We spoke with two people who resided at Ascot House and we looked at their care plans. We also spoke with two members of staff and asked what people's care needs were.We spoke with people who told us that they were involved in their care. One person told us that staff had gone through their care plan and that they had been involved in discussing their care.
Another person told us they 'get the support that I need' and 'key worker goes over my care plan every month'. The person also told us that they were able to 'give my opinion' and 'people listen to me'.
People told us that they liked their bedroom layouts and one person told us they could have the layout 'how I wanted and can play video games when I want to'.
People told us that they liked living at Ascot House and got the support they needed. People also told that Ascot House had 'nice staff' and 'receive the support that is needed'.
One person told us that the required support when shaving and that 'someone will come and help'.
We saw that people were well presented, clean and looked content at the time of our visit.
We saw overall that there was good interaction with staff and residents. We saw that there were activities planned on the day of our visit and some people were going to a coffee shop or about to visit West Bromwich.
We saw in once instance that a carer was more interested in watching television then interacting with a resident. The carer offered little support to the resident and was focused on the television. The senior on duty addressed this issue before we raised our concerns and saw the interaction improved with the carer for the remainder of our visit.
People told us that the staff were friendly and respectful. People also told us that staff were nice and were always supportive.
People told us that they had 'nice meals' and 'choice of food'. One person told us that Ascot House had supported them with a soft diet which was still enjoyable.
People told us that staff encouraged their independence and people often helped with cooking. People also told us they had a choice from a menu which changed every week. One person told us that they can 'give ideas' for meals in the residents' meetings.
People told us that they took part in activities such as cycling, walking and played snooker. People also told us that they would go out on visits to West Bromwich. One person told us that they can do activities 'when I want to'.
People told us that they knew how to complain if they had any concerns and that they felt 'safe'. One person told us that the manager was approachable.
People told us that residents' meetings are held where they can discuss holiday and give ideas on what the plans are for future activities.