10 September 2012
During a routine inspection
People we spoke with had received support for a number of years from Community Services but they said that they had been involved and consulted in the planning of their care. People said that care staff listened to them in relation to how they liked to have their care and support needs met. Staff told us that the service was flexible to respond to people's individual needs and wishes.
People told us that they liked their support workers. One person said, 'My support worker is really good'. Others were equally positive about the staff who supported them. People told us that they trusted the staff and that they felt safe with them. One person told us, in relation to the service that they receive, 'I love it they are nice people and I feel safe'.
People were protected by a well trained and well supported staff team who were aware of people's needs and rights. Everyone told us that staff treated them well and were respectful and polite.
The management team regularly monitored and reviewed the service provided to ensure that they continued to offer good quality care.