The inspection took place on the 1 December 2015. The inspection was unannounced. At the last inspection of the service which took place on 28 May 2014 the provider was compliant with all of the regulations assessed.
Ivy Lodge is registered to provide care and accommodation for up to 34 older people. There were 31 people living at Ivy Lodge on the day of our inspection. The building is situated in a residential area of Haxby, approximately four miles from the centre of York. The home provides accommodation on two floors. There is a choice of communal space and a passenger lift to the first floor to make access easier. The home has a garden area, and parking places are available for visitors.
Ivy Lodge has a registered manager. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons’. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the service is run.
People and their relatives spoke of the outstanding care they received. They described the care they received as ‘excellent’ and ‘fantastic’ and told us of the high regard they had for the registered provider, his wife, the registered manager and staff who they told us were consistently prepared to go the extra mile. They gave an example of the registered provider popping out to the shops to get something that they fancied to eat or drink or bringing in a jigsaw. People consistently felt that ‘nothing was too much trouble’ and they knew that they mattered.
People spoke of the outstanding leadership and management at the service stating that the registered provider and registered manager ‘led by example.’ The registered provider and his wife spent time at the home on a daily basis. It was evident that management were passionate and committed about valuing those they supported and their staff. Staff were proud to work at the home. There were clear values in place which the management and staff were committed to.
The registered provider and registered manager had systems which supported people in sharing their views and opinions and where suggestions for improvement were made these were always acted upon. Their approach to offering ‘compassionate and person centred care’ was evident and this view was echoed by visitors and the professional we spoke with.
People told us that they were treated with dignity and respect. We saw examples of this during our visit. A professional said “They really do know the people they support.” People viewed Ivy Lodge as ‘Their home’, and we were struck by the warm, friendly, caring ambience that was clearly in place.
There was an open and transparent culture and all of the people we spoke with told us that they were asked to feedback their views. There were good management systems in place which enabled the registered provider to review the quality of care being provided.
People spoke highly of the staff and told us that they responded quickly to their needs. Staff received a varied training programme so that their knowledge, skills and experience could be kept up to date. The registered provider and registered manager were enthusiastic about evaluating and improving practice at the home and they had recently won a national care home award.
They had an excellent working relationship with their GP who told us that the service was proactive in ensuring people received the right health support. There were good systems to monitor people’s health and wellbeing. People consistently told us that the standard of care and support was ‘excellent.’
Staff had a clear understanding of The Mental Capacity Act and the importance of consent. People told us that they could make decisions and choices regarding all aspects of their lives, which was a comment echoed by relatives. Staff provided clear explanations to people before carrying out any care.
People received a varied range of social opportunities which helped to prevent isolation and was designed to respond to a range of sensory elements. People spoke positively of the social opportunities provided. They made suggestions for places they wanted to visit or things they wanted to try.
No-one who we spoke with could think of any improvements to make at Ivy Lodge. They told us that the registered manager and staff were constantly making improvements as they wanted to provide the best care to people. People told us they could raise complaints but also told us that they did not have any as minor niggles were dealt with immediately.
People consistently told us how approachable, warm and friendly the registered provider and staff were. The service was focused on those who lived there and extended to their families and friends.