26 July 2017
During a routine inspection
We previously inspected Laverneo on 3 June 2015, at which time the service was meeting all regulatory standards. At the inspection of June 2015 we rated the service as Good. The service remained rated Good at this inspection
Laverneo is a purpose built bungalow near Sunderland City Centre. The service provides care and support for four adults who have learning disabilities and/or physical disabilities. The service is close to all local amenities.
The service had a registered manager in place. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC) to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons’. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the service is run.
People who used the service felt safe in the secure and trusting atmosphere at the home. Relatives and external professionals raised no concerns, whilst staff had received refresher training in safeguarding.
There were sufficient numbers of staff on duty, day and night, in order to keep people safe and meet their needs.
All areas of the building were clean and staff adhered to cleaning schedules to reduce the risks of acquired infections. The premises were well maintained.
Effective pre-employment checks of staff were in place, including Disclosure and Barring Service checks, references and identity checks.
The ordering, storage, administration and disposal of medicines was safe.
Risk assessments were person-centred and staff had clear guidance regarding how to manage the risks people faced.
People had access to GPs, nurses and specialists to get the treatment they needed.
Staff were trained in areas specific to meeting people’s needs, for example epilepsy awareness training, and also in a range of areas the provider considered mandatory, such as safeguarding, health and safety, moving and handling, fire safety and infection control.
Staff received regular supervision and appraisals. Staff told us they were well supported.
People cooked and ate together with staff, were encouraged to have healthy diets and were protected from the risk of malnutrition.
The premises were well adapted to people’s needs, benefitting from a range of new equipment and a new wet room. The registered manager planned to refurbish the kitchen to better meet the needs of people who used the service.
Staff had a good understanding of the Mental Capacity Act 2005. People were supported to have maximum choice and control of their lives and staff supported them in the least restrictive way possible; the policies and systems in the service supported this practice.
People who used the service received an excellent continuity of care from staff who knew their needs extremely well and had built mutually trusting relationships with them. Feedback from relatives and external professionals was exceptional in this regard. People who used the service had developed improved independence and confidence with the help of dedicated and compassionate staff. People’s emotional wellbeing was respected and supported by staff and a registered manager who consistently exceeded good standards of care and ensured people could thrive in a caring environment.
The atmosphere at the home was inclusive, vibrant and welcoming, with people who used the service showing a sense of pride and confidence in their surroundings and friendships. People who used the service, relatives and external stakeholders all told us staff were extremely caring and respectful and that the service felt like a home.
Person-centred care plans were in place and regular house meetings took place. Regular reviews of care plans took place and people were keenly involved in these.
The service had built and maintained good community links, particularly with a local community centre.
A range of opportunities to take part in in-house and external activities were in place, with people having the option to go on trips and outings. These opportunities were less flexible and numerous since the service no longer had access to a minibus.
Staff, people who used the service, relatives and external professionals we spoke with were positive about the registered manager’s capabilities and experience. Staff confirmed they took a hands-on approach to the service and we saw they knew people well. They had successfully maintained a caring culture that put people’s wellbeing and opportunities for independence first.