22 January 2013
During a routine inspection
We found consent to treatment was obtained where possible and people's best interests were protected if people refused or were unable to provide consent. We also found appropriate risk assessments in place for people who used the service and suitable care plans that ensured risks were reduced and people's needs were met. One of the two people we spoke with said the home 'Was a good place to relax' and they felt staff were approachable. The second person we spoke with said "Things were okay' and they received adequate escorted leave. They also commented that the surroundings within the hospital were comfortable.
We found there were appropriate safeguards in place to protect people who used the service from abuse and staff were clear about how to recognise and report abuse. We also found staff had the necessary skills to meet people's needs and the numbers of staff were enough to provide the necessary care and support. We also found complaints were handled by the provider in an effective way and information about the complaints process was clearly displayed and communicated to people that used the service.