Updated 18 July 2024
Woodside Grange Care Home is a care home providing accomodation, personal and nursing care to 89 people. This included older people, people living with a dementia and people with a learning disability or autism at the time of the assessment. The service can support up to 121 people. Dates of assessment 04 September 2024 to 07 October 2024. The assessment was undertaken in response to risks relating to people’s safety, infection prevention control procedures, governance and conduct of staff. We assessed the provider against all the quality statements in the safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led domains. The service has been rated good following this assessment.
At this inspection we found the service had made significant improvements in relation to governance practices and medicines management. Care records provided detailed guidance to ensure people received safe, person-centred care and support from all members of staff. The recording of medicines administration had also improved. The home was clean, tidy and safe, infection control procedures were followed. The positive working relationship between the registered manager and the senior leadership team had enhanced the operational running of the service and helped boost staff morale.
People were supported to have maximum choice and control of their lives and staff supported them in the least restrictive way possible and in their best interests. Staff were sufficiently trained and worked well with other healthcare professionals to ensure people’s needs were met. Staff spoke positively about working at the service and we observed people were treated with dignity, respect and kindness.