If you want to find out about the history of care services, you can search for information about care homes, hospitals, GP practices, dental surgeries and other services that are no longer registered with us.
You can do this by changing the 'Archived' filter from 'Show active' to 'Show archived' (to show only services no longer registered with us) or 'All' (to show both services currently registered and those no longer registered).
An archived service looks like this in our search results:We include this information online so you can find out about the history of care at a particular site or read reports on services that have closed.
There are several reasons why a particular 'provider' or 'location' page becomes 'archived' on this website. Usually it's because a care service has stopped operating or been taken over by another organisation.
Archived locations
Where you see a 'location' (such as a hospital, GP surgery, dental practice, care home) marked as 'archived', it's likely to be for one of these reasons:
- The provider voluntarily closes it – for example, a private healthcare clinic closes because it is no longer profitable.
- We take enforcement action to close it – for example, we close a care home after our inspectors find evidence of poor care or abuse.
- The legal entity providing the service changes – for example, a home care agency is taken over by another company.
- The service changes address – for example, a GP surgery moves to a new building to take advantage of better facilities.
- Changes to the provider's registration with us mean that this address no longer counts as a 'registered location'.
- Services regulated by us are no longer provided – for example, since 1 October 2013 we do not regulate some fertility clinics.
Archived providers
Where you see a 'provider' (such as an NHS trust, a health or social care company, a partnership of GPs or dentists, or a home care agency) marked as 'archived', it's likely to be for one of these reasons:
- The provider stops operating – for example, a care home company closes down.
- We take enforcement action to cancel its registration – for example, we find poor care and decide it is in people's best interests to prevent a home care agency operating.
- The provider is taken over or merges with another – for example, an NHS trust merges with another in order to address issues with the quality of care.
- Services regulated by us are no longer provided – for example, a private healthcare company changes the services it offers in a way that means they no longer have to be registered with us.
Linking 'old' and 'new' profiles
There is often a clear link between an archived location or provider and a currently registered one. For example, if a care home is bought by a new company, there will be a new profile on our website for the home but the history of inspection reports will still be of interest.
In these situations, we add a link to both the archived and the currently registered service's profile page so you can find the history of our reports.
These links look like this on a profile page:Continuation of regulatory history
For services that re-register from 1 April 2019 onwards, we display the latest report and ratings on the profile page rather than link the old and new profiles. We will do this when:
- a location moves premises - it starts providing the same service from new premises
- a provider changes its business structure - for example, from a partnership to an individual
- a location is sold or taken over by new provider - this includes mergers and both NHS and non-NHS owned locations.
Filtering your search
If you've searched using the 'all services' option, you can refine your results using the 'registered?' filter on the left-hand side. This includes options for:
- 'Registered' (currently registered services only)
- 'No longer registered' (archived services only)
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