Our current view of the service
9 December 2024
Date of assessment: 27 February to 6 March 2025.
Chester Court is a residential home providing nursing care and support to older people, including people who may live with dementia, people with mental health conditions or physical disabilities. The service can accommodate up to 41 people, at the time of our unannounced visit 38 people were using the service. A registered manager was in post. At our last inspection we identified a breach of legal regulation in relation to good governance and record keeping for medicines. At this inspection sufficient improvements had been made, and the service was no longer in breach of legal regulations. However, other improvements were required to medicines management and governance. Since the last inspection, the registered manager had introduced improvements to the service. People, relatives, staff and professionals spoke very positively about the service and management. Risks to people had been assessed and care plans were in place to help mitigate risks as far as possible. Care records were detailed and reflected people's care needs. Accidents and incidents were investigated, action taken, and lessons learned. There were sufficient trained staff who worked with other professionals to ensure people's needs were met in a safe way. However, as staff were busy, people were not always engaged and occupied, if they wished, and did not always receive timely care. Staff treated people with kindness and compassion. People enjoyed a varied diet. Staff knew how to support people in a way which respected their decisions and supported them to make choices. People, relatives and staff were consulted and asked to give their feedback about service provision. Governance was more effective. However, more frequent audits, to ensure and maintain the quality and safety of service provision were required.
People's experience of the service
9 December 2024
People, relatives and professionals were positive about the improvements that had been made at the service and complimentary about the care provided by staff. Their comments included, “I do not think [Name] would get the care, anywhere else, as good as here”, “It is a nice, calm atmosphere”, “The team have worked hard to improve the home, and I am now happy to recommend it with the reassurance that residents will be safe, happy and cared for” and “Family’s and relatives love it at Chester Court and it is regularly a family’s or service users first choice of home.” People and their relatives told us they were safe and listened to. A person commented, “The staff help me, I feel safe” and “The home is excellent, it took us a few weeks to settle in.” People were supported to make choices and were involved in decision making about their care and support and were asked for feedback regularly. People and relative’s comments included, “I am asked and involved, I can have as many showers as I want”, “The communication is good. Staff come and speak to you”, “Staff tell us how [Name] has been doing” and “I completed an online survey a couple of months ago.” There were enough competent staff to meet people’s needs safely. However, some people told us they had to wait for assistance, as staff were busy. A person commented, “Sometimes if you press the buzzer it takes a while to be answered” and “I wait while staff see to someone else.” People had access to activities and entertainment to support their health and well-being. A person told us, “The local schools visit, and I have been on 5 trips.” People received a varied diet. Where people were at risk of poor nutrition/hydration their intake was monitored. People were supported to maintain their independence and positive risk taking was promoted. People, relatives and professional’s comments included, “I am becoming more independent, with staff support” and “[Name] is fiercely independent, staff support them.”