Updated 4 December 2024
Date of assessment 9 January to 24 January 2025. Cosin Lodge is a care home providing accommodation and personal care to a maximum of 4 people with a learning disability and/or autism. There were 4 people living at the home when we visited. Only 3 people received personal care which is the regulated activity. This responsive assessment was carried out after concerns were received about safeguarding and culture. We found no concerns. Staff understood how to protect people from poor care and abuse and told us they had confidence in how any concerns would be managed. Managers were accessible, approachable and promoted a positive culture. At the last inspection the home was rated requires improvement, and we gave a recommendation about restrictive practices. At this assessment the rating has improved to good. The provider had implemented learning and demonstrated good practice around restrictions. People had choice, control and were supported in the least restrictive way. We expect health and social care providers to guarantee people with a learning disability and autistic people respect, equality, dignity, choices and independence, and good access to local communities that most people take for granted. The service was meeting the underpinning principles of ‘Right support, Right care, Right culture’. Medicines were given safely. There were enough trained staff who worked with people to provide person-centred care. Systems supported people to have detailed assessments and support plans considered their needs and wishes. Staff had guidance about how to support people’s complex needs, such as around communication and anxiety. People were treated with kindness and compassion. Staff focused on improving people’s independence and outcomes and worked in partnership with relatives and professionals. Staff promoted equality and diversity and encouraged people to have full lives. There was a robust quality assurance system to assess the standards of care and continually improve.