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  • Care home

Rosevilla Residential Home

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

Penkford Lane, Collins Green, Warrington, Cheshire, WA5 4EE (01925) 228637

Provided and run by:
Rosevilla Residential Home Limited

Report from 6 June 2024 assessment

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Updated 3 July 2024

We assessed all of the quality statement in the safe domain. Staff now assessed and mitigated risks. People now had thorough care plans to guide safe practice. Medicines were now given safely. There were now enough staff to ensure people’s safety and meet their needs. The home was clean and tidy and checks were carried out on the environment to ensure it was safe for people to live in. Staff were recruited, trained, supervised and appraised in line with the providers policies and procedures.

This service scored 75 (out of 100) for this area. Find out what we look at when we assess this area and How we calculate these scores.

Learning culture

Score: 3

People said they felt the home had improved since the last inspection and staff were caring and attentive to their needs.

Staff members said when they had raised a concern the manager had listened to feedback and took steps to improve. One staff member said “The manager is very good- I feel she would take action.” Another staff member said “We have shared bits of feedback in team meetings.”

There was a system in place for reporting and recording accidents and incidents. Incident and accident records were viewed and investigation records were found to be completed in good detail. Lessons learnt to prevent further occurrences and outcome of incidents were recorded. Records included details about witnessed or unwitnessed events. Trends and themes were identified through the analysis along with recommended action and action taken. Records showed action taken where the analysis identified a trend or pattern. For example where a person had experienced multiple falls referrals were made and relevant care plans and risk assessments were updated.

Safe systems, pathways and transitions

Score: 3

A relative shared with us they felt their family members safety was looked after at Rosevilla. The transition into the home was safe as the risk of falls was assessed and plans in place to prevent them happening.

Staff told us they had time to get to know people by spending time with them asking questions, to ensure the home was the right place for them. One staff member said, "It is lovely to be able to sit and talk to people about their past."

We received feedback from the local authority commissioning team commenting positively how Rosevilla have been engaging with them which offered a consistence approach and joined up working.

The service demonstrated a collaborative and joined up approach to care. People’s care records demonstrated people had been referred to external health care professionals as and when their care and support needs dictated. For example, Speech and Language Therapy (SALT) referrals and the falls risk team. A log of any external health care visits was recorded in people’s care plans. This demonstrated people’s care was planned and organised.


Score: 3

Everyone we spoke with said they felt safe. One relative said “Yes I know that my dad is Safe, I didn’t feel that for a long time when he lived alone and was falling”. A person who lived at the home told us “No complaints about anything, yes I’m safe here .”

Staff members knew the correct procedure to follow if they felt someone was being harmed or abused. They were able to describe the different types of abuse and how they would recognize them. Staff completed safeguarding training and demonstrated good understanding of signs and indicators of abuse and reporting of safeguarding procedures. Staff knew about the whistleblowing procedure and was confident about whistleblowing. One staff member said “I would always report concerns to the manager.”

Staff were observed treating people well and using equipment safely.

There was a safeguarding policy and procedure in place. This was displayed and available upon request in different formats.

Involving people to manage risks

Score: 3

People said they felt they were well looked after, and staff understood what was expected them. One person said the staff “Helped me when I got upset.” We received overall positive feedback about staff supporting people to manage risks.

Staff all told us they felt they had enough information about people and had the opportunity to always learn more ensuring people were supported safely and respectfully. One staff member said “We have meetings where we can discuss anything new we have learnt about people”

Staff were observed treating people well and using equipment safely.

People’s care records demonstrated risk had been considered. This included both risks unique to the person and risks from the environment such as risks falls and of losing weight inappropriately. People's care plans had a dedicated section which recorded any incidents, making it easy to analyze any risks and to identify any themes or trends. Tools were used to consider people’s level of dependency and their skin integrity. People’s daily care records demonstrated care was delivered as per individual care and support needs. However, some further detail was required to document when people had been offered fortified diet and fluids. This was fed back to staff at the time of our assessment and measures put in place to record this.

Safe environments

Score: 3

People told us the housekeeping staff and the laundry staff were great and the home was clean and tidy.

