25 April 2022
During an inspection looking at part of the service
About the service
Gretton House is a residential care home providing care and support to 15 people at the time of inspection, most of whom live with Prader-Willi Syndrome, a rare and complex genetic condition. The service can support up to 20 people.
People’s experience of using this service and what we found
Right Support
Staff supported people to have the maximum possible choice, control and independence and they had control over their own lives. Staff focused on people’s strengths and promoted what they could do, so people had a fulfilling and meaningful everyday life.
The service worked with people to plan for when they experienced periods of distress. An inhouse behaviour specialist supported people and staff develop strategies to manage and reduce distressed behaviours. These were recorded in positive behaviour support plans where needed.
People had a choice about their living environment and were able to personalise their rooms. Staff enabled people to access specialist health and social care support in the community. People were supported to attend GP and other appointments independently or with support depending on their preferences and abilities. Staff supported people to make decisions following good practice in decision-making. Staff communicated with people in ways that met their needs.Staff supported people with their medicines in a way that promoted their independence and achieved the good health outcomes.
Right Care
Staff understood how to protect people from poor care and abuse. The service worked well with other agencies to do so. Staff had training on how to recognise and report abuse and knew how to apply it. The service had enough appropriately skilled staff to meet people’s needs and keep them safe. Recruitment was ongoing to fill vacancies. Staff received training and support appropriate to their roles.
People could communicate with staff and understand information given to them because staff supported them consistently and understood their individual communication needs. Staff and people cooperated to assess risks people might face. Where appropriate, staff encouraged and enabled people to take positive risks. People received care that supported their needs and aspirations, was focused on their quality of life, and followed best practice.
Right culture
People led inclusive and empowered lives because of the ethos, values, attitudes and behaviours of the management and staff. People were supported by staff who understood best practice in relation to the wide range of strengths, impairments or sensitivities people with a learning disability or Prader-Willi Syndrome may have. This meant people received compassionate and empowering care tailored to their needs.
Staff placed people’s wishes, needs and rights at the heart of everything they did. People’s quality of life was enhanced by the service’s culture of improvement and inclusivity. Staff ensured risks of a closed culture were minimised so people received support based on transparency, respect and inclusivity.
For more details, please see the full report which is on the CQC website at www.cqc.org.uk
Why we inspected
We undertook this inspection to assess that the service is applying the principles of Right support right care right culture.
Follow up
We will continue to monitor information we receive about the service until we return to visit as per our re-inspection programme. If we receive any concerning information we may inspect sooner.