12 February 2019
During a routine inspection
People’s experience of using this service: The service had improved since we last inspected it. Everyone we spoke with was positive in their feedback. Comments included; “I feel good living here”, “The staff do a good job” and “I wouldn’t change anything. I would recommend the home to people like me.”
People were safe at Frindsbury House. Staff knew what their responsibilities were in relation to keeping people safe from the risk of abuse. The provider followed safe recruitment practices. One person said, “I am safe because the carers care for us. If I have little worries, the staff talk to me.”
Staff encouraged people to actively participate in activities, pursue their interests and to maintain relationships with people that mattered to them. They felt a part of their local community and were supported to use local resources to their advantage.
Staff understood the importance of promoting people’s choices and provided the support people required while promoting and maintaining independence. This enabled people to achieve positive outcomes and promoted a good quality of life.
People were involved in the running of the service and were consulted on key issues that may affect them.
People received the support they needed to stay healthy and to access healthcare services. Each person had an up to date support plan, which set out how their care and support needs should be met by staff. These were reviewed regularly.
Rating at last inspection: Requires Improvement (Report published 28 March 2018)
Why we inspected: At our last inspection, we found five breaches of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014. These breaches were in relation to the risk of abuse that was not always minimised. The management of medicines was not always safe and there were inconsistent processes in the medicines' management documentation. The provider had not carried out sufficient checks to explore the staff members' employment history to ensure they were suitable to work with people who needed safeguarding from harm. Records relating to drinks people had were not accurate or complete. Audit systems were in place but identified actions had not been completed and records were not always complete, accurate and robust.
We asked the registered provider to take action to meet the regulations. We received an action plan on 2 March 2018, which stated that the registered provider would take action to meet the regulations by 30 May 2018.
At this inspection, we found that improvements had been made in relation the five requirements made above.
Follow up: We will continue to monitor the service through the information we receive. We will carry out another scheduled inspection to make sure the service continues to maintain a Good rating.