31 December 2013
During a routine inspection
We saw good interactions between people who lived there and staff. We observed that people were at ease in the company of staff. One relative told us, "I'm very happy with the care and staff.'
We found that people were asked to give their consent before support was given. This meant that staff acted in accordance with people's wishes to ensure that people received care and support the way they like.
We saw that people's care needs were assessed and clearly identified so that their health and wellbeing was promoted and met. One relative said, 'Staff look after people very well.'
We found that people were given their medicines as they had been prescribed by their doctor to ensure their health and wellbeing.
We saw that the provider had robust recruitment systems in place so that only staff suitable to work with vulnerable people were employed.
We found that appropriate records were in place that had accurate information which fully reflected people's care needs and was accessible to staff when needed.