17 April 2014
During a routine inspection
Below is a summary of what we found. The summary is based on our observations during the inspection, speaking with people using the service, the staff supporting them, speaking with relatives and from looking at records.
Is the service safe?
The service had policies and procedures in place to manage health and safety risks within the home and staff were able to outline emergency procedures and practice in an effective manner.
There were systems in place to assess the care needs and the risks of people who used the service, with risk management plans in place to meet these needs. People were not put at unnecessary risk, they were supported to be as independent and as possible and were able to make decisions about their lives.
People told us they were treated well and that the staff on the whole were very good.
Staff had access to and attended a range of training which enabled them work in a safe way with people who used the service.
The registered manager carried out monthly reviews of peoples care plans and ensured staff were rostered to access appropriate training and development.
Is the service effective?
People's health and care needs were assessed and their families involved as appropriate. Care plans were reviewed regularly or as care needs changed. There was good relationships with other professionals such as district nurses or GP's who provided input into the provision of care.
Mental capacity assessments had been carried out and information included about the support needed.
We noted personal profiles had not been completed on some of the notes and these could be helpful where people do not have capacity. The manager informed us these were being undertaken.
Is the service caring?
We spoke with four people who used the service, one person told us, ''The carers on the whole are okay, some are excellent, one or two 'hit or miss'.'' Two others told us they were treated well and happy with the care.
We noted positive interactions between staff and people who used the service during our visit and observed a good response to someone having difficulty eating at the mealtime. When interviewing the manager and staff it was evident there was genuine caring for the people in the home.
There was an annual quality survey undertaken with the most recent one having many positive comments with the exception of comments on food and staff name badges. The manager informed us they were in the process of taking photos for badges.
The provider may wish to agenda the menus for discussion at meetings with people and their relatives.
Is the service responsive?
We noted information documented in a separate section of the care notes of interventions provided by professionals giving input to care and were told by the manager there was no difficulty in accessing advice as needed.
We were informed by the manager and a relative of someone using the service about the support that could be offered to couples where this was required. This provision showed a good degree of flexibility and responsiveness to care needs.
Relatives we spoke with were confident they could raise any concerns directly with the manager and these would be resolved.
Is the service well led?
The service works well with other agencies.
The management of the service was praised by staff and people who used the service.
Staff were clear about their roles and responsibilities. There was an excellent range of training opportunities available and during discussions it was evident staff worked according to their skills and experience.