As part of this review, we spent time talking to people using the service and/or their representatives where necessary to gain their views of the service.People commented that they felt safe at the home and that they were respected. They commented, 'I am happy here' and told us that staff respect their dignity and respect their choice to receive personal care from staff members of the same sex. A person however answered 'not really' when we asked could they choose when to go to bed and to get up.
We were told that people have the opportunity to be involved in cooking sessions and cake making sessions. A person indicated by thumbs up when we asked them if they enjoyed their meals. Others nodded their head when asked. A person told us that they had a choice of what to eat and others told us that they thought the food was 'good' and 'alright'.
People said that they were happy with their rooms and one person told us 'I have a nice room' and 'I have my own things' and spoke about some of the pictures that they had displayed in their room. One person explained that they had brought some of their furniture in to the home. We were told that their home was kept 'clean and excellent' and that 'the girl that cleans visits sometimes twice a day to clean'.
People confirmed that they saw a doctor when they needed to and raised no issues. No concerns were raised with how their medication was managed. One person told us," I get medication in the morning and at night and there are no problems. They bring me a warm drink to take my medication because that's what I like'.
People were generally positive about the support they received from staff at the home. One person referred to staff as 'lovely' and described them as being 'like my own children'. People told us that staff 'do their best' and 'if I need anything in the night I call the bell and they come and answer promptly'.
A person told us that 'staff are very young, they need lots more training'. Another person told us that staff care for them the way they want to be cared for'.
One person commented 'not really', when we asked them if anything could be better at the home. A person commented that they felt confident enough to make a complaint and that they would tell the unit manager if there were any issues. Another person told us they would 'speak to staff or family' if they were worried about anything, whilst another person using the service confirmed that there was 'someone' they would talk to if worried about something.