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Moorland House

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

20 Barton Court Avenue, Barton-on-Sea, New Milton, Hampshire, BH25 7HF (01425) 614006

Provided and run by:
Moorland House Limited

Latest inspection summary

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Our current view of the service


Updated 10 April 2024

Date of assessment 25 April to 18 November 2024. This assessment was planned to check improvements had been made following our last ratings inspection in November 2022. We assessed 10 quality statements across the key questions of safe, effective, caring and well led. The provider had made significant improvements since our last assessment and there were no longer any breaches of legal requirements. The overall rating had also improved from Requires improvement to Good. People had personalised care plans which were reviewed regularly and detailed the support people needed to stay safe. This included supporting people who may experience delirium or emotional distress. People were supported to manage their health and wellbeing. For example, people had been supported to access vaccinations in preparation for the winter season. The provider had made positive improvements to the internal environment. For example, the flooring had been replaced in areas throughout the service. The provider had robust systems and processes in place to report, investigate and learn from accidents and incidents, to safely recruit staff and to support safety and continuity of care for people. The provider worked effectively with external health and social care agencies to ensure people’s care was well co-ordinated. There were enough staff to meet people’s needs and there was a robust induction and training programme in place to ensure staff were suitably skilled. The provider had a strong learning and improvement culture which was evidenced in the improvements made since our last assessment. Quality assurance audits were used effectively to review the performance of the service, manage risk and drive improvement.

People's experience of the service

Updated 10 April 2024

People told us they felt safe and were happy living at Moorland House. Comments included, "Staff are very friendly” and, “It’s very nice here. In a way I love.” People felt there were enough staff available to provide support when they needed it, and that staff had the right approach to providing care. People and relatives told us they were involved in developing care plans, reviewing them regularly and making changes when people’s preferences or needs changed. Relatives said people were treated with kindness and compassion. Comments included, “(Person) is comfortable and settled. She has a nice bedroom, and the food is excellent”, “The carers are very good, and the manager is wonderful” and, “There’s always something going on to keep them busy, which is most important.” Relatives told us the registered manager had made, and continued to make, improvements at the service. Comments included, “The manager is wonderful. I talk to other people, and they are always praising this place”, “Since [Registered manager] came it’s been very good. It’s not just a job to her. She sees everyone as family”, “[Registered manager] is brilliant, really good, knows the residents] and “[Registered manager] is approachable and visible in the service … always aware of what is happening.”