We spoke to five people who live at this home, and five relatives, and all were generally complimentary about the care received, and about the staff. Comments such as 'Am am cared for very well' and 'I think it's very good here' were typical.Whilst people complimented individual members of staff, some people said that sometimes there were not enough staff to help them, especially at weekends, and this was confirmed in speaking with staff at the home, who also had concerns.
People we talked to told us that they received the care and support that they needed with their medicines. The said that when they had any pain staff would give them their prescribed analgesics and that when new medicines were prescribed these were promptly supplied from the pharmacy.
Though people who live at the home were not directly asked about whether they felt staff were sufficiently well trained, and the comments generally on individual members of staff were complimentary, some people did say that staff varied in their abilities, one stating 'Some are better than others of course.'