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  • Care home

Hill House

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

High Street, Ellington, Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire, PE28 0AG (01480) 890324

Provided and run by:
ADR Care Homes Limited

Report from 28 February 2024 assessment


  • Overall


  • Safe


  • Effective


  • Caring


  • Responsive


  • Well-led


Our view of the service

Date of Assessment: 27 March 2024 to 09 May 2024. We found 9 breaches of legal regulations in relation to safe care and treatment, safeguarding people from abuse, the premises and equipment being unsafe, people being supported with person centred care, people being treated with dignity and respect, consent to care and treatment, safe staffing, the recruitment of staff and governance arrangements. The provider did not always assess or mitigate risks to people’s health and safety. People were at risk from unsafe medicines administration practices. Care plans and risk assessments in place for people were not always detailed. Staff did not raise concerns about people’s support in a timely fashion. The provider was not ensuring the environment at the service was safe. Staff were not keeping the service clean and people were at risk of poor IPC practices. Staff were not having their training checked to make sure they were competent to support people effectively. They were not being supported to discuss and improve their practice. Staff deployment at the service was not safe. People were not being treated with dignity and respect. Staff were not supporting people to be supported in line with their preferences. People were not being supported to talk about how they wanted to achieve their goals and ambitions. The provider did not ensure people consented to all aspects of their support. The provider was not completing audits to monitor the quality of the service in key areas. The governance systems in place at the service were not effective in identifying areas for improvement and taking action to improve the service. There was a poor culture at the service. There had been little improvement at the service since our last inspection. In instances where CQC have decided to take civil or criminal enforcement action against a provider, we will publish this information on our website after any representation and/ or appeals have been concluded.

People's experience of this service

While people and relatives we spoke to expressed that they were generally happy with their care, our assessment found people were not being supported in line with the expected standards. The majority of people and relatives we spoke with told us staff were kind. However, staff did not treat people with dignity and respect. Staff did not know people well as individuals or know how people wanted to be supported. This led to a poor experience of care for people. People were at risk of not being supported in line with their assessed needs as staff did not have the competence to support them safely. Staff did not report concerns about people support and were not always competent to support people in areas such as medication administration or moving and handling. People and relatives were not being supported to discuss their support and feed back how they felt about the service. There was a poor culture at the service, leading to a high risk of people receiving poor quality care. Staff did not offer people choices in key areas of their support and did not take the time to make sure they spoke with people regularly. People spent long portions of time without staff interaction and staff did not take the time to speak with people when they had opportunity to do so. However, people and relatives were positive about their care. We also observed some kind and caring interactions between people and staff.