18 June 2013
During a routine inspection
We spoke with five relatives and 26 people who received a service from Stratford Domiciliary Care to obtain their views.
People we spoke with told us they were involved in the planning of their care.
People and their representatives said they were happy with the care provided. We saw care plans on the computer system at the office. These contained individual information about people the service looked after.
Comments received from people included 'I am very satisfied, I get a good service' and one relative said "They have X interests at heart and do what they can."
People told us they felt their relative was safe and would make a complaint if it was
Staff told us about the induction programme they had followed before working with people. This was confirmed when we looked at their personal records. Staff had received mandatory training and they told us they had regular opportunities to update their skills and knowledge so that they could meet and understand people's needs.
The agency had undertaken regular quality checks to ensure they provided a good service.