One person who uses the service told us, "the staff are very good they treat me well, I have used them for eighteen months and have been very happy with the service".All of the people we spoke to told us that they were involved in drawing up their care plans and had agreed consent to treatment and care at that point.
All of the people we spoke to told us that generally staff turned up on time. One person told us, "staff consistently turn up on time or as near to the time as can be expected, they are amazingly punctual, Sure Care offer a good service".
All of the people we spoke to told us they had good relationships with their regular staff, when the regular staff are not available, for example on annual leave, the service provides other staff who are competent and able to carry out the tasks as stated in their care plans.
One person told us, "I have a very good carer, If I had a problem with staff, or felt they were not doing what they were supposed to or did not come on time, I would contact the office and tell them, they would sort it out, the office staff are always friendly when I have called before. I have not really had any problems with the staff and the service has always made sure that I am covered".
People who use the service and their relatives told us that they knew who to speak to if they had any cause to complain. One person told us, 'I really have had no cause to complain, and I am good at that when I need to, but if I did have something to complain about they would soon know about it'. A relative told us, 'I can tell the staff or call the office if I have a complaint and I know they would do something about it, I don't have anything to complain about because they always offer a good service'.
A member of staff told us they have regular supervision and an annual appraisal, they attend regular team meetings and had received lots of training. They told us they would not be expected or asked by managers to support someone with a specific need or medical condition unless they had the relevant experience or training to do so. They told us they were very well supported by the managers and they felt proud and privileged to work for the service.