27 and 28 June 2023
During an inspection looking at part of the service
Our rating of this location improved. We rated it as requires improvement because:
- The provider had failed to provide a stable multi-disciplinary team and since the last inspection did not have a psychologist or occupational therapist in post. There was now a locum psychiatrist.
- A new electronic care record system was in place, but staff were not aware of the functionality that when searching for care plans, only those created within the date range requested were available, so they did not always see all the historic care plans when using the system.
- The provider was unable to provide copies of hospital induction training and observation competency checks for all staff. This meant we were not assured that staff had been inducted to their role.
- At the time of inspection, the service did not have an agreed safeguarding policy with the local safeguarding board.
- The provider had an occupational therapy kitchen however, it was not used as such and was used by staff for their own purposes.
- After the last inspection extra members of nursing staff had been employed and only two agency nursing staff were used permanently.
- There was now limited use of bank or agency staff, as the provider had employed new health care assistants.
- The management team had been increased to include a deputy manager and a clinical lead nurse.
- All staff now received face to face safeguarding training.
- The ward environments were safe and clean.
- Managers ensured that staff received supervision.