Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust
This is an organisation that runs the health and social care services we inspect
We served a s29A warning notice on 07/02/2025 on Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust in relation to the inpatient services for older people for breaches of the Regulations covering the provision of person-centred, individualised care to people using the service and the governance and monitoring systems relating to this, and the provision of sufficient numbers of suitably qualified, trained and experienced staff to meet the needs of people using the service.
Community mental health survey 2023
Published 18 April 2024
This survey looks at the experiences of 14,770 people, across 53 NHS trusts, who received specialist care or treatment for a mental health condition between 1 April 2023 and 31 May 2023.
Questions included in the survey consider support while waiting for care, experiences of different aspects of care and treatment, crisis care, and involvement in care.
Between August and December 2023, individuals from each participating NHS trust were invited to take part in the survey. Responses were received from 238 people at Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust.
While waiting
feeling that they were offered support with their mental health6.7 out of 10
About the same
Appropriate support
the support offered was appropriate for their mental health needs6.9 out of 10
About the same
Given enough time
feeling that they were given enough time to discuss needs and treatment7.0 out of 10
About the same
Mental health team
feeling that they got the help they needed6.0 out of 10
About the same
Other areas of life
the NHS mental health team considering how other areas of life impacted on their mental health6.1 out of 10
About the same
Repeating medical history
having to repeat their mental health history to their NHS mental health team5.1 out of 10
About the same
Care plans
having a care plan6.0 out of 10
About the same
Care review meeting
meeting with someone from NHS mental health services to review their care in the last 12 months5.5 out of 10
About the same
Involvment in care
deciding what care they will receive alongside the NHS mental health team5.8 out of 10
About the same
Decisions made together
feeling supported by the NHS mental health team to make decisions about care and treatment5.9 out of 10
About the same
Control of care
feeling in control of their care4.9 out of 10
About the same
Medication discussions
having had a discussion about the purpose of their medication7.7 out of 10
About the same
Medication discussions
having had a discussion about the benefits of their medication7.0 out of 10
About the same
Medication discussions
having had a discussion about the side effects of their medication5.2 out of 10
About the same
Medication discussions
having had a discussion about what would happen if they stopped taking their medication5.2 out of 10
About the same
Medication discussions
in the last 12 months being asked by their mental health team how they were getting on with their medication8.4 out of 10
About the same
Privacy in talking therapies
feeling they had enough privacy to talk comfortably8.4 out of 10
About the same
Help received in crisis
getting the help they needed when they last contacted crisis care6.8 out of 10
Better than expected
Family or carer support
feeling the NHS mental health team gave their family or carer support whilst they were in crisis5.5 out of 10
Somewhat better than expected
Contact in a crisis
knowing who to contact out of hours within the NHS if they were in a mental health crisis7.7 out of 10
About the same
Contacting the team
satisfaction with the length of time it took to get through to the team7.3 out of 10
Much better than expected
Support with physical health
feeling supported by NHS mental health services with their physical health needs4.6 out of 10
About the same
Support with social activities
feeling supported by NHS mental health services with finding support to join a group or activity3.9 out of 10
About the same
Support with work
feeling supported by NHS mental health services with finding help for finding or keeping work1.9 out of 10
About the same
Support with financial needs
feeling supported by NHS mental health services with help for finding financial advice or benefits2.6 out of 10
About the same
Support with cost of living
feeling supported by NHS mental health services with help for finding cost of living support2.0 out of 10
About the same
Involment in care
feeling NHS mental health services involved a family member or someone close as much as they would like5.7 out of 10
About the same
Support in accessing care
being asked if they needed support to access their care and treatment3.8 out of 10
About the same
Meeting needs
feeling the support provided met their needs5.4 out of 10
About the same
Care and compassion
being treated with care and compassion by the NHS mental health team7.9 out of 10
About the same
Dignity and respect
being treated with dignity and respect7.6 out of 10
About the same
Overall view of community mental health services
their overall experience of using NHS mental health services6.5 out of 10
About the same
Giving feedback
being asked in the last 12 months to give views on their quality of care2.6 out of 10
About the same
About these scores
Most questions are grouped under the section in which they appear in the questionnaire.
We asked people to answer questions about different aspects of their care and treatment. Based on their responses, we gave each NHS trust a score out of 10 for each question (the higher the score the better).
Each trust also received a rating of ‘Much better’, ‘Better’, ‘Somewhat better’, ‘About the same’ ‘Somewhat worse’, ‘Worse’ or ‘Much worse’:
- Much better: the trust is much better for that particular question compared to most other trusts that took part in the survey
- Better: the trust is better for that particular question compared to most other trusts that took part in the survey
- Somewhat better: the trust is somewhat better for that particular question compared to most other trusts that took part in the survey
- About the same: the trust is performing about the same for that particular question as most other trusts that took part in the survey
- Somewhat worse: the trust performed somewhat worse for that particular question compared to most other trusts that took part in the survey
- Worse: the trust performed worse for that particular question compared to most other trusts that took part in the survey
- Much worse: the trust performed much worse for that particular question compared to most other trusts that took part in the survey.
More detailed information on the methodology is available in the technical document on the Community Mental Health Survey page.
Where a section score is not present (‘Overall score unavailable’) this is due to a question(s) being missing from that section (‘Not applicable’) meaning that no section score can be produced. Questions have been excluded where too few people answered a question (less than 30 respondents). This is because the uncertainty around the result is too great.