529.86 Tm (Judgement:)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.62 505.12 Tm (People using this service experience )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 259.17 505.12 Tm (adequate)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 319.4 505.12 Tm (quality outcomes in this area. We have )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.62 487.62 Tm (made this judgement using a range of evidence, including a visit to this service.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.62 460.75 Tm (The residents enjoy a pleasant, safe and homely environment however the kitchen )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.62 443.25 Tm (fails to meet good standards of hygiene.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 418.51 Tm (�)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76078 RG 326.3 w 34.6 245.17 m 562.54 245.17 l S 0.001 w 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 32.35 399.32 m 564.79 399.32 l S 0.001 w 304.93 w 33.47 233.36 m 563.66 233.36 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d 2.25 w 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 31.27 386.95 m 565.87 386.95 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 32.35 388.03 m 32.35 78.7 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 564.79 388.03 m 564.79 78.7 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 32.35 386.95 m 564.79 386.95 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 31.27 79.78 m 565.87 79.78 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.5 396.01 Tm (Evidence:)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.57 371.27 Tm (Stanshawes is a Company owned Home, situated on the outskirts of Yate, in a )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.57 353.77 Tm (residential location close to local shops, amenities and social venues. It is a purpose )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.57 336.27 Tm (built Home designed to accommodate a maximum of forty-eight residents requiring )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.57 318.78 Tm (nursing care over the age of 50 years. The Home provides accommodation over two )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.57 301.28 Tm (floors. There are 36 single and 6 double bedrooms. Whilst none of the rooms have )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.57 283.79 Tm (separate en-suite facilities, all rooms have a wash hand basin. There is a lounge and )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.57 266.29 Tm (dining room on each floor. All areas of the Home are accessible via a lift.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.57 248.79 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.57 231.3 Tm (The Home is set in its own grounds.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.57 213.8 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.57 196.31 Tm (A tour of the building found the home to be comfortable with an array of soft )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.57 178.81 Tm (furnishings, which made the home very homely. The home was clean, tidy and odour )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.57 161.31 Tm (free and care and domestic staff were noted undertaking their duties on the day.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.57 143.82 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.57 126.32 Tm (In relation to improvement at the home since the last inspection the home told us in )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.57 108.83 Tm (the Annual Quality Assurance Assessment that redecoration throughout the home has )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.57 91.33 Tm (commenced. All bedrooms have new bedspreads and curtains \(the colours of which )Tj ET endstream endobj 53 0 obj<>/ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI]>>/MediaBox[0 0 595 842]>> endobj 54 0 obj <>stream 0 J 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 20.58 w 28.35 56.81 m 566.93 56.81 l S 0.001 w /F2 11 Tf 0 0 0 rg BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 53.04 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 456.46 52.04 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 11 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 477.68 53.04 Tm (Page )Tj ET /F2 11 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 508.21 53.04 Tm (21)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 11 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 522.2 53.04 Tm ( of )Tj ET /F2 11 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 540.49 53.04 Tm (31)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F5 10 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 37.61 Tm (�)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76078 RG 546.25 w 34.6 538.28 m 562.54 538.28 l S 0.001 w 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 32.35 802.41 m 564.79 802.41 l S 0.001 w 524.88 w 33.47 526.47 m 563.66 526.47 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d 2.25 w 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 31.27 790.03 m 565.87 790.03 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 32.35 791.11 m 32.35 261.83 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 564.79 791.11 m 564.79 261.83 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 32.35 790.03 m 564.79 790.03 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 31.27 262.9 m 565.87 262.9 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.5 799.09 Tm (Evidence:)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 779.1 Tm (were chosen by the residents or if they were unable, by their relative\). Carpets within )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 761.6 Tm (the bedrooms are gradually being replaced.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 744.11 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 726.61 Tm (The home no longer has any unpleasent odour due to the new air freshening sysyem )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 709.11 Tm (that has been installed.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 691.62 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 674.12 Tm (We noted that annual servicing in relation to Gas Installations and heating systems, )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 656.63 Tm (Safety of Electrical Installations, along with checks of the emergency lighting and Fire )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 639.13 Tm (safety systems have been carried out. There is evidence of this and of annual lift and )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 621.63 Tm (hoists servicing.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 604.14 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 586.64 Tm (The home's facilities support good practice for the prevention of the spread of )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 569.15 Tm (infection. Appropriate Policies and Procedures are in place.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 551.65 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 534.15 Tm (While we aware that the organisation has made and are making further improvements )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 516.66 Tm (at the home we were disappointed with the uncleanliness and untidiness of the kitchen )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 499.16 Tm (and the dry food store area.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 481.67 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 464.17 Tm (We noted the work-tops; and the shelves had dried grease and the floor of the kitchen )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 446.67 Tm (was very untidy. We also noted that the dry food store was untidy and dusty. The )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 429.18 Tm (manager told us that there was a cleaning schedule however this was not being )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 411.68 Tm (followed.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 394.19 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 376.69 Tm (This situation puts the health and safety of the residents, staff and visitors at risk and )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 359.19 Tm (must be addressed to ensure protection of all concerned. A requirement has been )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 341.7 Tm (made for the kitchen to be deep cleaned and to ensure that the cleanliness is regularly )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 324.2 Tm (maintained.