19 January 2022
During an inspection looking at part of the service
We found the following examples of good practice.
The provider had measures in place to ensure safe visiting and these included presenting a proof of a negative lateral flow device test’s result and a proof of vaccination against COVID-19. Infection control procedures were explained to visitors on arrival and they were provided with the appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), if required.
People were supported to see their relatives, either at the service or by using a dedicated ‘pod’ situated outside the service’s main entrance. Staff ensured people were able to stay in touch with their families via video calls or phone calls if preferred.
Staff received training in infection prevention and control and in correct use of PPE as well as handwashing techniques. The provider ensured there was a stock of appropriate PPE available and there was a regular COVID-19 testing regime for both, the people and the staff.
The management team praised their team and the commitment of the staff and told us, “We’ve got the best team.” Risk assessments had been carried out with staff around their personal circumstances or health conditions and where needed additional support had been put in place.
There was a safe system of ensuring any new admissions were only possible after a confirmed negative result of the COVID-19 test was received.
People were supported to continue with their chosen activities that involved leaving the service and the provider gave us examples how they worked with partners to ensure people’s safety when doing so.
The registered manager reported good support from the local health professionals.