We carried out this inspection as part of a scheduled programme. We had also received information that people were being woken early in the morning and that the home was unclean. We did not find any evidence to substantiate these concerns. During this inspection we spoke with people using the service and with relatives. We were told that people's privacy, dignity and independence were respected. We observed these types of positive interactions during our observations. We saw that people were supported to make decisions about how they lived their daily lives.
Risks to people's health and welfare were identified and their needs were met in a way that was personalised to each person. People with dementia type illnesses were treated nd in ways that supported their mental health and communication needs. The incidence of challenging behaviour was low. Health promotion was encouraged through referrals to specialists.
People who could speak with us, and their relatives, told us they felt safe and well cared for. We observed staff interactions and engagements with people and saw these were respectful, helpful and kind.
Staff were familiar with how to safeguard vulnerable adults. They were supported to make known any concerns they might have had, through internal mechanisms and by 'whistle blowing' if needed. Staff were recruited using robust recruitment procedures.
Staff and the manager listened to feedback, comments and complaints and acted upon this.