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 306.71 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 289.21 Tm (This service was visited by the South Gloucestershire Environmental Service )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 271.71 Tm (December 2008 and was awarded a five Star rating.)Tj ET endstream endobj 56 0 obj<>/ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI]>>/MediaBox[0 0 595 842]>> endobj 57 0 obj <>stream 0 J 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 20.58 w 28.35 56.81 m 566.93 56.81 l S 0.001 w /F2 11 Tf 0 0 0 rg BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 53.04 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 456.46 52.04 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 11 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 477.68 53.04 Tm (Page )Tj ET /F2 11 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 508.21 53.04 Tm (22)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 11 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 522.2 53.04 Tm ( of )Tj ET /F2 11 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 540.49 53.04 Tm (31)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F5 10 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 37.61 Tm (�)Tj ET 1 1 1 RG 13.6 w 29.55 794.85 m 566.93 794.85 l S 0.001 w /F2 16 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 29.55 785.57 Tm (Staffing )Tj ET 1 1 1 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 10 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 29.55 766 Tm (�)Tj ET 1 1 1 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 12 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35 747.89 Tm (These are the outcomes that people )Tj ET 1 1 1 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 12 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 250.51 747.89 Tm (staying in care homes)Tj ET 1 1 1 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 12 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 383.43 747.89 Tm ( should experience. They )Tj ET 1 1 1 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 12 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35 730.4 Tm (reflect the things that people have said are important to them:)Tj ET 1 1 1 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F6 5 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 717.94 Tm (�)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76078 RG 104.25 w 32.32 661.38 m 562.53 661.38 l S 0.001 w 0.95294 0.95294 0.95294 RG 85 w 31.2 672.13 m 563.65 672.13 l S 0.001 w 1 1 1 RG 17 w 31.2 618.88 m 563.65 618.88 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d 2.25 w 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 28.99 628.5 m 565.85 628.5 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 715.75 m 565.85 715.75 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 628.5 m 565.85 628.5 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 609.25 m 565.85 609.25 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 30.07 716.83 m 30.07 608.17 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 564.78 716.83 m 564.78 608.17 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.5 702.57 Tm (People have safe and appropriate support as there are enough competent staff on duty )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.5 685.57 Tm (at all times. They have confidence in the staff at the home because checks have been )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.5 668.57 Tm (done to make sure that they are suitable to care for them. Their needs are met and )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.5 651.57 Tm (they are cared for by staff who get the relevant training and support from their )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.5 634.57 Tm (managers.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.5 615.32 Tm (There are no additional outcomes.)Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 591 Tm ()Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 569 Tm (7KLVLVZKDWSHRSOHVWD\\LQJLQWKLVFDUHKRPHH[SHULHQFH)Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 369.04 569 Tm ()Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 546.94 Tm (�)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76078 RG 124.35 w 34.6 480 m 562.54 480 l S 0.001 w 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 32.35 533.17 m 564.79 533.17 l S 0.001 w 101.85 w 33.47 468.75 m 563.66 468.75 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d 2.25 w 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 31.27 520.8 m 565.87 520.8 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 32.35 521.88 m 32.35 415.62 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 564.79 521.88 m 564.79 415.62 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 32.35 520.8 m 564.79 520.8 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 31.27 416.7 m 565.87 416.7 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.5 529.86 Tm (Judgement:)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.62 505.12 Tm (People using this service experience )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 259.17 505.12 Tm (good)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 292.92 505.12 Tm (quality outcomes in this area. We have )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.62 487.62 Tm (made this judgement using a range of evidence, including a visit to this service.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.62 460.75 Tm (The residents enjoy good, warm relationships with staff. The home's recruitment )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.62 443.25 Tm (procedure offers protection to the residents and there are adequate numbers of staff )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.62 425.76 Tm (to meet the needs of the individuals living in the home.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 401.01 Tm (�)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76078 RG 308.8 w 34.6 236.43 m 562.54 236.43 l S 0.001 w 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 32.35 381.83 m 564.79 381.83 l S 0.001 w 287.43 w 33.47 224.62 m 563.66 224.62 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d 2.25 w 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 31.27 369.45 m 565.87 369.45 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 32.35 370.53 m 32.35 78.7 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 564.79 370.53 m 564.79 78.7 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 32.35 369.45 m 564.79 369.45 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 31.27 79.78 m 565.87 79.78 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.5 378.52 Tm (Evidence:)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.57 353.77 Tm (On the day of the inspection there were thirty eight residents at the Home. The rota )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.57 336.27 Tm (showed that there were two registered nurses 8am-2pm and eight care assistants )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.57 318.78 Tm (8am-2pm.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.57 301.28 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.57 283.79 Tm (There also two registered nurses 2pm-8pm and six care assistants 2pm-8pm. One )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.57 266.29 Tm (registered nurse from 8pm-8am and five care assistants \(one care assistant on )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.57 248.79 Tm (induction\) from 8pm-8am.This is regularly monitored to ensure that residents' needs )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.57 231.3 Tm (are adequately met.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.57 213.8 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.57 196.31 Tm (Other supporting staff include domestics, kitchen staff, a maintenance person, Activity )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.57 178.81 Tm (Coordinator and an administrator.