Key question: well led?
Population group: All groups
This example relates to Key Line of Enquiry (KLOE) W4: How are people who use the service, the public and staff engaged and involved?
When we inspected
Practice 1
The practice had not had a Patient Participation Group (PPG) for more than two years. There had been no recent attempts to restart it and there were no other mechanisms in place to obtain feedback from patients.
Practice 2
There was no mechanism for the practice to seek patient feedback about services. Complaints were not used to improve the service.
Why this is inadequate?
These examples demonstrate minimal engagement with people who use services, staff or the public. There are no effective arrangements to allow feedback from service users, for example through an effective PPG. Without a PPG or other mechanism to allow feedback from service users, the practice cannot demonstrate that it responds to what people who use the service say.