25 September 2013
During a routine inspection
We spoke with the manager and deputy manager, three members of support staff, two agency support staff, the cook on duty, the cleaner and the person who was taking a session in jewellery making that day. One member of staff said 'I like the atmosphere here. People are so well looked after.' Another staff member said 'This is a great place. I believe we really make a difference.'
We reviewed care records for three people who used the service. Care and support were planned and delivered in such a way as to ensure the welfare and safety of people using the service and to meet their individual needs.
People were encouraged and supported to have adequate and varied food and drink. Individual needs were assessed where people were at risk of poor nutrition or had swallowing difficulties and appropriate action was taken.
We found that people were protected from the risk associated with unsafe management of medication because there were effective systems in place.
People using the service benefitted from a staff team who were well trained and supported to do their job.