You can contact us in other ways than by telephone. These include British Sign Language (BSL) and text relay.
If you're happy using online forms, there's a form you can use to tell us about an experience of care. Or use our general contact form for other enquiries.
But there are some other ways you can get in touch with us.
Talk to us using British Sign Language (BSL)
We use a service called SignLive. SignLive gives you an interpreter so you can talk to us with sign language. You can use it on your smartphone, tablet or computer.

How to use SignLive for the first time
- Download the SignLive app from the App Store or Google Play. Or visit on a computer.
- Sign up for an account. You only need to do this once.
- Look for 'Care Quality Commission' in the community directory.
Calling us through SignLive's community directory is free.
If you have a technical problem with SignLive, email
Contact us by text relay
You can also contact us using the Relay UK app.
Relay UK is a text relay service. You type in what you want to say. An operator reads it out to us. Then the operator types what we say so you can read it.
You need to download the app first. You can get it from the App Store, Google Play or the Relay UK website.
Use the app to contact us on 18001 03000 616161.