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  • Care home

Woodside Grange Care Home

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

Teddar Avenue, Thornaby, Stockton On Tees, Cleveland, TS17 9JP (01642) 762029

Provided and run by:
St. Martin's Care Limited

Report from 18 July 2024 assessment

On this page



12 February 2025

The service was safe and has been rated good. The culture had improved within the service, people and staff were given the opportunity voice their opinions and felt feedback was acted upon. Systems were in place to ensure people were kept safe and protected from the risk of harm and abuse. Incidents and accidents were reported, investigated and lessons learned to reduce risk of re-occurrence. The provider had effective systems in place to safeguard people from the risk of abuse. Staff knew the procedures in place to report any concerns. Care plans were detailed and showed evidence that people were involved in every stage of planning to mitigate risk. The environment was kept clean and although some areas could be updated the home was well-maintained. Improvements had been made to medicines management and medicines record keeping.

This service scored 75 (out of 100) for this area. Find out what we look at when we assess this area and How we calculate these scores.

Learning culture

Score: 3

People told us they felt safe, and staff responded immediately if they needed support. A person commented, "I have been here 8 years, the staff are so friendly, and we have a laugh, there are always plenty of staff around if you need to ask questions."

Staff told us communication was effective. Any incidents about people's safety were discussed with staff in a timely way, with action taken to mitigate further risks. A staff member told us, “We have daily and weekly meetings, we get information on what’s going on or if anyone has any issues, we’re working better as a team now."

People received safe care because staff learned from safety alerts and incidents. Staff were able to identify risks, and the management team analysed incidents and near misses on a regular basis so that any trends could be identified, and appropriate action taken to minimise any future risk.

Safe systems, pathways and transitions

Score: 3

Information was available about people if they moved between services to ensure their safety and continuity of care. One person told us, "Staff realised my medications were incorrect upon coming from another service, they spoke to the GP and got my proper medications sorted straight away."

Staff felt confident working with other agencies, healthcare professionals’ input was evident within peoples care records as well as staff having knowledge of things like upcoming appointments or changes to medications.

We received positive feedback from healthcare professionals who worked with the service. One person told us, "The service has really strived to improve, they had some issues around planning for peoples care but they know their capabilities, they know where the risks are and really seem focused on providing great care."

Systems were in place for staff to work with people and partners to establish and maintain safe systems of care. Pre-admission assessments helped ensure people’s health and social care needs could be met by staff and that the service was right for the person. People, relatives and other healthcare professionals were involved in all stages of care planning.


Score: 3

People felt safe living at Woodside Grange, people talked about how staff were kind and compassionate and made them feel supported. One person told us, "It’s brilliant everyone is so friendly, I certainly feel safe here, everything is clean and tidy." Relatives felt the caring nature of the staff towards their loved ones contributed to people feeling safe.

The registered manager knew how to keep people safe. We saw that workers had easy access to a copy of the multi-agency safeguarding policy.

A staff noticeboard displayed information regarding safeguarding, how to report a concern, and examples of various forms of abuse. We observed that individuals could move freely throughout the home and were well supported.

The registered manager and staff recognised their responsibilities and duty of care to raise concerns when they suspected an incident or event that may be classed as abuse.

Involving people to manage risks

Score: 3

People’s risks were identified, assessed and managed safely. People were encouraged to be as independent as possible and provided with staff support when required.

Staff were aware of people’s needs, they told us they were kept up to date if there had been any changes to people’s risk assessments or care plans.

We observed staff supporting people appropriately throughout the day to mitigate any potential risks. For example, we saw a member of staff supporting a person to eat, they sat beside the person until they had finished their meal to ensure their safety.

Risks to people had been assessed and risk assessments were in place to ensure people’s safety. Care plans contained detailed information regarding people’s needs and how to support them in areas such as mobility, personal care or distressed behaviour.

Safe environments

Score: 3

People were supported in a safe environment that met their needs. Improvements were being made throughout the home. People could walk independently on their floor; they had access to communal areas and were able to decorate their rooms according to taste.

The management team told us of plans to refurbish parts of the home to improve and update the décor and structure.

We undertook a walk around the home and saw the premises and equipment were well-maintained which helped support staff to deliver safe and effective care. Storage rooms were kept locked, fire doors were functional and clear signage supported people to access various parts of the home.

Detailed records were maintained for all servicing and checks. There were audits in place to guide the registered manager on checks around the home and the environment. Maintenance and fire risks were regularly assessed. The pre-admission policy ensured thought was given to the person’s environmental needs, for example any equipment they might require.

Safe and effective staffing

Score: 3

People told us they felt supported by staff and that there were sufficient staff available to support them. One person told us, ‘I do feel safe. There are plenty of staff around to ask if you have any questions. I find it clean and tidy and welcoming.”

The management team told us staffing levels were safe and effective, the service uses a dependency tool to calculate the number of staff required to meet people’s individual needs. Staff felt they had enough support, one person told us, "I have a great team, we work really well together, we know the residents needs and we’re able to manage the floor well during busy times."

We saw there were enough staff available on all floors, we observed staff assisting people at mealtimes and when people needed assistance with mobility. Staff were quick to respond when people asked for help.

Staff were recruited safely, with relevant checks completed to ensure their suitability. Staff were trained for their roles, and this was audited and monitored. Regular staff meetings allowed the manager to talk to staff about any changes in people’s care needs and to remind them of any policies, new training etc.

Infection prevention and control

Score: 3

Systems for preventing and controlling infections were in place and working well. Regular cleaning and measures to stop visitors and residents from contracting and spreading diseases were among them. People informed us that they believed the service was kept tidy.

Staff told us they had access to personal protective equipment (PPE) and knew how to use it correctly. Staff confirmed they has received infection control training.

The building was clean and tidy. People’s rooms were personalised and well-maintained. Some communal areas could be updated but were appropriately furnished, warm and comfortable.

The manager and maintenance staff ensured all necessary checks and tests were carried out to make sure the building and equipment used were safe. Regular fire drills were taking place.

Medicines optimisation

Score: 3

People were supported to take their medications properly, one relative told us, "We’ve never had problems with medication, although [persons] behaviour can challenge, staff are able to administer medications in a calm and caring manner."

Staff told us they had access to training received competency assessments. The management team completed a range of audits to mitigate risk, and staff were aware of the medicine policy. The management team told us, "We are very good at medicines optimisation, we have helped people in the home reduce the number of medications they needed or found other ways to help them manage their behaviours which has helped improve their quality of life." This was confirmed by people and relatives.

Medicine administration records showed medicines were administered safely. We found no missed doses and found staff recorded when required medicines were administered.