8 November 2013
During a routine inspection
We saw good interactions between people who lived there and staff. We observed that people were at ease in the company of staff. One person told us, 'All the staff here are good and they help me.'
Staff had the information they needed to know how to support people to meet their individual needs. We saw that people's needs had been assessed by a range of health professionals and people's healthcare needs had been monitored and met.
People who lived there were supported by staff to take their medicines as prescribed by their doctor. This helped to ensure that their health needs were met.
We saw that the home was clean, comfortable and well maintained so it was safe for people to live in.
Staff had the skills and knowledge to know how to safely support people who lived there to meet their needs. Staff told us that they were well supported in their role and this helped them to know how to support people who lived there.
People were asked for their views about the home and these were listened to. One person told us, 'We can do what we want to do, staff took me on holiday to where I wanted to go.' We saw that audits were completed and action was taken to make improvements where needed.