10 September 2014
During a routine inspection
Below is a summary of what we found. The summary is based on our observations during the inspection, speaking with people who used the service, the staff supporting them and from looking at records.
Is the service safe?
We looked at all areas of the home, including, bathrooms, the lounge, kitchen and people's bedrooms and found them to be clean with no malodours. We saw Scothall Grove had comprehensive guidance on the control of substances hazardous to health (COSHH). COSHH products were stored in a locked room.
The provider had taken action to check if people who used the service were being deprived of their liberty under Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS). We saw applications had been made to the relevant authority.
Is the service effective?
The Respite Care Service offers people to have short stay away from their family and gives family carers a break from their caring responsibilities.
The Crisis Service provides places for people to stay and be supported by staff when their needs change or an emergency occurs.
Is the service caring?
We observed the interaction between staff and people who used the service throughout our visit. It was clear staff knew people well. We saw the way staff approached people was tailored to meet the needs of the individual. Staff were both professional and caring in how they communicated with people.
Is the service responsive?
We looked at the complaints log and saw these were documented and a formal procedure was followed to investigate and respond to the complainant in a timely manner. We saw some compliments the service had received one person had said, 'You have all done an amazing job'.
We saw people who used the service were responded to promptly when they asked for any support or assistance
People who used the Crisis Service generally only stayed for periods up to three months whilst they are supported to move on to a more permanent setting.
Is the service well led?
Staff said they felt the service was well managed and the Registered Manager was approachable. They said they had confidence any issues brought to her attention were always dealt with properly and thoroughly. Staff said they understood their role and what was expected of them.
We saw there were several audits carried out of the service, which included for example a medication audit, health and safety and care records checks. We saw where necessary actions were set and we were able to see when the actions had been completed.