15 September 2014
During an inspection looking at part of the service
Following that inspection we asked the provider to send us an action plan setting out the steps they had taken to achieve compliance, which they did on 9 July 2014. During this visit we checked these actions had been completed.
This visit was carried out by a single inspector who helped answer two of our five questions: Is the service safe? Is the service well led?
Below is a summary of what we found. The summary is based on our observations during the inspection, from looking at records and from speaking with the provider, who was also the registered manager.
Is the service safe?
We found at this visit the provider had taken appropriate steps to protect people from abuse and prevent the risk of this occurring. Training in safeguarding of vulnerable adults for staff had been planned. Staff had also received one to one support from the provider to check their current understanding and awareness of their responsibilities for identifying abuse, what this constituted and what actions they must take to protect people, if they suspected they were at risk.
We were assured of the provider's understanding of their role to ensure that proper authorisation was sought to deprive people using the service of their liberty in a safe, correct way and where this was in their best interests to do so. People's care records showed applications had been made, where this was appropriate.
People's care records had been reviewed and now contained accurate information about their current care and support needs. Risk assessments had also been reviewed regularly which meant there was up to date information about how to protect people from known risks to their health, safety and welfare.
Is the service well led?
The provider had taken appropriate action following our last inspection to make improvements that were needed, and in a timely manner. This included undertaking a review and update of care records and staff files, introducing more training and support for staff and improving work practices in relation to staff recruitment. The provider had also put in place arrangements to regularly check the quality of the service provided.