13 December 2013
During a themed inspection looking at Dementia Services
We saw that people were treated with dignity and respect and care and received the care planned for them. A relative told us, 'The care given is excellent. The needs of all people are met with care, love, patience and compassion'.
Care records were reviewed regularly and responsive to any changes in people's circumstances. One relative told us, 'I think X's care is great quality. There are inevitably issues relating to individuals needs but my family and I are always consulted over changes to the care plan'.
We saw staff monitored the safety of the environment on a regular basis to keep people safe. There were no regular audits undertaken to monitor the quality of the care. Some people who used the service were not involved in the implementation of changes in their care.
Care staff had been trained in Dementia Awareness and used the information they had learnt to understand the level of support people needed. A health care professional told us, 'The staff are knowledgeable about all aspects of their residents'.