The inspection took place on 22 and 23 January 2019. The first day of our inspection was unannounced, the second day was announced.Deer Park Care Centre is a ‘care home’. People in care homes receive accommodation and nursing or personal care as single package under one contractual agreement. CQC regulates both the premises and the care provided, and both were looked at during this inspection. People received nursing and personal care.
Deer Park Care Centre accommodates up to 38 people with mental health issues in one two storey building. There were 35 people living at the service when we inspected. Two people received their care in bed. Some people lived with dementia, most people had a diagnosed mental illness.
At the last inspection on 22 January 2018, we rated the service Requires Improvement overall. The provider had failed to ensure water temperatures did not pose a risk to people. This was a continued breach of Regulation 12 of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014. We also recommended that the provider and registered manager continued to embed auditing processes and improvements in the culture.
We requested the provider to send an action plan to detail how they planned to meet the breach of Regulation 12 by the 12 April 2018. The registered manager sent an action plan to CQC on 10 April 2018. They said they would meet Regulation 12 by 10 August 2018.
At this inspection, there continued to be a breach of Regulation 12. We also found two other breaches of Regulation. The service has been rated Requires Improvement overall. This is the fourth consecutive time the service has been rated Requires Improvement.
There was a registered manager in place. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons’. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the service is run.
Medicines were not always well managed. The provider was not following their medicines policies and procedures. Stock medicines were not recorded on the medicines administration records (MAR sheets). Some medicines had not been kept securely locked away. People were not always supported with their medicines at the appropriate times.
Risks to people’s health and safety were not always well managed. People that required moving and handling equipment such as hoists and slings did not have robust risk assessments to evidence to staff the safest way of working with the person. Accidents and incidents involving people were recorded. Action taken by the registered manager following the incident/accident was not always clear or recorded, so it was unclear how lessons were learnt from the incidents.
The provider had carried out sufficient checks on all staff to ensure they were suitable to work around people who needed safeguarding from harm. However, the provider had not asked applicants for a full employment history and documented reasons for gaps in interview records. We made a recommendation about this.
People had access to food and drink which met their needs and to maintain good health and were supported to be as independent as possible at meal times. People were supported to put together a pictorial menu plan for the week. People were able to choose different foods from the menu plan when they wanted. Some people experienced delays to their meals. This is an area for improvement.
People were supported to have maximum choice and control of their lives and staff supported them in the least restrictive way possible. However, the policies and systems in the service did not always support this practice. This is an area for improvement.
Records showed that the premises and equipment received regular servicing. Some actions identified by contractors had not always been dealt with in a timely manner. Some hot water temperatures remained too hot, which increased the risk of scalding. The building was suitable for the needs of the people who lived there. Some parts of the building were being redecorated.
There were enough staff deployed to meet people's needs, the provider had a system to ensure people's assessed dependency levels were assessed. However, these had not always been updated in a timely fashion when people’s needs changed. We made a recommendation about this.
People received personalised care which met their needs. Support plans were not always person centred and did not include information about their oral hygiene. We made a recommendation about this.
People knew the management team. Relatives had confidence in the management of the service. Some audits and checks were carried out by the provider. The provider had not always taken timely action to address issues identified within their audits. The provider’s policies had not been updated as and when regulations changed. Records relating to people’s care were not always accurate and complete. Quality assurance processes had not been successful in recognising all the issues we identified in this inspection.
Staff treated people with kindness and compassion. Staff knew people’s needs well and people told us they liked their staff and enjoyed their company. People and their relatives were consulted around their care and support and their views were acted upon. People’s dignity and privacy was respected and upheld and staff encouraged people to be as independent as possible.
Where known, people’s wishes around their end of life care were recorded. People were encouraged to take part in activities they liked. People felt they could raise any complaints and concerns with the registered manager. Complaints had been investigated and resolved. However, people had not always had the outcome of their complaint in writing. This is an area for improvement.
The provider sought feedback from people and their relatives which was recorded and reviewed. Staff assisted people to complete satisfaction surveys, which meant that people may not be as open about their experiences. This was an area for improvement.
Staff understood the various types of abuse to look out for to make sure people were protected from harm.
A number of new staff had been recruited in the last 12 months. Staff had not completed induction training. The training records evidenced that staff had not always received the training needed to give them the skills and knowledge to care for people. Staff confirmed they had received regular supervision. Staff told us they felt well supported by the management team.
People’s needs and rights to equality had been assessed and care plans had been kept up to date when people’s needs changed. People received medical assistance from healthcare professionals when they needed it. Staff recognised when people were not acting in their usual manner, which could evidence that they were in pain.
The registered manager kept up to date with good practice, local and national hot topics by attending registered manager forums. Staff meetings were held on a regular basis to ensure that staff had opportunities to come together, share information and gain information from the management team.
The provider had notified CQC about important events such as safeguarding concerns, serious injuries and DoLS authorisations that had occurred. It is a legal requirement that a provider’s latest CQC inspection report rating is displayed at the service where a rating has been given. The provider had displayed the rating in the service.
We found three breaches of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations and one breach of the Health and Social Care Act 2008. You can see what action we told the provider to take at the back of the full version of this report. Full information about CQC's regulatory response to any concerns found during inspections is added to reports after any representations and appeals have been concluded.