• Care Home
  • Care home

Archived: Sandwell Community Caring Trust - 74 Church Hill

74 Churh Hill, Wednesbury, West Midlands, WS10 9DJ (0121) 502 6070

Provided and run by:
The Sandwell Community Caring Trust

All Inspections

31 December 2013

During a routine inspection

On the day of our inspection three people lived at the home and all of them were unable to verbally communicate. We spoke with three members of staff, the manager and two relatives of people who lived there.

We saw good interactions between people who lived there and staff. We observed that people were at ease in the company of staff. One relative told us, "I'm very happy with the care and staff.'

We found that people were asked to give their consent before support was given. This meant that staff acted in accordance with people's wishes to ensure that people received care and support the way they like.

We saw that people's care needs were assessed and clearly identified so that their health and wellbeing was promoted and met. One relative said, 'Staff look after people very well.'

We found that people were given their medicines as they had been prescribed by their doctor to ensure their health and wellbeing.

We saw that the provider had robust recruitment systems in place so that only staff suitable to work with vulnerable people were employed.

We found that appropriate records were in place that had accurate information which fully reflected people's care needs and was accessible to staff when needed.

6 March 2013

During a routine inspection

People living at the home were unable to communicate with us verbally because they had complex needs, so we looked at records and spoke with two staff about how they cared for and supported people. We also spoke with the manager. Following our visit, we spoke with two relatives and a visiting professional on the telephone.


We found that people were able to express their views as far as they were able to do so. When speaking with staff they were able to tell us what other methods were used so people made choices about their care. One relative told us, 'He is well looked after, he knows what he wants and staff know how to communicate with him so he is able to choose wants he wants to do'.

We saw that people were relaxed in their environment and that systems were in place to keep people safe from harm.

Staff received a range of training so that they had up to date knowledge and skills in order to support the people who lived in the home.

The provider monitored the quality of service that people received through regular reviews of people's care and sought the views of relatives and other healthcare professionals. The provider improved the service by taking account of complaints and lessons learnt from adverse events.

18 October 2011

During an inspection in response to concerns

We were unable to communicate with all the people who live at Church Hill so we watched the way that staff supported and cared for them. We saw that people are supported by a skilled and committed staff team, but we were concerned that there was not enough staff to meet people's needs.