When we visited we spoke with the senior care coordinator. They told us they worked alongside the registered manager and were responsible for the service when the manager was not there. We were able to speak to the registered manager on the phone to give feedback at the end of our visit.As part of this inspection we spoke to people who use Infinity Care Limited, professionals and staff that work there.
People told us they had received information prior to deciding to use Infinity Care Limited. They told us their needs were assessed by the registered manager and they were fully involved in decisions about how their care was delivered.
We found evidence that staff respected people's dignity and rights.
Everyone we spoke with was very complementary about the staff.
Examples of comments were 'I never have anything to complain about' and 'care provided is to a high standard'. One professional told us they receive 'lots of positive feedback' about the service.
People and staff told us that they had plenty of opportunities to get involved in having their say about how the service was run. They also told us that they were confident that if they reported any problems, they would be dealt with promptly and effectively.