1 June 2016
During a routine inspection
The ExtraCare Charitable Trust Broadway Gardens provides personal care for people living in a purpose built scheme where there are induvial flats with shared facilities that included a dining and activity room. There were 30 people receiving personal care when we inspected. The manager of the service was in the process of becoming the registered manager. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons’. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act and associated Regulations about how the service is run.
People told us they felt safe with care staff providing care in their homes. People said that care staff called on time and they felt the promptness made them feel safer. Care staff we spoke told us they were aware of the potential types of abuse people were at risk of. They were clear about the steps they would to report and protect people and reduce the risk of further abuse. People needs had been assessed and the actions for care staff to take to minimise these risks had been recorded and were actioned..
People told us there were enough care staff and they did not feel rushed during their call. Where people needed help with their medicines care staff recorded when these were needed and administered. Care staff had been trained and told us they were supported to keep their skills and knowledge updated. They told us they able to request further training in a particular area if they needed it.
People had signed their care plans to show they agreed with the care and support provided. People said care staff always explained what they were doing and they felt listened to. Care staff prepared and cooked people’s meals which they would choose or were supported to purchase them from the onsite restaurant within the scheme. Where other health professionals were involved in people’s care their advice and guidance was followed by care staff. People said that care staff arranged health appointments on their behalf if they asked.
People told us that care staff made sure they remained independent and they were encouraged to be involved in their care. People knew the care staff well and felt they had developed positive relationships with them. Care staff were considerate when talking about people and knew it was important to maintain a person’s privacy and dignity when in their home proving personal care.
Care staff had also been involved to support people when their needs changed and these were recorded in the person’s care plan. . People told us they knew how to complain if they needed to. They also felt comfortable to raise small issues or concerns directly with care staff which were then resolved.
People felt involved in the scheme and any suggestions were listened to and actioned. The manager felt they were available and welcomed feedback from people, care staff and relatives. Care staff felt the management team were open and involved them when making any changes to the scheme. Regular checks made by the management team monitored the quality of the care that people received. Areas they felt would needed improving were discussed with people and changes made against the majority decision.