• Care Home
  • Care home

Archived: PSS Tavy Road

11 Tavy Road, Anfield, Liverpool, Merseyside, L6 2PW (0151) 702 5542

Provided and run by:

All Inspections

15 October 2013

During a routine inspection

People told us they could express their views and were involved in decision making about their care. Care plans were individualised and were sufficiently detailed to make sure peoples' care and support was provided according to their wishes and safety.

People told us they were happy living in the home, staff were good and helpful. They said, 'The staff are very good here. I usually shower myself. It's not that I mind the staff helping, but I prefer to do it myself. It's that bit of dignity we all need. They are near at hand if I need anything.'

People were supported to be involved in life at the home and wider community. They went on holiday, had day trips and meals out and took an active role in leisure pursuits of their choice.

People received their medication when they needed it. Staff had been trained to do this safely.

There was sufficient staff on duty to make sure people were cared for properly. People commented, 'They bend over backwards for us. I'm fed and watered and they are all great.' And, 'I think they are all great although I do have my favourite.'

The provider had an effective system to regularly assess and monitor the quality of service that people received and took into account their views.

16 August 2012

During a routine inspection

People who were using the service told us staff had always been polite and respectful towards them. They said they had made choices about how they had spent their time.

Comments made by people included:

'The staff are good '.

'The best staff I've had in thirteen years'

'The manager is straight I wouldn't worry about complaining to her'.

'I choose what I wear each day'.

'I have my own key to my bedroom and the front door'.

People told us they knew about their care plans and that they were involved in putting them together.

Each person told us they had been treated well at the home and they had information about what to do if they were unhappy about their treatment. People also told us they felt confident about talking to somebody if they needed to.