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.57 161.31 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.57 143.82 Tm (In relation to staff training the manager stated that almost all staff have attended )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.57 126.32 Tm (updates in manual handling and that fifteen staff are booked for the same updates on )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.57 108.83 Tm (10/07/09. Eleven staff members have First Aid Certificates. The manager told us that )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.57 91.33 Tm (the home is organising training for three staff members and, four staff members to )Tj ET endstream endobj 58 0 obj<>/ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI]>>/MediaBox[0 0 595 842]>> endobj 59 0 obj <>stream 0 J 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 20.58 w 28.35 56.81 m 566.93 56.81 l S 0.001 w /F2 11 Tf 0 0 0 rg BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 53.04 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 456.46 52.04 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 11 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 477.68 53.04 Tm (Page )Tj ET /F2 11 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 508.21 53.04 Tm (23)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 11 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 522.2 53.04 Tm ( of )Tj ET /F2 11 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 540.49 53.04 Tm (31)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F5 10 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 37.61 Tm (�)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76078 RG 353.8 w 34.6 634.51 m 562.54 634.51 l S 0.001 w 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 32.35 802.41 m 564.79 802.41 l S 0.001 w 332.42 w 33.47 622.7 m 563.66 622.7 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d 2.25 w 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 31.27 790.03 m 565.87 790.03 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 32.35 791.11 m 32.35 454.28 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 564.79 791.11 m 564.79 454.28 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 32.35 790.03 m 564.79 790.03 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 31.27 455.36 m 565.87 455.36 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.5 799.09 Tm (Evidence:)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 779.1 Tm (attend training on the Protection of Vulnerable Adults and Infection Control )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 761.6 Tm (respectively. Nine staff members have attended training updates in Health and Safety. )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 744.11 Tm (The manager told us that the head office is arranging more training for staff on this )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 726.61 Tm (subject.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 709.11 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 691.62 Tm (Eight staff members have National Vocational Qualification \(NVQ\) at Level two, four )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 674.12 Tm (have recently commenced and four staff members are awaiting registration for course )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 656.63 Tm (at NVQ Level two.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 639.13 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 621.63 Tm (Two house keeping staff met on the day met on the visit stated that they had )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 604.14 Tm (attended Protection of Vulnerable Adults from Abuse, Control of Substances Hazardous )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 586.64 Tm (to Health and Infection Control training.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 569.15 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 551.65 Tm (There is a system in place to ensure that the correct procedure is followed when )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 534.15 Tm (recruiting staff and the system also requires the cross checking of the process before )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 516.66 Tm (a person is employed. Two samples of this were seen.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 499.16 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 481.67 Tm (All new staff undergo intensive induction training provided by Four Season's Health )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 464.17 Tm (Care; this training complies with Skills for Care induction programme.)Tj ET endstream endobj 60 0 obj<>/ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI]>>/MediaBox[0 0 595 842]>> endobj 61 0 obj <>stream 0 J 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 20.58 w 28.35 56.81 m 566.93 56.81 l S 0.001 w /F2 11 Tf 0 0 0 rg BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 53.04 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 456.46 52.04 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 11 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 477.68 53.04 Tm (Page )Tj ET /F2 11 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 508.21 53.04 Tm (24)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 11 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 522.2 53.04 Tm ( of )Tj ET /F2 11 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 540.49 53.04 Tm (31)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F5 10 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 37.61 Tm (�)Tj ET 1 1 1 RG 13.6 w 29.55 794.85 m 566.93 794.85 l S 0.001 w /F2 16 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 29.55 785.57 Tm (Management and administration )Tj ET 1 1 1 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 10 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 29.55 766 Tm (�)Tj ET 1 1 1 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 12 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35 747.89 Tm (These are the outcomes that people )Tj ET 1 1 1 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 12 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 250.51 747.89 Tm (staying in care homes)Tj ET 1 1 1 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 12 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 383.43 747.89 Tm ( should experience. They )Tj ET 1 1 1 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 12 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35 730.4 Tm (reflect the things that people have said are important to them:)Tj ET 1 1 1 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F6 5 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 717.94 Tm (�)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76078 RG 189.25 w 32.32 618.88 m 562.53 618.88 l S 0.001 w 0.95294 0.95294 0.95294 RG 85 w 31.2 672.13 m 563.65 672.13 l S 0.001 w 1 1 1 RG 102 w 31.2 576.38 m 563.65 576.38 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d 2.25 w 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 28.99 628.5 m 565.85 628.5 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 715.75 m 565.85 715.75 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 628.5 m 565.85 628.5 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 524.25 m 565.85 524.25 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 30.07 716.83 m 30.07 523.17 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 564.78 716.83 m 564.78 523.17 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.5 702.57 Tm (People have confidence in the care home because it is led and managed appropriately. )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.5 685.57 Tm (People control their own money and choose how they spend it. If they or someone )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.5 668.57 Tm (close to them cannot manage their money, it is managed by the care home in their )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.5 651.57 Tm (best interests. The environment is safe for people and staff because appropriate health )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.5 634.57 Tm (and safety practices are carried out.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.5 615.32 Tm (People get the right support from the care home because the manager runs it )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.5 598.32 Tm (appropriately with an open approach that makes them feel valued and respected. The )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.5 581.32 Tm (people staying at the home are safeguarded because it follows clear financial and )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.5 564.32 Tm (accounting procedures, keeps records appropriately and ensures their staff understand )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.5 547.32 Tm (the way things should be done. They get the right care because the staff are )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.5 530.32 Tm (supervised and supported by their managers.)Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 506 Tm ()Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 484 Tm (7KLVLVZKDWSHRSOHVWD\\LQJLQWKLVFDUHKRPHH[SHULHQFH)Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 369.04 484 Tm ()Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 461.94 Tm (�)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76078 RG 106.85 w 34.6 403.74 m 562.54 403.74 l S 0.001 w 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 32.35 448.17 m 564.79 448.17 l S 0.001 w 84.36 w 33.47 392.5 m 563.66 392.5 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d 2.25 w 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 31.27 435.8 m 565.87 435.8 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 32.35 436.88 m 32.35 348.12 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 564.79 436.88 m 564.79 348.12 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 32.35 435.8 m 564.79 435.8 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 31.27 349.19 m 565.87 349.19 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.5 444.86 Tm (Judgement:)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.62 420.12 Tm (People using this service experience )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 259.17 420.12 Tm (good)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 292.92 420.12 Tm (quality outcomes in this area. We have )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.62 402.62 Tm (made this judgement using a range of evidence, including a visit to this service.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.62 375.75 Tm (The home is well managed; it ensures that there is adequate protection in relation to )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.62 358.25 Tm (health and safety of residents, staff and visitors.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 333.51 Tm (�)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76078 RG 241.3 w 34.6 202.67 m 562.54 202.67 l S 0.001 w 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 32.35 314.32 m 564.79 314.32 l S 0.001 w 219.93 w 33.47 190.86 m 563.66 190.86 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d 2.25 w 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 31.27 301.95 m 565.87 301.95 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 32.35 303.03 m 32.35 78.7 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 564.79 303.03 m 564.79 78.7 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 32.35 301.95 m 564.79 301.95 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 31.27 79.78 m 565.87 79.78 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.5 311.01 Tm (Evidence:)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.57 286.27 Tm (On the day of inspection there was a good, friendly interactive atmosphere at the )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.57 268.77 Tm (home. Most residents looked well cared for and were talking to staff in an informal )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.57 251.27 Tm (way. Staff and residents spoken with told us that there have been improvements at )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.57 233.78 Tm (the home and that the home is better managed since the new manager started in )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.57 216.28 Tm (December 2008.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.57 198.79 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.57 181.29 Tm (Ms Cathryn Shipsides is the new manager for Stanshawes Nursing Home. Cathryn has )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.57 163.79 Tm (a Diploma in Higher Education Nursing \(Registered Nurse\) and a qualification in )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.57 146.3 Tm (Palliative Care \(Lymphodema level 3\). Cathryn has four years experience in palliative )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.57 128.8 Tm (care and two years experience as a deputy manager in three Star rated home.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.57 111.31 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 36.57 93.81 Tm (Since joining the organisation the manager has attended all the statutory training )Tj ET endstream endobj 62 0 obj<>/ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI]>>/MediaBox[0 0 595 842]>> endobj 63 0 obj <>stream 0 J 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 20.58 w 28.35 56.81 m 566.93 56.81 l S 0.001 w /F2 11 Tf 0 0 0 rg BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 53.04 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 456.46 52.04 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 11 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 477.68 53.04 Tm (Page )Tj ET /F2 11 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 508.21 53.04 Tm (25)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 11 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 522.2 53.04 Tm ( of )Tj ET /F2 11 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 540.49 53.04 Tm (31)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F5 10 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 37.61 Tm (�)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76078 RG 728.25 w 34.6 447.28 m 562.54 447.28 l S 0.001 w 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 32.35 802.41 m 564.79 802.41 l S 0.001 w 706.88 w 33.47 435.47 m 563.66 435.47 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d 2.25 w 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 31.27 790.03 m 565.87 790.03 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 32.35 791.11 m 32.35 79.82 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 564.79 791.11 m 564.79 79.82 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 32.35 790.03 m 564.79 790.03 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 31.27 80.9 m 565.87 80.9 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.5 799.09 Tm (Evidence:)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 779.1 Tm (including risk assessment and health and safety. Other training attended includes )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 761.6 Tm (male and suprapubic catheterisation and a syringe driver update.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 744.11 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 726.61 Tm (Cathryn stated that she has attended Mental Capacity Act training and Deprivation of )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 709.11 Tm (Liberty Safeguards. Her aim is to commence National Vocational Qualification \(NVQ\) at )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 691.62 Tm (level 4 in Care Management or the Registered Managers Award as soon as possible. )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 674.12 Tm (The qualifications and experience will enable her to support staff members to provide )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 656.63 Tm (high quality care for the residents.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 639.13 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 621.63 Tm (Cathryn is yet to submit her application for registration to the Care Quality )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 604.14 Tm (Commission.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 586.64 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 569.15 Tm (The manager had a clear understanding of her role and responsibility within the home )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 551.65 Tm (and was able to demonstrate understanding of the needs of the residents.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 534.15 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 516.66 Tm (There was evidence that the manager and her team were committed to maintaining )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 499.16 Tm (good levels of service.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 481.67 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 464.17 Tm (Residents, relatives and staff spoken with on the day commented positively and highly )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 446.67 Tm (of the manager's ability to manage the home.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 429.18 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 411.68 Tm (Staff spoken with on the day of inspection stated that Cathryn is good, open and )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 394.19 Tm (approachable.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 376.69 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 359.19 Tm (Ms Shipside stated in a discussion that she is well supported by the Regional Manager )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 341.7 Tm (through regular supervision and would ensure that the home is provided with )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 324.2 Tm (adequate resources for meeting the needs of residents at Stanshawes.