People using the domiciliary care service and the care agency told us that their needs were being met by staff who cared and supported them with respect, dignity and treated them as individuals.We saw that people's care plans contained individual risk assessments in relation to their daily living needs. This ensured that care and support was delivered safely. We observed that one person was at risk of falling when they had a bath. A detailed plan of how to minimise the risk was clearly documented in the daily records.
We spoke to one person who told us that their care was planned with them to ensure that their individual care needs and personal choices were met. The person said "I was involved in planning my care and the carers record everything they do for me". This ensured that the agreed care and support had been given.
We were told by a staff member that their performance was reviewed every six weeks when they were administering care in people's homes. They said, "Having feedback about how I care for people in their home is really helpful and makes my appraisal really worthwhile".
We observed that there were sufficient staff to meet the care needs of the service and staff were trained and supported to ensure that people's health and welfare needs were being met appropriately.