14 August 2012
During a routine inspection
We spoke with three visitors, all of whom always visited the home unannounced. They told us that the privacy and dignity of their relatives was maintained at all times and that staff knew the importance of this. We observed that people's own space, such as their bedrooms, was respected and staff did not enter without permission.
All the visitors we spoke with were happy with the quality of care and felt that staff would listen to and act upon complaints should they occur. One visitor told us that staff 'always listened'.
To help us understand the experience of people living at the home, we used our Short Observation Framework for Inspection tool (SOFI). This allowed us to spend time watching what was going on in at the home and to record how people spent their time, the support they got and whether or not they had positive experiences. Using this, we found that staff had the necessary time and skills to care for people well.