The inspection team consisted of one inspector. During the inspection, we spoke with five out of 18 people who lived at the home, the provider, registered manager, trainee manager, and three staff. We looked at four sets of care records. We also observed care practices and medication practices within the home. We also spoke with one staff member and three people who used the homecare service provided by Moorlands.We set out to answer our five questions; Is the service caring? Is the service responsive? Is the service safe? Is the service effective? Is the service well led?
Below is a summary of what we found. If you want to see the evidence supporting our summary please read the full report.
Is the service safe?
Everyone we spoke with told us they felt safe and secure living at the home and also those people who used the homecare service. Staff we spoke with understood the procedures which they needed to follow to ensure that people were safe. We spoke with one staff member from the homecare service who told us they had reported an issue and it had been recorded and followed up with the local safeguarding team.
Care plans and risk assessments were in place and updated on a regular basis and were based on people's individual needs and preferences.
We saw medication was stored and administered according to the service's policies and safe practice.
Is the service effective?
Everyone had their needs assessed and had individual care records which set out their care needs. People were involved in reviewing their care plan each month along with their relatives if they so wished.
It was clear from our observations and from speaking with staff that they had a good understanding of the care and support needs of people who used the service and that they knew people well. Assessments included dietary, social and leisure and emotional needs.
People spoke highly of the staff and said that they were happy with the care that had been delivered and their needs had been met.
People had access to a range of health care professionals some of which visited the home and all was documented in the care files.
Is the service caring?
People were supported by kind and attentive staff who showed patience and gave encouragement when supporting people, whilst helping them to remain independent.
People who used the service, their relatives and friends were asked for their views on the care and service provided. Where shortfalls or concerns were raised, these were addressed.
People told us that they were happy with the care and support provided to them.
Is the service responsive?
There was clear evidence contained within people's care plans to show how they worked with other health and social care professionals.
People told us that they knew how to make a complaint if they needed to and there were regular opportunities for people to give feedback on the service through meetings or their monthly care plan review.
Is the service well-led?
There was a strong management team in place from the providers and trainee manager. The way the service was run was regularly reviewed. Actions were put in place where needed in relation to feedback from people who used the service and we were able to see that these actions had been addressed.
Staff were clear about their roles and responsibilities. Staff had a good understanding of the ethos of the home and were knowledgeable about people's needs. This helped to ensure that people received a good quality service at all times. Staff also told us they could contact a manager easily for support.
What people said:
People who were able to express their views told us they were happy with the care and support they received. They told us:
'I like it here',
'There is good company',
'The food is nice, they offer healthy eating and I've lost five stone since I've been here and I feel much better as I was very overweight',
'We have a residents meeting and you can bring anything up' and
'We go into town'.
One person told us; 'I go out when I want, I have a mobile if there is any problems and once or twice when my mobility scooter has broken down they have come and rescued me.'
People using the homecare service told us:
'It is very good indeed and I have no problems';
'They keep me informed of any issues';
'We get on well with all the staff',
'The young man who comes is very polite and helpful' and
'It's very easy to contact the manager if I have any problems'.
Staff told us:
'The training was really good and they got me on that straight away',
It's a really nice company to work for';
'There is always someone on call and they help out straight away';
We spoke with one relative visiting the service who told us:
'The staff are excellent, they are very caring people' and 'They let me know anything that's going on'.