Staff told us they felt the home was clean, tidy, and in good repair. One staff member said “It is a nice home- there are some bits needed here and there, but the provider is trying really hard.”

A tour of the environment was completed. There were no other hazards observed around the environment. Restrictors were fitted to windows. Furniture and floors were in good condition. Wet floor signs were used as required. Storerooms containing hazardous substances and items and sluice rooms were locked. Laundry was safe, clean and well organized. There were signs displayed for safe use of products and machines. Outside areas were viewed. There were some items outside the front and back awaiting collection for disposal, this was following replacement of some furniture and redecoration of the inside of the home. The items awaiting collection did not pose a safety risk to people. There were some garden tools stored in an unlocked storage unit, however we were assured no person accessed this area and the manager and provider agreed to secure the storage of garden tools. The provider and manager advised they recognized improvements were required to improve the garden and patio areas accessible to people to make them more attractive and they confirmed plans were in place to do this. All external doors people had access to were linked to an alarm system which would activate on opening.

Records and certificates were in viewed showing the required health and safety checks had been completed and were up to date. Fire records were maintained and there was an up to date.

Safe and effective staffing

Score: 3

No concerns were raised around staffing numbers at the home. One person said, “I get my tablets on time.” Someone else told us there was always staff around when they needed them.

The staff told us they felt staffing levels were okay and they could manage. One staff member said “it’s a hard question isn't it, because of course it would be nice if there was loads of staff and everyone had one to one time."

We now observed enough staff on duty to meet people’s needs and keep them safe. There was always staff presence in areas people occupied such as hallways and lounges. For example, one person, asked for assistance to the toilet and staff assisted quickly. There were lots of staff in the dining room during the lunch time meal and people were served meals and drinks in a timely way. At intervals throughout the day staff were observed assisting and supervising people in the garden.

Staff were trained, supervised and appraised in line with the providers policy and procedure. We looked at 3 staff recruitment files. Robust and safe recruitment practices were in place to make sure that all staff were suitably experienced, competent and able to carry out their role. One file contained an identification document which was of poor quality. This was fed back to the registered manager who confirmed a better quality copy would be uploaded.

Infection prevention and control

Score: 3

People and relatives told us they always found the home clean and tidy. One person commented on how nice the home smelled.

There was an Infection Prevention Control Champion. Staff confirmed they had completed up to date IPC training, including care staff, housekeepers, laundry assistant and chef. Staff told us there was always plenty of PPE available for them to use. The registered manager discussed the IPC audits and confirmed she completed them. Housekeeping staff knew the purpose of the colour coding equipment and explained the different colours and areas they were used for.

The environment smelt pleasant throughout. There were domestic staff deployed across the home. They had well stocked cleaning trollies and access to stores which were stocked with a good supply of cleaning equipment and products. Colour coded equipment was in use across the home including the laundry and kitchen. Cleaning products were of a good standard and stocks were plentiful. There were good supplies of PPE readily available to staff across the home and in addition there was a good stock of PPE in storage.

Cleaning schedules were in place and being followed, examples viewed included, kitchen, laundry, general housekeeping and equipment. They showed daily, weekly and monthly cleaning tasks required and were signed and dated on completion. Weekly IPC audits were completed in detail. They showed IPC checks were carried out across all areas of the home including communal areas, bedrooms, kitchen and laundry, equipment, PPE and waste management. There was a clear action plan in place for areas that were identified for improvement.

Medicines optimisation

Score: 3

People told us they got their medicines and their topical creams administered on time. One person said “The staff are really nice and I get my tablets on time, I feel safe here."

Staff told us they had completed medication training and underwent 6 monthly competency checks. Staff felt confident carrying out the task and felt they had received an appropriate level of training. Staff had access to medication policies and procedures and knew where to find them.

Medicines were given, ordered and stored safely. There was an electronic system in use for dispensing people’s medicines. Controlled Drugs were stored safely, and the correct process was being followed for the storage of 1 person’s thickener. There were PRN [medicines required as and when needed] protocols in place. Two people required medicines to be administered covertly. We checked the process for this and saw it was completed in line with policy and procedure.