Updated 20 August 2024
Lower Bowshaw View is a care home providing accommodation for nursing and personal care to older people, some of whom are living with dementia. The service can support up to 40 people over 2 floors. At the time of this inspection there were 38 people living at Lower Bowshaw view. At the last inspection, the service was rated requires improvement. We carried out this assessment in September and October 2024. We looked at all the quality statements under the key questions Safe, effective, and well led. We also looked at the following quality statements, Workforce wellbeing and enablement, Care provision, Integration and continuity and providing information under key questions caring and responsive. We found improvement were required in some areas. We found the service rated requires improvement in Safe, effective well-led and good in caring, and responsive. Rated requires improvement overall. Following our site visit the provider changed the management team, as part of the assessment we had a meeting with the new manager to discuss how they were going to ensure improvements were made and embedded into practice.