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 306.71 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 289.21 Tm (There was evidence of staff meetings to ensure that staff remain focused on the vision )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 271.71 Tm (of the home to provide quality care to the residents. At the last staff meeting )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 254.22 Tm (\(Registered Nurses\) on 09/05/09 issues discussed include shift management of care )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 236.72 Tm (plans and audits, Medication and Medication Administration Record Sheets.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 219.23 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 201.73 Tm (The home has robust policies and procedures in relation to aspects of health and )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 184.23 Tm (safety.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 166.74 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 149.24 Tm (Records relating to health and safety were clearly written and accessible to staff. )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 131.75 Tm (There was evidence that the home takes the health and safety of residents, staff and )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 114.25 Tm (visitors seriously whilst maximising residents' independence.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 96.75 Tm (�)Tj ET endstream endobj 64 0 obj<>/ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI]>>/MediaBox[0 0 595 842]>> endobj 65 0 obj <>stream 0 J 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 20.58 w 28.35 56.81 m 566.93 56.81 l S 0.001 w /F2 11 Tf 0 0 0 rg BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 53.04 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 456.46 52.04 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 11 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 477.68 53.04 Tm (Page )Tj ET /F2 11 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 508.21 53.04 Tm (26)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 11 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 522.2 53.04 Tm ( of )Tj ET /F2 11 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 540.49 53.04 Tm (31)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F5 10 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 37.61 Tm (�)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76078 RG 728.25 w 34.6 447.28 m 562.54 447.28 l S 0.001 w 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 32.35 802.41 m 564.79 802.41 l S 0.001 w 706.88 w 33.47 435.47 m 563.66 435.47 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d 2.25 w 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 31.27 790.03 m 565.87 790.03 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 32.35 791.11 m 32.35 79.82 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 564.79 791.11 m 564.79 79.82 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 32.35 790.03 m 564.79 790.03 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 31.27 80.9 m 565.87 80.9 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.5 799.09 Tm (Evidence:)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 779.1 Tm (The fire logbook was viewed and was well maintained. The home was completing the )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 761.6 Tm (appropriate checks on the fire equipment and recording of training and testing of )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 744.11 Tm (equipment was satisfactory. Staff have attended fire drills to ensure that they have )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 726.61 Tm (clear knowledge of action to be taken in the event of fire emergency.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 709.11 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 691.62 Tm (There is a service record of the Nurse Call system, fire alarm service and portable )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 674.12 Tm (appliance tests \(PAT\) of all electrical appliances.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 656.63 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 639.13 Tm (We noted while reviewing the records that there were a number of accidents between )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 621.63 Tm (January and May 2009, on some occasions there were injuries and some no injuries )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 604.14 Tm (following the falls. Accident reports were clearly recorded and satisfactorily reviewed )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 586.64 Tm (on each occasion. The manager told us that auditing accidents enables the home to )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 569.15 Tm (establish if there is a pattern and a reason in order to undertake appropriate risk )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 551.65 Tm (assessment to minimise/prevent accidents.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 534.15 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 516.66 Tm (Staff supervision was reviewed. Evidence from the records viewed showed that staff )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 499.16 Tm (have received supervision. Staff spoken with confirmed that they have received )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 481.67 Tm (supervision and that they benefited from the exercise. It afforded them the )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 464.17 Tm (opportunity to express their opinion about the services provided at the home and to )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 446.67 Tm (discuss areas of concern in relation to residents' care. The manager told us that )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 429.18 Tm (trained nurses have been allocated to undertake supervision activity with carers as a )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 411.68 Tm (part of personal development.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 394.19 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 376.69 Tm (The home has different ways of monitoring the quality of its services. These include, )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 359.19 Tm (residents and relatives questionnaires, monthly medication care plan audits residents )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 341.7 Tm (care plan reviews from Social Services, Risk Monitoring reports on residents and six )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 324.2 Tm (monthly organisational Team Audit Process \(TAP\) by managers to look at every aspect )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 306.71 Tm (of the home.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 289.21 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 271.71 Tm (There is also a monthly health and safety check and weekly report to the regional )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 254.22 Tm (Manager on staffing and agency usage. The statutory monthly provider's visit enables )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 236.72 Tm (the home to review practices and formulate an action plan to remedy any identified )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 219.23 Tm (areas of concern.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 201.73 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 184.23 Tm (The home has policies and procedures to include Confidentiality, Protection of )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 166.74 Tm (Vulnerable Adults from abuse and whistle blowing, complaints, Missing Persons )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 149.24 Tm (Recruitment and Staff supervision.