We visited two people who were supported by live in carers, one person who received floating support and two supported living schemes. The supported living schemes provided support to seven people in one scheme and six people in the other scheme. We obtained verbal feedback from six people and observed how staff supported the other ten people, whom had limited verbal communication. People told us and indicated they were happy with their care. We observed staff supported people in a kind, caring and gentle manner. We saw they had a good understanding of people's needs and the level of support people required. Systems were in place to protect people who could not consent to their care and treatment. Care plans and risk assessments were in place which ensured people received safe and consistent care. People said they had a support plan in place which they had signed and agreed to.
Staff supported people with their medication. We found Improvements were required to aspects of medication practices to further safeguard people.
We spoke with the manager, two support leads and five support staff. Staff said they were inducted, trained, supported and supervised in their roles. Records indicated updates in some training were overdue and supervisions were not happening in line with the organisations policy on one to ones.
Some quality monitoring systems were in place. These needed to be developed to ensure the service was being effectively monitored.