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CareTech Community Services Limited - 237 Kenton Road

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

237 Kenton Road, Harrow, Middlesex, HA3 0HQ (020) 8907 6953

Provided and run by:
CareTech Community Services Limited

Report from 18 January 2024 assessment

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Updated 21 March 2024

The registered manager had good oversight of the service and there was an open culture. The service was well managed. Staff spoke positively about the registered manager and told us they were approachable, caring and supportive. Monitoring and auditing systems were in place to check the quality and safety of people's care. The registered manager sought feedback from people and relatives and actively encouraged them to share their thoughts on the running of the service.

This service scored 75 (out of 100) for this area. Find out what we look at when we assess this area and How we calculate these scores.

Shared direction and culture

Score: 3

We did not look at Shared direction and culture during this assessment. The score for this quality statement is based on the previous rating for Well-led.

Capable, compassionate and inclusive leaders

Score: 3

Freedom to speak up

Score: 3

We did not look at Freedom to speak up during this assessment. The score for this quality statement is based on the previous rating for Well-led.

Workforce equality, diversity and inclusion

Score: 3

We did not look at Workforce equality, diversity and inclusion during this assessment. The score for this quality statement is based on the previous rating for Well-led.

Governance, management and sustainability

Score: 3

Governance processes were effective and helped to keep people safe, protect people’s rights and provide quality care and support. Processes in place helped ensure staff were clear about their roles and responsibilities and felt comfortable raising concerns if needed. Systems in place ensured that staff were kept informed of changes within the service and with people’s needs through regular communication which included handovers, meetings and daily logs.

The service had a clear management structure in place. Staff were well informed of their roles and reporting arrangements. Staff spoke positively about the management of the service. The registered manager had the skills, knowledge and experience to perform their role. They had a clear understanding of people’s needs and maintained oversight of the quality of the service. The registered manager was aware of their responsibility to notify the local authority and the CQC appropriately of safeguarding concerns.

Partnerships and communities

Score: 3

We did not look at Partnerships and communities during this assessment. The score for this quality statement is based on the previous rating for Well-led.

Learning, improvement and innovation

Score: 3

The registered manager and staff had a vision for the service and a desire for people to achieve the best outcomes possible. They were committed to the continuous improvement of the service to ensure people lived full and fulfilling lives. Management undertook regular audits to monitor the quality of the service they provided. If shortfalls were identified, appropriate action was taken to drive improvement. There was a culture of continuous learning and development embedded within the service. The registered manager also continually sought feedback from people, relatives, staff and other professionals about the service through satisfaction surveys and conversations.

Systems were in place to seek people, relatives, and professionals' views on the service. Regular meetings with staff and the meeting minutes showed staff were provided with an opportunity to discuss the service and people's support needs. There were a variety of audits in place to check on the quality of the service. The audit system showed if the standard was met or needed improvement. Areas audited included health and safety, maintenance, cleanliness, people’s finances and medicines management. There was a commitment to the continuous improvement of the service and the care provided. Processes enabled the service to use information from audits, feedback and care plan reviews to make positive changes and improvements to the quality of care people received.