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 131.75 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 114.25 Tm (Residents' monies were reviewed and it was noted that the amount recorded in the )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 96.75 Tm (book corresponded with the amount found in the individual pockets in the facility )Tj ET endstream endobj 66 0 obj<>/ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI]>>/MediaBox[0 0 595 842]>> endobj 67 0 obj <>stream 0 J 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 20.58 w 28.35 56.81 m 566.93 56.81 l S 0.001 w /F2 11 Tf 0 0 0 rg BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 53.04 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 456.46 52.04 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 11 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 477.68 53.04 Tm (Page )Tj ET /F2 11 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 508.21 53.04 Tm (27)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 11 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 522.2 53.04 Tm ( of )Tj ET /F2 11 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 540.49 53.04 Tm (31)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F5 10 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 37.61 Tm (�)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76078 RG 91.36 w 34.6 765.73 m 562.54 765.73 l S 0.001 w 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 32.35 802.41 m 564.79 802.41 l S 0.001 w 69.98 w 33.47 753.92 m 563.66 753.92 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d 2.25 w 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 31.27 790.03 m 565.87 790.03 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 32.35 791.11 m 32.35 716.72 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 564.79 791.11 m 564.79 716.72 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 32.35 790.03 m 564.79 790.03 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 31.27 717.8 m 565.87 717.8 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.5 799.09 Tm (Evidence:)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 779.1 Tm (provided.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 761.6 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 744.11 Tm (All residents' information was securely locked away. All residents have a lockable )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.32 726.61 Tm (facility in the bedrooms for personal belongings.)Tj ET endstream endobj 68 0 obj<>/ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI]>>/MediaBox[0 0 595 842]>> endobj 70 0 obj <>stream 0 J 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 20.58 w 28.35 35.56 m 566.93 35.56 l S 0.001 w /F2 12 Tf 0 0 0 rg BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 30.79 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 11 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 477.68 31.8 Tm (Page)Tj ET /F2 11 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 508.21 31.8 Tm (28)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 11 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 522.2 31.8 Tm ( of )Tj ET /F2 11 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 540.49 31.8 Tm (31)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr 0.99216 0.9451 0.76078 RG 36.25 w 29.47 793.28 m 564.97 793.28 l S 0.001 w 0.95294 0.95294 0.95294 RG 17 w 28.35 804.03 m 566.1 804.03 l S 0.001 w 17 w 28.35 784.78 m 422.1 784.78 l S 0.001 w 17 w 424.35 784.78 m 467.1 784.78 l S 0.001 w 1 1 1 RG 17 w 469.35 784.78 m 494.1 784.78 l S 0.001 w 0.95294 0.95294 0.95294 RG 17 w 496.35 784.78 m 539.1 784.78 l S 0.001 w 1 1 1 RG 17 w 541.35 784.78 m 566.1 784.78 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d 2.25 w 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 26.14 794.4 m 568.3 794.4 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 26.14 813.65 m 568.3 813.65 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 26.14 794.4 m 568.3 794.4 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 26.14 775.15 m 568.3 775.15 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 27.22 814.73 m 27.22 774.08 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 423.22 795.48 m 423.22 774.08 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 468.22 795.48 m 468.22 774.08 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 495.22 795.48 m 495.22 774.08 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 540.22 795.48 m 540.22 774.08 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 567.22 814.73 m 567.22 774.08 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 33.75 800.47 Tm (Are there any outstanding requirements from the last inspection?)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 429.75 781.22 Tm (Yes)Tj ET /F7 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 476.37 783.16 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 501.75 781.22 Tm (No)Tj ET /F7 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 548.37 783.16 Tm (5)Tj ET 0.95294 0.95294 0.95294 RG 124.56 w 32.32 655.12 m 564.97 655.12 l S 0.001 w 1 1 1 RG 20.58 w 31.2 604.26 m 91.05 604.26 l S 0.001 w 20.58 w 93.3 604.26 m 197.4 604.26 l S 0.001 w 20.58 w 199.65 604.26 m 289.45 604.26 l S 0.001 w 20.58 w 291.7 604.26 m 473.8 604.26 l S 0.001 w 20.58 w 476.05 604.26 m 566.1 604.26 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d 2.25 w 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 30.07 616.75 m 30.07 591.77 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 567.22 616.75 m 567.22 591.77 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 648.22 m 568.4 648.22 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 615.67 m 568.3 615.67 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 92.17 616.75 m 92.17 591.77 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 198.52 616.75 m 198.52 591.77 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 290.57 616.75 m 290.57 591.77 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 474.92 616.75 m 474.92 591.77 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 719.65 m 568.4 719.65 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 648.22 m 568.4 648.22 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 615.67 m 568.4 615.67 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 592.84 m 568.3 592.84 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 30.07 720.73 m 30.07 614.6 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 92.12 649.3 m 92.12 614.6 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 198.52 649.3 m 198.52 614.6 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 290.62 649.3 m 290.62 614.6 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 475.02 649.3 m 475.02 614.6 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 567.32 720.73 m 567.32 614.6 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d /F2 16 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 702.45 Tm (Outstanding statutory requirements)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 684.03 Tm (These are requirements that were set at the previous inspection, but have still not )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 669.45 Tm (been met.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 95.57 669.45 Tm (� )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 104.02 669.45 Tm (They say what the registered person had to do to meet the Care Standards )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 654.87 Tm (Act 2000, Care Homes Regulations 2001 and the National Minimum Standards.)Tj ET /F2 10 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 31.2 637.05 Tm (No.)Tj ET /F2 10 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 96.1 634.05 Tm (Standard)Tj ET /F2 10 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 202.5 634.05 Tm (Regulation)Tj ET /F2 10 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 294.6 634.05 Tm (Requirement)Tj ET /F2 10 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 479 634.05 Tm (Timescale for )Tj ET /F2 10 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 479 621.9 Tm (action)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.5 602.49 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 96.15 599.49 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 202.5 599.49 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 294.55 599.49 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 478.9 599.49 Tm (�)Tj ET endstream endobj 71 0 obj<>/ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI]>>/MediaBox[0 0 595 842]>> endobj 72 0 obj <>stream 0 J 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 20.58 w 28.35 35.56 m 566.93 35.56 l S 0.001 w /F2 12 Tf 0 0 0 rg BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 30.79 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 11 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 477.68 31.8 Tm (Page)Tj ET /F2 11 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 508.21 31.8 Tm (29)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 11 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 522.2 31.8 Tm ( of )Tj ET /F2 11 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 540.49 31.8 Tm (31)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 16 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35 797.57 Tm (Requirements and recommendations from this inspection:)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 12 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35 782.15 Tm (�)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr 0.95294 0.95294 0.95294 RG 108.12 w 32.32 719.78 m 564.97 719.78 l S 0.001 w 1 1 1 RG 20.58 w 31.2 677.13 m 91.05 677.13 l S 0.001 w 20.58 w 93.3 677.13 m 197.4 677.13 l S 0.001 w 