4, 5 August 2011
During a routine inspection
People said that they appreciate having their own rooms, and being able to choose how they are decorated and what things they can have in them. People told us that they liked living at the home. One person said 'it suits me living here. We have a lot of choice and freedom.'
People told us that they made decisions about what they did during the day and the evening. One person told us 'we can come and go as we please as long as the staff know where we are.' One person told us how the staff enable him to develop his hobbies.
People who use the service told us that they felt safe at the home and that staff are 'considerate'.
People told us that the food was 'really good' and that there was plenty to eat at times that suited them. One person said 'we can choose what we want to eat.' There was assistance for them to maintain their personal hygiene if required and that their privacy and dignity was respected. People told us that their rooms were warm and comfortable.
People had positive comments to make about the home and we found that all the essential standards were met.