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  • Care home

Archived: Higher Ravenswing Home for the Elderly

251 Revidge Road, Blackburn, Lancashire, BB2 6DT (01254) 670115

Provided and run by:
Ravenswing Homes Limited

All Inspections

10 January 2014

During an inspection looking at part of the service

At our last inspection visit on 18 June 2013 we had concerns that people at Higher Ravenswing were at risk of receiving unsafe and inappropriate care. This was because the provider had not planned and delivered care in a way that ensured people were safe and their needs were met in an appropriate manner. We also had concerns that people were not protected against the risks associated with medicines because the provider did not have appropriate arrangements in place to manage medicines.

Following the inspection visit the provider sent us an action plan informing us of the changes they intended to make. We revisited the service to ensure the necessary actions had been taken.

We spoke with three people who used the service and reviewed three care files. All the people we spoke with told us they were satisfied with the care they received at Higher Ravenswing. Comments included, 'It's good, they've helped me all the way' and 'The care is great and the staff are good'.

All the care files we looked at included care plans which had been updated to reflect people's changing needs. This meant people were protected against the risks of inappropriate care.

We found evidence improvements had been made to the systems for the administration of medicines within the home. This meant people were safeguarded against the risk of the unsafe management of medication.

18 June 2013

During a routine inspection

We spoke with five people who used the service as well as three visitors. All of the people we spoke with were happy with the care at Higher Ravenswing. One person told us, 'It's lovely here. I feel the staff know me well.'

We reviewed the care files of four people who used the service. We found evidence that there were systems in place to obtain consent from people regarding the care and treatment they received at Higher Ravenswing.

We found one of the care files we looked at did not contain care plans. This meant there was a risk that people who lived at Higher Ravenswing might not receive safe and appropriate care to meet their needs. Where they were in place, we found care plans identified the needs of the person and included some information on how they wished their care to be delivered.

People we spoke with told us they received appropriate support with their medication. However, we found improvements needed to be made to help make sure medicines were always administered safely.

We spoke with three members of staff who told us they felt well supported and confident in carrying out their responsibilities. We saw evidence that staff were appropriately qualified and provided with regular training opportunities.

We found that suitable arrangements were in place to manage an effective complaints process for identifying, receiving and handling complaints for people in Higher Ravenswing.

24 July 2012

During a routine inspection

We looked at records, observed care, talked to six people who used the service during their lunch, two people who used the service in depth, one staff member and two visitors during this inspection.

Two visitors told us, "The home is very good. Our family member has not long since

moved from another home and we are much happier with this placement. Staff are very pleasant and approachable. They know what they are doing and it shows in the way people are cared for. We can talk to the deputy manager and owner if we have any concerns. We have been allowed to bring in furniture and the home is very well decorated". Visitors said they thought the service performed to a good level.

Two people questioned in depth told us, "I am quite happy with the service. I knew of the home. I lived opposite and it always had a good reputation. They asked me a lot of questions when I moved here and they told me all about it. I am very happy with the place. I am well looked after and my room is lovely. I still follow the cricket and have a friend who takes me. I go every weekend. I can count on my friend. He can visit any time he likes. The staff and home are fantastic" and "I chose here myself. I still like living here. I am happy here. The staff are all lovely. I can do what I want. We have games and activities. I enjoy the activities in an afternoon. I feel very safe here. Nobody bothers you. It's not like that. I could talk to the staff or manager if I had any concerns". Six other people said they were happy. People said they thought they were well looked after and enjoyed living at Higher Ravenswing.