20.58 w 199.65 677.13 m 289.45 677.13 l S 0.001 w 20.58 w 291.7 677.13 m 473.8 677.13 l S 0.001 w 20.58 w 476.05 677.13 m 566.1 677.13 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d 2.25 w 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 30.07 689.63 m 30.07 664.64 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 567.22 689.63 m 567.22 664.64 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 721.1 m 568.4 721.1 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 688.55 m 568.3 688.55 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 92.17 689.63 m 92.17 664.64 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 198.52 689.63 m 198.52 664.64 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 290.57 689.63 m 290.57 664.64 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 474.92 689.63 m 474.92 664.64 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 776.09 m 568.4 776.09 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 721.1 m 568.4 721.1 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 688.55 m 568.4 688.55 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 665.72 m 568.3 665.72 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 30.07 777.17 m 30.07 687.47 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 92.12 722.18 m 92.12 687.47 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 198.52 722.18 m 198.52 687.47 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 290.62 722.18 m 290.62 687.47 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 475.02 722.18 m 475.02 687.47 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 567.32 777.17 m 567.32 687.47 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d /F2 12 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 34.05 759.9 Tm (Immediate requirements:)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 742.32 Tm (These are immediate requirements that were set on the day we visited this care home. )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 727.74 Tm (The registered person had to meet these within 48 hours.)Tj ET /F2 10 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 31.2 709.92 Tm (No.)Tj ET /F2 10 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 96.1 706.92 Tm (Standard)Tj ET /F2 10 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 202.5 706.92 Tm (Regulation)Tj ET /F2 10 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 294.6 706.92 Tm (Requirement)Tj ET /F2 10 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 479 706.92 Tm (Timescale for )Tj ET /F2 10 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 479 694.77 Tm (action)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.5 675.36 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 96.15 672.36 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 202.5 672.36 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 294.55 672.36 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 478.9 672.36 Tm (�)Tj ET 0.95294 0.95294 0.95294 RG 497.04 w 32.32 377.57 m 564.97 377.57 l S 0.001 w 1 1 1 RG 119 w 31.2 466.18 m 91.05 466.18 l S 0.001 w 119 w 93.3 466.18 m 197.4 466.18 l S 0.001 w 119 w 199.65 466.18 m 289.45 466.18 l S 0.001 w 119 w 291.7 466.18 m 473.8 466.18 l S 0.001 w 119 w 476.05 466.18 m 566.1 466.18 l S 0.001 w 170 w 31.2 319.43 m 91.05 319.43 l S 0.001 w 170 w 93.3 319.43 m 197.4 319.43 l S 0.001 w 170 w 199.65 319.43 m 289.45 319.43 l S 0.001 w 170 w 291.7 319.43 m 473.8 319.43 l S 0.001 w 170 w 476.05 319.43 m 566.1 319.43 l S 0.001 w 102 w 31.2 181.18 m 91.05 181.18 l S 0.001 w 102 w 93.3 181.18 m 197.4 181.18 l S 0.001 w 102 w 199.65 181.18 m 289.45 181.18 l S 0.001 w 102 w 291.7 181.18 m 473.8 181.18 l S 0.001 w 102 w 476.05 181.18 m 566.1 181.18 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d 2.25 w 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 28.99 405.55 m 568.3 405.55 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 233.3 m 568.3 233.3 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 30.07 527.88 m 30.07 127.98 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 567.22 527.88 m 567.22 127.98 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 559.35 m 568.4 559.35 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 526.8 m 568.3 526.8 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 92.17 527.88 m 92.17 127.98 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 198.52 527.88 m 198.52 127.98 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 290.57 527.88 m 290.57 127.98 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 474.92 527.88 m 474.92 127.98 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 628.34 m 568.4 628.34 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 559.35 m 568.4 559.35 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 526.8 m 568.4 526.8 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 405.55 m 568.3 405.55 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 233.3 m 568.3 233.3 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 129.05 m 568.3 129.05 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 30.07 629.42 m 30.07 525.73 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 92.12 560.43 m 92.12 525.73 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 198.52 560.43 m 198.52 525.73 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 290.62 560.43 m 290.62 525.73 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 475.02 560.43 m 475.02 525.73 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 567.32 629.42 m 567.32 525.73 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d /F2 12 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 615.16 Tm (Statutory requirements)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 595.16 Tm (These requirements set out what the registered person must do to meet the Care )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 580.58 Tm (Standards Act 2000, Care Homes)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 239.77 580.58 Tm (Regulations 2001 and the National Minimum )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 566 Tm (Standards. The registered person\(s\) must do this within the timescales we have set.)Tj ET /F2 10 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 31.2 548.18 Tm (No.)Tj ET /F2 10 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 96.1 545.18 Tm (Standard)Tj ET /F2 10 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 202.5 545.18 Tm (Regulation)Tj ET /F2 10 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 294.6 545.18 Tm (Requirement)Tj ET /F2 10 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 479 545.18 Tm (Timescale for )Tj ET /F2 10 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 479 533.03 Tm (action)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.5 513.62 Tm (1)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 99.3 513.62 Tm (7)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 201.55 513.62 Tm (15)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 298.05 513.62 Tm (Ensure that prescribe )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 298.05 496.62 Tm (medical devices are applied )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 298.05 479.62 Tm (as prescribed to an )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 298.05 462.62 Tm (individual. )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 298.05 445.62 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 298.05 428.62 Tm (In order to meet person's )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 298.05 411.62 Tm (needs.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 482.1 513.62 Tm (16/02/2010)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 554.05 513.62 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.5 392.37 Tm (2)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 99.3 392.37 Tm (9)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 201.55 392.37 Tm (13)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 298.05 392.37 Tm (All signed medication must )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 298.05 375.37 Tm (not be left in the blister pack )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 298.05 358.37 Tm (without coded explanation.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 298.05 341.37 Tm (Furthermore all medication )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 298.05 324.37 Tm (administered must be signed )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 298.05 307.37 Tm (to prevent error and to )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 298.05 290.37 Tm (protect the residents.