24 October 2013
During a routine inspection
Reviews of people's care plans and records evidenced to us that people's care was based upon their assessed needs. We saw that regular reviews had been completed and that this was based on the health risks that each person had. People we spoke with confirmed to us that staff always treated them with dignity and respect. People were supported with their independence but only where this was safe to do so.
Medicines administration records (MAR) that we looked at were found to have been mostly completed without error or omission. Staff training in medicines administration meant that people were safely support to take their prescribed medication.
The records we reviewed demonstrated to us that the provider regularly sought the views of people who use the service. We also saw where, following accidents or incidents that appropriate action had been taken to prevent any reoccurrence. However, audits completed by the provider for the recording of the safe administration of three out of seven people's medication were not effective. Gaps in people's medication records were not explained and incorrect codes used for recording medication administration were not identified.