We carried out this inspection unannounced inspection on 28 February and 1 March 2017. Our last comprehensive inspection of this home was carried out in July 2014. At that inspection we found the home was meeting all of the regulations we assessed. We judged the quality rating for the home to be “good”.
Risedale at Abbey Meadow provides accommodation for up to 93 people who need personal and nursing care. The service provides support to adults who have a learning disability, physical disability, mental health needs, behaviour support needs, dementia and complex nursing needs. Specialist nurses are employed to ensure people who have complex needs receive the support they require.
The home also has one area that is used for people who are ready to be discharged from hospital but who require short term rehabilitation and/or recuperation or a period of assessment before moving to other services. This area of the home is only used in response to the Government’s winter pressures planning procedures and was planned to close on the 30 April 2017.
This is a large and complex service and there were three registered managers employed in the home. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons’. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act and associated Regulations about how the service is run. Each of the registered managers was responsible for overseeing specific areas within the home.
The registered managers and senior staff in the home were skilled and knowledgeable and provided exceptional leadership for staff. They acted as role models for staff, setting high standards and guiding and supporting staff to ensure these were met.
The service maintained links to recognised leading practitioners in supporting people who had complex needs. Staff had completed specialist training and were highly skilled to meet people’s needs.
The registered provider was committed to providing people with a high quality service. They had good systems to assess the quality of the service and to identify how it could be further improved.
People valued the service provided. They were asked for their views and received high quality, caring support that was person centred and enhanced their wellbeing. The staff in the home knew people well and treated them with kindness and respect.
There were enough staff to provide people’s support promptly. Care was planned with individuals and those who knew them well. People’s care was provided to take account of their needs and preferences.
People were provided with a high standard of accommodation that was comfortable and was well maintained. The home had a range of equipment to meet people’s needs. Where people required specialist equipment to meet their needs or to enhance their quality of life this was provided.
People received a high quality service because the registered provider was committed to the continuous improvement of the home. The registered provider invested in the home, equipment and staff development to ensure the quality of the service.
People were safe living in the home. They were protected from abuse and risks to their safety were identified and managed.
People were provided with meals, drinks and snacks that they enjoyed. Mealtimes were happy and sociable experiences and people received the support they needed to enjoy their meals.
People were supported to maintain their independence and their privacy and dignity were respected. The principles of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 were followed and people’s rights were protected. People were supported to have maximum choice and control of their lives and staff supported them in the least restrictive way possible; the policies and systems in the service supported this practice.
Visitors were made welcome and people could see their friends and families as they wished. People were provided with a range of activities in the home and community.
People received their medicines as they required and were supported to access appropriate health care services.