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 298.05 273.37 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 298.05 256.37 Tm (To prevent error and to )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 298.05 239.37 Tm (protect the residents.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 482.1 392.37 Tm (16/02/2010)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 554.05 392.37 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.5 220.12 Tm (3)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 99.3 220.12 Tm (26)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 201.55 220.12 Tm (16)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 298.05 220.12 Tm (Ensure that the kitchen is )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 298.05 203.12 Tm (kept clean at all times )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 298.05 186.12 Tm (including the dry food store.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 298.05 169.12 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 298.05 152.12 Tm (To ensure that food )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 298.05 135.12 Tm (preparation is safe.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 482.1 220.12 Tm (16/02/2010)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 554.05 220.12 Tm (�)Tj ET endstream endobj 73 0 obj<>/ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI]>>/MediaBox[0 0 595 842]>> endobj 74 0 obj <>stream 0 J 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 20.58 w 28.35 35.56 m 566.93 35.56 l S 0.001 w /F2 12 Tf 0 0 0 rg BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 30.79 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 11 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 477.68 31.8 Tm (Page)Tj ET /F2 11 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 508.21 31.8 Tm (30)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 11 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 522.2 31.8 Tm ( of )Tj ET /F2 11 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 540.49 31.8 Tm (31)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr 0.95294 0.95294 0.95294 RG 280.3 w 32.32 671.25 m 564.97 671.25 l S 0.001 w 1 1 1 RG 64.32 w 31.2 691.52 m 91.05 691.52 l S 0.001 w 64.32 w 93.3 691.52 m 197.4 691.52 l S 0.001 w 64.32 w 199.65 691.52 m 566.1 691.52 l S 0.001 w 122.64 w 31.2 595.79 m 91.05 595.79 l S 0.001 w 122.64 w 93.3 595.79 m 197.4 595.79 l S 0.001 w 122.64 w 199.65 595.79 m 566.1 595.79 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d 2.25 w 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 28.99 658.24 m 568.3 658.24 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 30.07 725.89 m 30.07 532.27 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 567.22 725.89 m 567.22 532.27 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 744.08 m 568.4 744.08 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 724.81 m 568.3 724.81 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 92.17 725.89 m 92.17 532.27 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 198.52 725.89 m 198.52 532.27 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 813.65 m 568.4 813.65 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 744.08 m 568.4 744.08 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 658.24 m 568.3 658.24 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 533.35 m 568.3 533.35 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 30.07 814.73 m 30.07 723.73 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 92.17 745.16 m 92.17 724.81 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 198.47 745.16 m 198.47 724.81 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 567.32 814.73 m 567.32 723.73 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d /F2 12 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 34.05 797.47 Tm (Recommendations)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 779.89 Tm (These recommendations are taken from the best practice described in the National )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 765.31 Tm (Minimum Standards and the registered person\(s\) should consider them as a way of )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 750.73 Tm (improving their service.)Tj ET /F2 10 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 729.91 Tm (No)Tj ET /F2 10 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 96.15 729.91 Tm (Refer to Standard)Tj ET /F2 10 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 202.45 729.91 Tm (Good Practice Recommendations)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 708.62 Tm (1)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 96.15 708.62 Tm (7)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 202.5 708.62 Tm (Regular completion the documents put in place for )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 202.5 694.04 Tm (monitoring care given to residents would enable the home )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 202.5 679.46 Tm (to verify that care had been given as stated in the care )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 202.5 664.88 Tm (plans.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 642.05 Tm (2)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 96.15 642.05 Tm (9)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 202.5 642.05 Tm (Liaise with the dispensing pharmacy to have clear direction )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 202.5 627.47 Tm (on the labels and on the MARS in relation to how the )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 202.5 612.89 Tm (medication is to be administered. This related to "As )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 202.5 598.31 Tm (directed" medications.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 202.5 583.73 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 202.5 569.15 Tm (Temperature of the fridge should be recorded daily in order )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 202.5 554.57 Tm (to identify any problem that may affect the potency of the )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 202.5 539.99 Tm (medicine stored.)Tj ET endstream endobj 75 0 obj<>/ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI]>>/MediaBox[0 0 595 842]>> endobj 76 0 obj <>stream 0 J 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 20.58 w 28.35 35.56 m 566.93 35.56 l S 0.001 w /F2 12 Tf 0 0 0 rg BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 30.79 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 11 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 477.68 31.8 Tm (Page)Tj ET /F2 11 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 508.21 31.8 Tm (31)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 11 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 522.2 31.8 Tm ( of )Tj ET /F2 11 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 540.49 31.8 Tm (31)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr 22.5 w 22.95 802.41 m 560.45 802.41 l S 0.001 w /F2 12 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35 799.09 Tm (Helpline:)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 10 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 781.11 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35 759.6 Tm (Telephone:)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 95.88 759.6 Tm ( 03000 616161)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35 739.6 Tm (Email:)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 66.84 739.6 Tm ( enquiries@cqc.org.uk)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35 719.61 Tm (Web:)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 64.35 719.61 Tm (www.cqc.org.uk)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 699.61 Tm (�)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 679.61 Tm (We want people to be able to access this information. If you would like a summary in a )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 662.12 Tm (different format or language please contact our helpline or go to our website.)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 622.62 Tm (Copyright � \(2009\) Care Quality Commission \(CQC\). This publication may be )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 605.13 Tm (reproduced in whole or in part, free of charge, in any format or medium provided that it )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 587.63 Tm (is not used for commercial gain. This consent is subject to the material being )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 570.13 Tm (reproduced accurately and on proviso that it is not used in a derogatory manner or )Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 552.64 Tm (misleading context. 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