Our reviewers make sure that the powers of the Mental Health Act are used properly.
Mental Health Act reviewers come from a range of backgrounds, including mental health advocates, nurses and social workers. They are independent of the service providing care.
They can visit patients detained in hospital and meet with them in private to find out about their experiences.
They can also meet patients who are on a community treatment order.
Reviewers can:
- listen to your issues
- raise problems with ward managers
- check the ward and facilities
- speak with carers and independent mental health advocates
- look at paperwork relating to your treatment or detention
- write reports telling providers what they must do to improve
Reviewers cannot:
- discharge patients
- arrange patient transfers
- give medical or legal advice
- arrange leave for patients
Joint visits with Experts by Experience
Some visits are carried out by a reviewer and a person with experience of using mental health services.
Related information
How we help protect your rights under the Mental Health Act
Your rights around treatment when you are under the Mental Health Act
When your doctor must ask for a Second Opinion Appointed Doctor (SOAD) to carry out a second opinion
What to expect when you speak with Second Opinion Appointed Doctor (SOAD)
Independent mental health advocates (IMHA)
Complain about the use of the Mental Health Act
Give feedback on care and tell us what you think about your care and treatment.