At the time of our inspection the service was providing personal care and support to approximately 47 people. We spoke with people who used the service over the telephone and also visited people and their relatives in their own homes. People told us they were happy with the service and care provided. Comments included "It's a very good service" and "They are providing me with exactly what I want". People spoke very highly of staff and described them as "Wonderful and delightful people", "Caring" and "Marvellous at what they do". They also said that they were visited regularly by the team leader and felt confident that if they raised any concerns then the service would respond appropriately.
People told us that they felt "Safe" with staff and their privacy and dignity was respected. One person said "They are so good at what they do, I trust them completely".
We found that the service had completed the appropriate checks to ensure that the staff employed were suitable to work with vulnerable people.
We saw that the service had good quality assurance systems in place to ensure that an effective and high quality level of care and support was provided for people.
We looked at the care records for five people who used the service and found that the information maintained was not always up to date to reflect the individual care and support needs for each person.