
Our new assessment framework applies to providers, local authorities and integrated care systems. Our 5 key questions and our ratings (outstanding, good, requires improvement and inadequate) are still central to our approach.

Section 1

How we assess quality and performance

How often we carry out assessments, how we gather evidence and calculate ratings, and how to check for factual accuracy.
Last significant update: 23 July 2024 (what we've changed)

Section 2

Single assessment framework

Under each key question there are a set of quality statements. These describe what good care looks like and link to the regulations.
Last significant update: 1 May 2024 (what we've changed)

Section 3

Evidence categories

To make our judgements more structured and consistent, we collect evidence under 6 categories.
Last significant update: 20 September 2023

Section 4

Which evidence categories we prioritise for your sector

You only need to read or download the section for your sector.
Last significant update: 23 April 2024 (what we've changed)

Evidence categories for:

Change history

23 July 2024

We made a minor change to the page 'How we reach a rating' in the 'How we assess quality and performance section'. We added a paragraph clarifying how we use our judgements when we calculate scores for quality statements.

21 May 2024

Minor changes across 'How we assess quality and performance' section. These consist of:

  • editorial changes to improve clarity
  • updating references to timescales or milestones that have passed
  • removing references to local authority or integrated care system assessments, which are now covered by separate guidance.

1 May 2024

Added regulation 9A to list of related regulations providers should also consider under the quality statements 'independence, choice and control' (under caring) and 'supporting people to live healthier lives' (under effective).

23 April 2024

Added new page about services we do not rate to 'How we assess quality and performance' section.
Added evidence categories for primary dental services, sexual assault referral centres, children's homes, secure settings and medical laboratories.

25 March 2024

Added new page for NHS trusts in 'How we assess quality and performance' section.
Updated NHS trust information on 'Levels of ratings' page under 'How we assess quality and performance'.
Added evidence categories for NHS trusts (assessments of the well-led key question).